Writers Work Shop

One Choice

I want to start out by saying that this post is all over because I really struggled with finding the words to say what  I am thinking.  I hate that  I can’t find the right words to say what I am thinking but this is as good as it is going to get.

There is one choice that I have made in my life that changed the course of my life.  I look back now and it amazes me that once choice can change the whole path of your life.  The choice that changed my life was when I got pregnant.  Had I not gotten pregnant I would be a RN right now and probably working on getting my Masters in nursing but I am no where near there.  I also am so glad that I am I did get pregnant because I has turned me into who I am today.  I may not be where I thought I would be job wise but I am where I need to be in so many other ways.  By getting pregnant and placing my daughter for adoption I know just how strong I am and I know I can do anything that needs to be done no matter how hard it seems at the time.  I can’t even imagine how different I would be if I hadn’t been through what  I have been through.  At the time I thought that my life was over and that it was the worst thing that could have happened.   In the end it was just what I needed in life.  I am such a better person since I have gone through everything the past 7 years.  I can’t even imagine what I would be like if I hadn’t been through everything.

I have learned so much and I also know so much more about myself and what I can deal with.  I now know that I can pretty much deal with anything and get through anything that is put in front of me.  It is amazing to me how life can be so different from what you thought it would be and yet I know that this is where I am meant to be.  I know that I was meant to go through what I have because with out going through everything I never would have learned how the world works.

Before I got pregnant I didn’t know how cruel the world can be and the struggles that others go through.  Going through the adoption process opened my eyes to the struggles of others and how things are in rest of the world.  I have found that as much as I love nursing I feel that I am meant to work in the adoption world.  I guess when it comes down to it that by getting pregnant it made me grow up and has made me into the person I am now.

What is the one choice that changed your life?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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One Tip-Have Fun While Blogging

When I started blogging I didn’t even realize that there were so many blogs out there.  I started blogging simple as something to do and as a way to keep my husbands family up to date on things that were happening with us since his family is all out of state.  There are so many things that I now know about blogging that I wish I would have known about when I started blogging years ago.

The biggest tip I could give a new blogger would be to just have fun with blogging.  When I started it was more like a chore and it was really hard for me to keep it up.  I do go through phases where it seems like it is a chore but when I just have fun with it and blog about things that are on my mind I find that can write posts without having a problem.  Right now I feel I am stuck and I haven’t been able to finish a blog post to save my life.  I know that once I get into the groove again I will have tons of posts almost ready.

When I have forgot to have fun with blogging I have gone months and months without posting.  I know when I have to write blog post for products I receive or a book review I struggle with it because I really don’t enjoy having to write posts on something.  I love when I write about whatever I am feeling like and I hate having to write about certain things.  Now that being said I still do sponsored posts and book reviews because I love books and can use the money and products from sponsored posts.

I went off on a tangent there but in the end I would just say don’t forget to have to fun with blogging and don’t lose site of why you started blogging!  What one tip would you give to someone who is starting out blogging?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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I Am

This week for the Writers Workshop I am using this generator and writing an I Am poem.  I am not good at writing poetry but since this one is easier to do because all I had to do was fill in the blanks I figured I would give it shot.

I am creative & focused
I wonder what babies dream about
I hear a fly flying around
I see leaves blowing in the wind
I want to be happy
I am creative & focused

I pretend that people don’t get me down
I feel my heart beat
I touch soft cat fur
I worry about my job
I cry when I get let down
I am creative & focused

I understand my life so far
I say the truth
I dream about my friends
I try to be happy and positive
I hope for happiness
I am creative & focused

Mama’s Losin’ It-Changes over the last year

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Changes Over The Last Year

Wow this past year has changed me in so many ways. I can’t even imagine where I would be if my life hadn’t changed that much.  I am going to write about the changes over the last year for me and some of the people in my life. All the changes has been so good for me and also for the people that are in my life.

It was this time last year that they let Misti go at work. I still remember the day they let her go like it was yesterday even though I still wish that is was just a bad dream and that I could wake up for it. I don’t know that it will ever be the same here without her being here. It is even harder to wrap my head around the fact that she has had a baby and is now a mother.

Also anyone who has followed my blog from the start will know that my daughters birthday is coming up and that always makes it a tough time of year for me. I am finding that this year is going to be harder than some of the past years have been. It is always hard to gauge how a year will be for me but I think this is going to be hard for me.

Well that was quite the tangent so lets get back to the post. Other than those things I am still pretty much blogging about the same things. I really haven’t changed what I blog about because I have always just blogged about my life and for the most part my life doesn’t change that much.

How has the past year been for you?

Mama’s Losin’ It-Changes over the last year

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What I Miss Most

I remember while I was in school thinking that I was never going to miss being in school.  Now that I have been out of school for a few years I realize that I do miss school.  I don’t miss tests but I miss learning.  I actually miss going to classes and learning new things.  It is crazy for me to think that I miss anything about school because I really hated school until I got to college.

High school was rough for me because of bullying and I just wanted to get out of there.  Once I started college and Weber State University I came to love learning and  going to class.  I know it had a lot to do with the fact that I was taking classes that I enjoyed and wasn’t stuck taking tons of classes that didn’t interest me.

I miss learning things.  I don’t know what it is about sitting a class room listening to a professor teach that makes me feel like I am learning but it does.  I really want to take a class here are there because I do miss learning.  I feel like I am wasting away when I am not in school.  I am sure that is because I never have finished school so I still feel like I need to finish.

School has always come easy to me and I think that is why I miss learning.

What do you miss about school?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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Songs Of My Life

Mama’s Losin’ It
I haven’t participated in the Writers Workshop for a few weeks but I really liked on of her prompts this week.  I am going to write about: 5.) List the songs that tell your life story (so far).  I am sure most of you know that I love everything that has to do with music.  I am just going to list the songs and if you click on the name it will take you to the music video.

  • Welcome to My Life-I first heard this song while I was pregnant and it still reminds me of my life.  I love everything about this song.  I still have days where it is exactly how I feel.
  • Over You-This song is for someone in my past.  I think there is only one person who knows who this song is for.  I am not going to get into the story because it isn’t something I can really talk about yet.
  • In A Hurry-This song is how I am.  I am trying to slow down and just enjoy life but that is always easier said than done in today’s society.
  • I Wonder-This song is how I feel about my birth mom and it says everything I wish I could tell her but I won’t ever say to her.
  • Best Days of Your Life-This is song is for my husband and it is how I hope he feels.
  • Everything to Me-This song is written and sung by Mark Schultz.  He was adopted and he wrote this about his feeling on adoption.  This song is written from the point of view of the child who was placed.  There is a song by Cheire Call who has a song that is written from the birth parents view but I  couldn’t find a video on it.
  • Fly Away-I have a post coming up on Monday about this song so please make sure you come back and see why this song applies to me.

These are the first 7 songs that came to mind when I saw this prompt.

Do you like any of them?

What songs tell you life story?

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