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10 Favorite Songs

10 Songs

I haven’t written for the writers workshop in a few months and I wanted to write about prompt number 6 which is: List your top 10 most listened to songs currently.  I wanted to write about this one because as some of you probably know I love music and I love to share what I am currently listening to with others.

  1. The first song I am loving is See You Again by Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth.  If you click on the name of the song it will take you to Youtube where you can watch the video.
  2. The Sound of Madness by Celtic Thunder
  3. Wake Me Up by Avicii
  4. Timber by Pitbull featuring Ke$ha
  5. Welcome To My Life by Simple Plan
  6. Third Rock From The Sun Joe Diffie
  7. Strawberry Wine by Deana Carter
  8. The Grande Affaire by Celtic Thunder
  9. Big Guitar by BlackHawk
  10. Don’t Stop Believing by Journey

Those are 10 of the songs that I am currently loving.  I know I am missing some of them but those are the first 10 that came to my mind.  I am always finding new music and I am always looking for new music as well.  Let me know what you think of these songs in the comments below.

What are you currently listening to and/or loving right now?

Here are all the prompts if you want to join in:

1. Throwback Thursday: Choose a photo from a previous April and write a poem or a blog post.
2. Easter recap!
3. What’s for dinner?
4. Write a blog post inspired by the word: break.
5. Tell us about a local news story that’s all the buzz right now in your neck of the woods.
6. List your top 10 most listened to songs currently.

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8 Things I Am Putting Off

8 Things I Am Putting Off

This was one of the prompts from last weeks writers workshop that I didn’t get a chance to finish the post so I figured I would post it this week because I still wanted to write about it.  I hate that I don’t have the time to blog lately but that is what happens when someone is gone at work and I am left to do try and do their job along with my own job.  Anyway lets get on to the the 8 things I am putting off.

  1. Reading books that I have on my Kindle & Nook.
  2. Designing a new look for this blog.
  3. Getting post written that I keep in my rain day file for days I don’t have time to write a post for that day.
  4. Calling & taking my cats to the vet.
  5. Making an appointment to see an eye doctor about my eyes.
  6. Backing up my laptop to my external hard drive.
  7. Printing off invoice copies for the salesmen that I work with.  It isn’t hard it just takes time and I don’t want to be bothered by it.
  8. Cleaning my bedroom.  I always want to get to it on the weekends but I end up playing and chasing my nephew on Saturday & Sunday so it never gets done.

Those are 8 things I am putting off doing because I either don’t have the time to do them or I don’t want to do them.  What are you putting off doing?

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Things That Made Me Smile This Week


This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about number 2 which is something that made me smile this week.  Instead of just writing about one thing I am going to list several things that made me smile so far this week.

  • The first thing that has made me smile is this stray cat that I feed at work.  He eats funny and always makes me smile when I watch him.  I am going to include a video & picture so you can see what I am talking about.

Stray Work Kitty

  • The second thing that has made me smile this week is my own cats.  They are always doing something silly and they always make the days  better because even if I have had a super bad day when I go home they don’t judge or care what happened to me.  They always love me no matter what which is nice.
  • The third thing that has made me happy this week was getting my nails done yesterday.  I always love getting my nails done because the lady that does my nails has become one of my best friends so it is always a good time. Nails
  • The fourth thing that has made me smile is thinking back to Saturday when we were watching my nephew and all the crazy things that he does.  It is so fun to interact with him now but it is a lot more work and if I am being honest I don’t have the energy to really keep up with him anymore.  I play with him for a little bit and then I go lay down.  I just keep seeing over and over that I don’t have the energy to be a mom (I will have an MS update coming up sometime next week).
  • The final thing that made me smile this week was paying off all of my credit card debt!!!!  I am going to wait a few months to see what happens at work but I am hoping since it is all paid off that I will be able to afford to get an iMac by the summer time.  Those of you who know me know I love Apple products so I want an iMac so bad it isn’t funny.

Anyway those are the things that made me smile this week.  What made you smile this week?

Here are rest of the prompts for this week incase you want to join in:

1. Throwback Thursday: Choose a photo from a previous February and write a poem or a blog post.
2. Something that made you smile this week.
3. Write about something mean you did to a sibling growing up.
4. Write a blog post inspired by the word: red.
5. List 10 things you never knew until you were a mom.
6. Write a 26-line poem using all the letters of the alphabet, where the first line starts with the letter “A,” the second “B,” the third “C,” etc., culminating with the final line starting with “Z.”

