Writers Work Shop

Writers Workshop- 22 Things I Have Done

Mama’s Losin’ ItThis week I chose to write about 1.) Last week we wrote about what we have never done…this week write a list of 22 things you HAVE done. (inspired by Sellabit Mom).

  1. Placed a child for adoption
  2. Got married
  3. Walked out of a job instead of turning in my two weeks notice
  4. Been to jail
  5. Lived in the dorms while I was in college
  6. Started my own business
  7. Been diagnosed with a chronic illness
  8. Graduated for high school
  9. Dropped out of college
  10. Bought a brand new car
  11. Tried to reunite with my mom but she has made it clear she wants nothing to do with me or my brother
  12. Decided that I am not dealing with crap from my family
  13. Cut out family members that like to cause drama
  14. Learned to design blogs
  15. Gone to Yellowstone more times than I can count
  16. I worked at a nursing home and ended up loving every minute of it
  17. I got two cats to replace the little girl I placed for adoption
  18. I didn’t drink alcohol until I was 22
  19. I have never learned to drive a manual transmission
  20. Said no
  21. Peed my pants
  22. Wrecked my car because I wasn’t paying attention

It has taken me most of the day to come up with 22 things because I was trying not to post things that most people already know about me.

What things have you done?

Reserving Space. . .

Mama’s Losin’ It

 This week I chose to write about #5.) I have no idea where the following message originated from, but it’s been floating around Facebook for the past week…who does it make you think about?:

Note: I have been having major issues with comments on my blog so if you are a new follower and I haven’t followed back please leave another comment or email me at theworldasiseeit25 at gmail dot com.  It should all be fixed now but I will keep checking to make sure that everything is still working out!
This post started out talking about my husband and how he made me feel but I realized that this is something I need to work on and I need to make time for people I care about.  I find it funny that in trying to write a post about how doing this made me feel I can see how I make people feel when I do the same thing.  That being said I hope you enjoy the post and will stick around for me change!

I also have to admit that I am not great at putting out the effort to stay in peoples lives so they know I care.  I get so busy doing everything that I do that I don’t make the time and then when I am finally done for the day and lay down it is all I can do to operate the remote control but I am going to get better at this because I have to!!!!!  I can’t expect people to do all the work.  I think I am going to start talking to people I care about when I get home while I am working on designs instead of watching TV all night long.  I also need to rearrange my schedule a little bit so I can fit everything that needs to get done everyday.  So I want everyone I care about to know things are going to change and I am going to make more of an effort to stay in contact with everyone and get a set routine with working and designing. 

This post started out talking about my husband and how he made me feel but I realized that this is something I need to work on and I need to make time for people I care about.
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Swearing Up A Storm

Mama’s Losin’ It

This week I chose to write about 3.) Opinion post:Write about how you feel about cussing in blog land? Acceptable? Unacceptable? Do you keep reading?

I personally don’t care if people swear in their blogs posts because that is their space and who am I to tell them how to write.  I don’t swear on my blog but just because I don’t doesn’t mean that other people can’t on their blogs.  Everyone is different and some time swear words gets the point across.  I would never stop reading someone because of how the chose to talk on their blogs.  I get tired of people trying to push their views on me.  I don’t care and get tired of hearing people bitch and moan about things.  I always say that if you don’t like it then don’t read it!!!!!

This is not even close to the topic  but I think it needs to be said.  I am so tired of the  bullying and games people are playing in the  blog world anymore.  It seems that people are always fighting with each other anymore.  I will never understand why grown adults still act like we are in high school!  How hard is it to just ignore people if you don’t like them or don’t like what they say?  It always seems to be someone fighting with some and instead of emailing the person they are mad at they put it on their blogs where the world can see it.  I have stopped following blogs of people because I am tired of all the crap that is going on!  I think people need to stop the drama and grow up!!!!!
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Drug Addictions

Mama’s Losin’ It

This week for the writers workshop I picked to write about 2.) Amy Winehouse died. Another name amidst a growing list of talented celebrities lost to addiction. Your reaction.

It makes me sad to hear about anyone who dies because of their addictions.  There are tons of people each year that die because of addictions and yet people only seem to care about the celebrities.  It makes me sad to know that people do die because their brains think they need the drugs and alcohol.   When I in college the fall Sophomore year, which is the same sememster that I got pregnant, I moved into a new dorm apartment and I was living with 2 drug addicts.  I would go home on weekends because I worked at Kmart by my parents house.  I would leave on Friday afternoons and when I got back Sunday night they were still on the couch when they had been when I left.  I was going home for Thanksgiving and I realized that I hadn’t seen the roommate what was staying in the dorms for the holiday.  After I left I knew something was wrong so I called the housing office and had them go and check on her.  By the time I got home which was 45 minutes later or so I got a call from one of the campus cops I knew that they found her dead.  She was big into prescription drugs.  The night before she had passed out on her bathroom floor but she was breathing and I refused to babysit grow adults.  When I woke up in the morning she wasn’t there anymore so I figured she had moved into her room.

It was such a shock to realize that her addictions killed her.  I still look back and I can see what was happening and I watched her get in so deep with her addiction that it killed her.  I moved home during Christmas break and I have always wondered what ever happened to the other roommate.  I know she was into drugs heavy as well and I wonder if they killed her or if she is still around.  I always hoped that she got sober but I doubt that she did.  I hate to hear about other people that die because of their addictions because it is such a waste of a life.  They miss out on so much all because of a drug they think they need to survive. 

We need to focus more on the everyday people that die then on the celebrities that pass way.  It is sad that they die but they do have more resources to get sober if they want to.  Average people don’t have the resources that celebrities do to get sober.  We need to make more programs for people that need/want to get sober.

That post is random but that is how my brain works!  I hope everyone has a great Thursday!
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Simple Things

Mama’s Losin’ It

This week for the Writers Workshop I am going to write about 1.) The simple things..

It is the simple things in life that make me happy:

Going home and chasing my girls around the house

Or listening to Sylvia “bark” like she is a dog

Hanging out with Misti just talking and laughing

Designing blogs for people

Laughing at the crazy things that people will say or do

Being around my grandma who can always make me laugh


Reading good books

With out all the simple things that make me happy life would be depressing!

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