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Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

Another week has come to an end and that means I am one week closer to starting my new job.  It was a quiet week on the blog because work has been super busy and it won’t get any better until probably February.

Aristotle Onassis-Quote Of The Week

Resuscitation: A Sami Rizzo Thriller by DM Annechino

Writers Workshop-Best or Worst Gift

I am not sure how many blog posts will actually get written other than book reviews that have to be posted.  I am going to try and get things written up over the next couple of weeks so that they can be scheduled to go up but we will see.  I hope you all have had a great week and I will see you back here next week!

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Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

How are we almost to Christmas and the end of year???  Anyway, let’s get on to all the posts from this past week.

Commander Henry Gallant by H. Peter Alleso

Whispers In The Reading Room by Shelley Gray

Samuel Butler-Quote Of The Week

Love or Justice

The Girl From The Train by Irma Joubert

Favorite Quote-Writers Workshop

Love or Justice by Rachel Mannino

A Paris Christmas by Cynthia Gail

Once again I am super busy at work because we are moving part of the business and I am also going to working for another company come the first of next year.  I hope everyone has had a great week.  I hope that I will see you back here next week.

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So Very Thankful Tag

So Very Thankful Tag

Since it is Thanksgiving in the United States this week I wants to do the “So Very Thankful Tag” that is one of the prompts for this weeks Writers Workshop with Mama’s Losin’ It.   I haven’t written anything for the writers workshop in months and since for the first time in a long time I had a free day and figured that this was  great time to answer these questions.

  1. Name a color you are thankful for. Purple
    2. Something your spouse does that you are thankful for. I am not married so this doesn’t apply to me.
    3. Something your kids do that you are thankful for. Since I consider my cats my kids they are always doing something crazy that makes me laugh.
    4. A food you are thankful for. Potato chips
    5. What recent good news are you thankful for? That I don’t have any new or active lesions in my brain or spinal cord.
    6. Name a drink you are thankful for. Dr Pepper
    7. Name a restaurant you are thankful for. Any Mexican restaurant.
    8. Talk about an animal you are thankful for. My cats
    9. Name a beauty product you are thankful for.  Hair spray
    10. Name a cleaning product you are thankful for. Lysol wipes
    11. What social media platform are you thankful for? Facebook & Youtube
    12. Tell us why you are thankful for the last person who texted you.   They always make me laugh which I love.
    13. Name a candy you are thankful for. Gummy Bears
    14. Name an app on your phone that you are thankful for.  Youtube
    15. What are you looking forward to that you are thankful for? My birthday and Christmas

Those are all my answers to the questions.  If you answer the questions leave the link in the comments so I  can check out your answers.

What are you thankful for right now?


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Lots Of Thoughts

Lots Of Thoughts

I was going to write something for the writers workshop but instead of doing that I am just going to write some of the thoughts that I have had over the past little while so that I can get them out of my head.  I am sure they won’t make much sense but I will try to explain a bit about what and why I am thinking them.  Anyway I am just going to make a list of them so you can just skim them if you want to.

  • The main thing that has been on my mind for the past few months is how both of my parents can write off their own children & families.  I have seen that I can do the same thing but I don’t think I could do this to my daughter when she grows up and wants to meet me.  I will never truly understand how they can and how I can just turning feelings off for a person and never look back.  I do think of people again but not enough to make me seek them out.  I just keep on going on and while I kind of understand that with friends I have no idea how a parent can just stop caring about their child.
  • The next thing that has been on my mind is why people still lie because let me be honest like the quote I posted on Monday people can’t remember all lies they tell so they always get caught.   My dad told a few lies about me last year or the year before and since I found that out I have no need to have him in my life.  I am sure he will end up alone and sad because he just can’t seem to tell the truth and he hasn’t figured out that he always get caught when he lies.  There have been more lies told by him than I could ever list so now I just assume everything he says is a lie.
  • I have wondered if two people can be so connected that without having talk to each other for 3 plus years that you still know when they are struggling and when they need you or someone to lean on.

Those are the three things that I have been on my mind for that past few months and I hope now that I have written them down that maybe I can stop thinking about them as much.

What has been on your mind?

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Weekly Wrap-up

Weekly Wrap-Up

It has been a crazy week for me to say the least.  Next week might be crazy as well because I might end up having to go to jury duty which is something I want but it will make blogging next week next to impossible so I have to try and get all my blog posts written this weekend so I don’t have to worry about anything being late.

Her Sister’s Shoes by Ashley Farley

Mercy House by Adam Cesare

Blue Wide Sky by Inglath Cooper

Exile by Sally Ann Melia Book 3

Beyond The Ashes by Karen Barnett

Bum Rap by Paul Levine

Part One of Aoléon The Martian Girl​ by Brent LeVasseur

Dying Brand by Wendy Tyson

Writers Workshop-Some Great Books

Those are all the posts from the past 2 weeks.  Next week I have 4 book reviews due so be on the look out for those if you are looking for a new book to read.  I hope you have all had a great week and I will see you next week.

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Changing Careers?!?!

This week for the writers workshop I am going to talk about number 3 which is You HAVE to go back in time and choose a different career path for yourself. What do you choose?  As I sit here and think about changing careers the one thing that keeps coming to the front of my brain is that I wish I had finished school and that I was a registered nurse.  I basically dropped out of school after I got pregnant and had my daughter.  It has been so long since I have been in school that when I think about going back to school now I don’t know that I could or that I even want to go back to school to get my nursing degree.

I remember when I was in college people always said don’t stop going to school because once you stop or take a break you won’t go back.  At the time I was in school I always thought that was stupid because I never saw myself not finishing school even if I took a break.  Now that I have been out of school for years and years the last place I want to be in the world is back at school with teenagers and people who are younger than me.  I am that weird person who loved school and now the thought of going to school again literally makes me sick to my stomach.

The more years I spend at the job I am at now the more I realize that I am probably going to be here forever because at this point I have done it for almost 8 years and it is all I know anymore.  I remember starting this job thinking it was just going to be something until I could go back to working at a nursing home and now the longer I am here the more I realize that I don’t mind doing accounting and things like that.

It is funny to me how I have changed and my thoughts on what I want to do when “I grow up” have changed so much.  I am glad I have the job I do and I am also glad that I think I am finally okay with not being in the medical field anymore.  It will always be something that I love and something that just comes naturally to me but I don’t think I would be able to do the job because of the Multiple Sclerosis and things like that.

If you could change your career what would you want to do now?

Here are all the prompts for this weeks writers workshop if you want to join in on the fun.

1. Write a blog post inspired by the word: guilty
2. Write a poem for your mother.
3. You HAVE to go back in time and choose a different career path for yourself. What do you choose?
4. I know my kids really love me because…
5. Describe a home cooked meal that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

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