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Life In The Way?

Life In The Way

I haven’t written anything for writer’s workshop in months and when I saw a prompt from this week’s writers workshop I knew I had to write about it.  I chose to write about number 1 which is: Have you ever felt that life was getting in the way of a big goal? Did you end up giving up or pressing forward?

As I look back over the years in life it seems like life always gets in the way of a goals that I have.  I also have given up a few big goals because of things that happened in my life.  I also can see now that I look back that I am just where I need to be in life so even though I never saw myself ending up where I am that it was God’s will for my life.

For example I wanted to be a nurse for as long as I can remember and because of several bad choices and the MS getting bad I never made it and I know looking back now that I wasn’t ever meant to be a nurse but when it was so hard to feel like I was giving up on my dream and being forced to take a road that I didn’t know where it was going to lead me.

There are also goals that I have had to postpone because life through my curves and when there wasn’t anything I could do to make those goals a reality.  One of those goals was to start my business doing blog designs and I got it started but then I got sick & my laptop died so I had to take a break from it and now I am finding it is hard to get back into it.

So in the end I have done both in my life and I am okay with that.  I know that everything works out how it is supposed to.  I also try not to let things bring me down or stress about things that I have no way of controlling.

Have you let life get in the way of goals in your life?


Mama’s Losin’ It
This weeks prompts:

1.) Have you ever felt that life was getting in the way of a big goal? Did you end up giving up or pressing forward? (inspired by Crissy)
2.) 10 ways to cool off on a hot day.
3.) An app you love.
4.) If you could have any super mom power, what would it be?
5.) A blog post inspired by the word: glistening

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10 Things I Love About. . .

Favorite TV Show

This week I saw another prompt for the Writers Workshop I knew I had to write about it.  This week I chose to write about number 5 which is: List 10 things you love about your favorite TV show.  Now I just need to chose one of the shows that I watch and write about it.  Who knew it would be so hard for me to pick on show to write about.  I think for this one I am going to write about Lockup which is on MSNBC.  If you have never heard of the show it is filmed inside of prisons in the US.  They take time hearing some of the stories of the people who are locked up.  Now lets get on to the 10 things I love about Lockup.

  1. I love hearing the stories of the people who are incarcerated.   I love hearing what their lives were like before they got locked up and what the believe lead them to where they are at.
  2. I love being able to get a glimpse of what life is like for people who are in there.
  3. I love learning what people in this country do and/or don’t do.
  4. Some of the stories make me laugh out loud because the people are so ridiculous and what they got locked up for is just as crazy.
  5. Sometimes they show what their lives are like when they get out of prison.
  6. I love people watching and this show is great for people watching.
  7. I love watching their Lockup-Raw episodes because it is always about things that didn’t make it on the original episodes.
  8. It is always fun to get to look at the “Bad Boys” that I always seem to be attracted to.
  9. It is interesting to say the least.
  10. I can laugh at stupid people without hurting anyones feelings because lets be honest a lot of things that people do to get locked up are just them being stupid.

Those are 10 of the things that I love about the show Lockup on MSNBC.  What is one thing you are love about your favorite show?

Here are the prompts for this weeks writers workshop.  Feel free to grab one and then go link up here!

1.) Let’s reminisce about the last trip you took…pictures please!
2.) Ask a parent to describe what you were like as a small child (under the age of 7), do you still have the same tendencies?
3.) Begin with “I wish someone told me…”
4.) Write a poem about a fight you or someone you love has struggled to win.
5.) List 10 things you love about your favorite show.

Mama’s Losin’ It

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10 Things I Love About Spring

10 Things I Love About Spring

This week I chose number 3 for the writers workshop which is 10 things I love about spring.  I am posting this a few days early because I have a book review to post on thursday and I really wanted to write about this prompt.

10-I love that my cats can go outside more often and that they can spend time out there.

9-I love watching the tree’s and flowers come back to life.

8-People are usually in better moods during the spring so dealing with them at work is usually easier.

7-I love all the fun colors that you can wear during the spring.  Not that I don’t wear them during the fall & winter but I love that I can buy more bright color shirts and things like that.

6-I love for the most part it isn’t snowing anymore.

5-I love that the days are longer and I am not going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark.

4-I love having my sun roof & windows in my car down and turning my music up loud.