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5 Things

5 Things

This week for the writers workshop I decided to write about number 4 which is Five Things. List 5 things we don’t know about you, 5 things you’re knowledgeable about, 5 things you know nothing about, and 5 things you believe. Lets get on to these lists.

5 Things You Don’t Know About Me

  1. I have one half sister that I am no longer in contact with.
  2. I was raised by my grandparents.
  3. I am planning on going back to school next fall for graphic design.
  4. I grew up with cats which is one of the reasons I love them so much
  5. I love all types of music.

5 Things I Know About

  1. Nursing-I grew up in the medical field and I was originally going to school for nursing.
  2. Books
  3. Writing on a blog
  4. Some HVAC things( I should know more since I have been working in the industry for 7 years now).
  5. Credit scores

5 Thing I Don’t Anything About

  1. IT jobs
  2. Windows 8
  3. Adobe Illustrator-I am determined to learn how to use it though.
  4. How to work on cars.
  5. How to use digital cameras.

5 Things I Believe

  1. God
  2. To get respect you have to give respect.
  3. That idiots are taking over the world.
  4. That health insurance companies do everything in their power to making things as hard as they can.
  5. That I am better off being single without any kids(human kids).

Those are my 5 things.  What is one thing no one knows about you?


If you want to join in this weeks Writers Workshop here are the prompts:

1. Tell us about an argument you witnessed.
2. Share a Thanksgiving recipe you will be cooking up this month.
3. Write a haiku about what you see out your window.
4. Five Things. List 5 things we don’t know about you, 5 things you’re knowledgeable about, 5 things you know nothing about, and 5 things you believe.
5. Tell us the story of how your pet came to be a member of your family.

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7 Things I Miss

7 Things I MissThis week for the writers workshop I am going to be writing about number 2 : 7 things I miss about being a kid.  I didn’t have the best childhood so I am not sure if I can come up with 7 things but I am going to try so let’s get started and see what I can come up with.

  1. I miss some of the friends I had when I was in school.
  2. I miss going to school.  I am sure some of you are shocked by this one but I really did love & enjoy school.
  3. I miss having a summer break and/or days off during the school year.
  4. I miss not having to worry about paying bills or running out of money before the month is over.
  5. I miss the few years I had when I was a teenager before I got diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  I had a few years where I did get to feel like a normal kid but then I got diagnosed with MS and I felt like I pushed back down.
  6. I miss  the times were easier.  I didn’t even get into things on the internet until I was in college and I am so glad for that because I don’t think I would have survived high school if we had Facebook and everything that kids have to deal with today in school.
  7. I can’t think of a seventh thing that I miss so I am going to write one reason I am glad my childhood is over.  I am glad my childhood is over so that I don’t have to go to high school and deal with all the idiots I went to school with.

Those are the 7 things I miss about being a kid.  What do you miss about your childhood?

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Hi My Name Is. . .

hello-mThis week for the writers workshop I am going to write about number 2 : Hi, my name is ______ and I am a _______. There are so many ways that I could answer that question so I just put the first thing that came to my mind.  I think this came to my mind the first because I have been really struggling with being a birth mom.  I am sure the thing that triggered my feelings now has watched my nephew grow up over the past year.  It has made me see first hand everything that I missed out on when it comes to my daughter.  It has also made start to ask the what if type questions.  I haven’t ever really asked myself those types of questions because I know it was the right choice and know that those questions never get you anywhere in the long run.

I feel like I always have to say that just because I am asking myself the what if’s that I don’t regret my choice.  I know that I did the right thing  for both of us but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t still hurt from time to time.  Just because I hurt doesn’t mean I regret my choice.  I can’t help but wonder where I would be and what my life would be like had I made different choices.

I do now know without a doubt that I don’t want kids and I am 100% okay with that choice.  People tell me I will change my mind when I meet the right person and I can honestly say that they are wrong.  I know I don’t have the patience let alone the energy that it takes to raise kids.  I am glad I know this before I had anymore kids because it isn’t fair to have kids and not be able to take care of them and be there for them.

I got a little bit off topic but that happens in my world.  If you are new here and want to know about my story you can click here and check it out.

How would you answer this sentence?

Just a quick note: I was looking through my archives looking for another post and I saw that I had already done a post like this back in November of 2013 you can click here if you want to check out that post as well!

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