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Writers Workshop-Pinterest

Mama’s Losin’ It

I haven’t done any thing for the writers workshop and since I haven’t had time to actually write in the past couple of weeks I figured that I would write about 2.) Are you on Pinterest? Share the last five items you pinned, choose one and let it inspire a blog post.  I have been signed up for months for Pinterest but I never used it until the past 2 weeks or so and I am hooked!  I am pinning all day long at work and when I am surfing the web.  There are a lot of fun things I couldn’t just pick one so I am going to post some of my favorites here today instead of writing a post about just one.

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Writers Workshop- 22 Things I Have Done

Mama’s Losin’ ItThis week I chose to write about 1.) Last week we wrote about what we have never done…this week write a list of 22 things you HAVE done. (inspired by Sellabit Mom).

  1. Placed a child for adoption
  2. Got married
  3. Walked out of a job instead of turning in my two weeks notice
  4. Been to jail
  5. Lived in the dorms while I was in college
  6. Started my own business
  7. Been diagnosed with a chronic illness
  8. Graduated for high school
  9. Dropped out of college
  10. Bought a brand new car
  11. Tried to reunite with my mom but she has made it clear she wants nothing to do with me or my brother
  12. Decided that I am not dealing with crap from my family
  13. Cut out family members that like to cause drama
  14. Learned to design blogs
  15. Gone to Yellowstone more times than I can count
  16. I worked at a nursing home and ended up loving every minute of it
  17. I got two cats to replace the little girl I placed for adoption
  18. I didn’t drink alcohol until I was 22
  19. I have never learned to drive a manual transmission
  20. Said no
  21. Peed my pants
  22. Wrecked my car because I wasn’t paying attention

It has taken me most of the day to come up with 22 things because I was trying not to post things that most people already know about me.

What things have you done?

Writers Workshop-My Passions

Mama’s Losin’ It

 These are the prompts for this week:
1.) Six Word Memoir: Write about a significant time in your life in just six words.
2.) “One need not be a chamber to be haunted, One need not be a house. The brain has corridors surpassing material place”. –Emily Dickinson What haunts you?
3.) Describe a talent or flaw that seems to be in your genes.
4.) What are you passionate about?
5.) Comfort food at it’s finest. Share a family favorite recipe you loved as a child.

I am having a hard time picking one to write about.  I am going to write about #4-Something I am passionate about.  I am passionate about a few things but the main one is probably trying to teach others about MS.  I just want to bring awareness to the disease in hopes that people are getting diagnosed they aren’t alone.  I know when I was diagnosed I was scared to death and what made it worse was there was no one around my age that had the disease.  I am finally getting to the point where people my age are getting it. i just want people know be able to get the support that I found lacking when it come to MS and even other invisible illnesses. 

I am also really passionate about raising awareness about adoption but more importantly I want to get help for the birth mothers that are left out in the cold.  I wish people could see the great things these women and be their for them but usually birth mom’s end up getting judged because of what we choice to do with our children.  For those that may not know I am a birth mom.  I placed my daughter for adoption almost 6 years ago now.  Since then I have found that there aren’t places for birth parents to go and get support when they are having hard days.  I have started a blog and Facebook page for birth moms.  I am also considering starting a support group in the Salt Lake City area for birth moms but I am not sure how to go about starting that.

Anyways those are 2 of the things that I am passionate about.  There a few more but those two are on very top of the list. Registered & Protected

Writers Workshop

I haven’t participated in the writers workshop for a few weeks and I thought that I would participate this week.  I chose to write on  5.) “Keep your face to the sunshine and you can not see the shadow” – Helen Keller.  In what ways are you able to stay positive about something that sometimes brings you down?  I have a few things that bring me down.  The MS and thinking about my daughter that I placed for adoption.  I have several things that I do to stay positive about both of them.  When I sad about the adoption I think about how happy they are to have gotten her and how happy she is.  I also take time to look at the latest pictures of her and see how she is smiling and happy with her family.

Now the MS is a whole another issue. I try not to think about it a lot because it scares me and brings me down.  When I do happen to think about it I always remember that right now I am stable.  I also try and focus on the fact that no one knows the course the disease will take in me.  I could never get more disabled than I am right now.  For the most part I just try not to think about the problems in my life.  I try and focus on the good!!!!!!

Writers Workshop

These are the prompts for this weeks writers workshop:
1.) Describe a job you absolutely would never want to do.
2.) Show us where you live. Not on a map (security please), but take a picture of the view out your front door, back door, or neighborhood.
3.) What makes you mad, and what are you going to do about it?
4.) In an effort to spread awareness, share your (or someone you know/love) breast cancer story
5.) If you could stop time for 24 hours, what would you accomplish?

It was hard for me to decide which one I was going to do that is why this post is up later.  I finally decided that I am going to write about #3.  For everyone that truly knows me you know that even I don’t know what is going to set me off.  The problem I have is I have a really hard time telling people when they hurt me or make me mad and then it all builds and I erupt.  I am working on this but it is super hard because I have a super hard time letting people into my life because I always seem to get hurt so I guard myself to stop me from getting hurt.  There are a few people in my life like Misti that know this about me and deal with me.  I feel bad for people that don’t really know me and get the wrath of me when I have been pushed too far.  My husband was usually on the receiving end when I was with him.  He would also do things to piss me off so that I would leave him but that is a totally different post.

When I erupt I usually yell and scream and then end up crying alone in my room.  I am finding though that if when I reach that point and just walk away the anger will go away.  I also am starting to write blog posts to who ever I am mad at and that helps even though I hardly ever post them.