3-I love all the fresh vegetables & fruits that you can get during the spring.

2-I love all the baby animals that make their appearance in the spring.

1-The best thing about spring for me is the fact that I love that the temperature is in the 70’s and for me that is the best temperature for me.

Those are 10 of the things I love about spring time.  I am sure that there are more things I love about spring but I am going to leave it with those 10 things for now.

What is one thing that you love about spring?

Here are the prompts for this week.  If you want to join you can pick a prompt and then go link up here!

1.) A time you wish you had spoken up.
2.) Easter recap!
3.) 10 things you love about Spring.
4.) Write a blog post inspired by the word: late
5.) The most exciting thing you purchased this month.

Mama’s Losin’ It

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Right Click

Right Click

This was the prompt for last weeks writers workshop and I still wanted to use it so I figured it is better late than never!  Anyway I chose to write about number 5 which is: Open a blank blog post and “right click paste” in the body of the post…what was pasted?Explain it.  Since this won’t take long for just one I figured I would do it a couple of times so you can see some of the different things I copy & paste during the day.

This is the latest thing that I copied & pasted:

Maybelle In Stitches by Joyce Magnin was a great book to read.  I loved this book from the first page right up until the end. I love all books that take place during WWII and this one didn’t let me down.

Which is part of a review I wrote about the book “Maybelle In Stitches” by Joyce Magnin.  If you want to check out this review please check back tomorrow.

Here is another thing that I copied & pasted:

This is a link to a funny fail video that I watched and sent to a friend in the office so that she could have something to laugh at because everyone needs to laugh.

The next thing I copied & pasted was the post for Monday from “Band Back Together”.  I don’t want to repost the story here so I will just post the link to the story so you all can go and check it out:

Not An Accident

I volunteer with The Band and I post the posts from the site on their Tumblr page on Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday so that is why I copied the whole post.

Those are a few of things that I copied & pasted the past few days.  What is

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10 Favorite Snacks From My Childhood!

10 Favorite Snacks

This was a prompt from the writers workshop a few weeks ago and I still wanted to publish the post.  So the prompt for this post is: make a list of your 10 favorite snacks growing up.  As I am thinking about snacks I loved as a child are mostly candy.  I have found pictures of the things I am talking about so you can see them if you have never heard of them before.

  1. Haribo Gummi Frogs-I loved these are through high school and they are still something that I love to this day.042238472556_1
  2. Haribo Gold-Bears-To me these are just classic candy and something that I love to eat to this day.haribo
  3. Ring PopsEbay_035
  4. Trolli Brite Crawlerstrolli
  5. Pop RocksMain image
  6. Blow Pops4569-DEFAULT-m
  7. Laughy Taffy-the watermelon kind with the seedstumblr_mwfyk4ynK61sbamp3o1_500
  8. Peachie O’s778bb0d99c1b52cabd2ede59179b4a04
  9. Ruffles Cheddar & Sour Cream Chips8264548_orig
  10. GooGoo Cluster Ice Cream22810WFGOOGOOCLUSTER

I just listed junk food snacks because that is what I think of when I think of snacks but I did grow up loving almost all veggies & fruits so I ate tons of them as well.

What snacks did you love as a child?


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The Best Part

The Best Part

This is an old prompt from the writers workshop a few weeks ago.  I found the post in my drafts and decided that I wanted to finish it and get it posted.  The prompt is: The best part of my day is…  I chose this one because it is something that would change for each person and I would love to read what others find the best part of  their day.

The best part of my day depends on what day of the week it is for me.  During the week I would have to say that when I get off work is the best time of day for me.  I hate driving home with all the traffic but being off means that I don’t have to answer the phone anymore and I don’t have to be bitched at customers anymore.

On the Saturday’s I love when I get to shut my door and watch my TV shows.  I am addicted to Lockup on MSNBC & Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel.  I get lucky that Ghost Adventures is on right before the new episode of Lockup and I don’t have to miss either of them most weekends.

On Sunday’s I love when I can read the whole day away and not have to worry about anything other than doing my laundry.  I think I love getting lost in books more than I love watching TV shows.  I think this is because when I am reading I can decided for the most part what people look like and it makes you think more than when you are watching TV.

Anyway those are the best parts of the end of the day for me.  What are the best part of your days?

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