Sick & Tired

Sick of multiple sclerosis

I know I have written posts about this in the past but right now it is something that is bothering me again.  I am so sick and tired of Multiple Sclerosis right now because I am tired of feeling like crap.  Everytime I go to the doctors they are switching up medications to try and make me feel better but nothing ever works.  I am just tired of everything that has to do with Multiple Sclerosis and just not feeling well.

I know my situation could always be worse which is why I don’t talk much about how I am feeling but I have reached a point where I need to write about how I feel so that I  can at least get it out and off of my chest.  I also know that in the world of MS I have been relatively lucky as far as the disease progression goes but like I said before I am just sick of the disease.

I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.  I know there really isn’t anything people can do about this at this point but I still wanted to write this because I don’t know that I have ever read a blog where someone with MS was totally honest about how much the disease sucks.  I know this will pass and I will get back to the point where the things just roll off of my back but right now I just want to bitch about it.  I also want to let others know that it is okay to be pissed off about what the disease does to us.

I am also tired of people thinking I am lazy because after I get off work the only thing I want to do is go home and go to bed.  I wish there was someway for me to explain to others how tired I get going to work everyday.  I wish I could find something to give me more energy but as it stands everything I have tried just makes things worse.  I know if I could sleep I wouldn’t be as tired but like usual my health insurance company sucks and they won’t fill the one medication that does help me sleep and I can’t  afford the medication without it being covered.

Anyway I am just bitchy and sick and this is what happens when I feel like this for months on end.  How are things going for you guys right now????

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Stop Trying To Convince Me


I haven’t ever talked about today’s topic because I know there are people who are passionate about this topic and before now I have never been in a place where I would be able to handle any backlash that comes from this post.  I finally am in a good spot emotionally that I know I can handle anything that comes from me posting this.  Now before I get into the topic of this post I want to let everyone know that I am not writing this to anyone in particular I am just venting.

Anyway lets get on to the topic of this post.  I want to write about people in the adoption world who believe that everyone who places their children for adoption was forced and/or coerced.  I want to talk about this because I am not the type of person who can be forced to do anything let alone place my daughter for adoption.

Now I know that people were and probably still are forced to place their children for adoption.  I also agree with the fact that girls need to know that this can happen but they don’t need to try and convince those of us that placed our children that we were forced to place them.  While I agree people need to know I don’t agree with people trying to convince those of us who weren’t forced or tricked into placing our children like they were.

I am just tired of being told how I should feel and what I should believe when it comes to the adoption of my daughter.  I knew what I was doing when I made the choice that I did.  I wanted to give her everything that I didn’t know if I could ever give her.  I wanted her to have a stable environment, two parents in the home, siblings, and things like that.  My childhood wasn’t stable up until my grandparents got us full time and I didn’t want her to feel what it feels like to not know what was going to happen from day to day like I did.

I hope that this post made some sort of sense.  If you have any thoughts about this please let me know because I am always open to talking about things and hearing other peoples opinions on things but like I said trying to convince me I was forced to placed her isn’t going to get any response from me.

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Demi Lovato-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This week for the quote I really need to find a positive quote and when I saw this quote but Demi Lovato I knew this was the quote I wanted to use for this month.  I have found that lately I have struggled with staying positive and knowing that things will work out just how they should.  I am going to print out this quote and put it on my mirror and desk because it really spoke to me.

Demi Lovato

What do you think of this quote?  As always I am always on the lookout for quotes so if you have one that you love please let me know about it because I am always on the look out for new great quotes.

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Maybelle In Stitches by Joyce Magnin

Quilts of Love Joyce Magnin Maybelle in Stitches
Maybelle In Stitches by Joyce Magnin was a great book to read.  I loved this book from the first page right up until the end. I love all books that take place during WWII and this one didn’t let me down. I can’t even pick a part as my favorite because I loved everything about this book. There are parts where I literally laughed out loud and other times when I wanted to cry because I felt so bad for the characters. I do wish that there were going to be more books with these characters because I would love to know what happens with Doris & Roger but the way it was left I can make up that in my head.

Maybelle in Stitches

About The Book

Maybelle Kazinzki can’t sew. She was after all, the only girl in the seventh grade Home Economics class to sew the zipper in the neck hole of the A-Line dress they were supposed to make. But when she finds an unfinished quilt in the attic of her mother’s house she gets the crazy idea to finish it—somehow, come heck or high water. She thinks it will help fill the lonely nights while her husband, Holden, is serving overseas during World War II.

Her recently departed mother’s quilt is made from scraps of material Maybelle traces back to her mother’s childhood, her grandmother’s childhood and her own childhood. She tries to add one of Holden’s stripes to it but the sewing is not going well and neither is her life. After receiving some harsh news, Maybelle’s faith falters and she puts the quilt away and stops trusting God. But God is faithful—no matter what. And it’ll take a group of neighborhood women armed with quilting needles to help Maybelle believe that.

Learn more about this book and the series at the Quilts of Love website.

Joyce Magnin

About The Author

Joyce Magnin is the author of the Bright’s Pond novels, including the award-winning The Prayers of Agnes Sparrow. A member of the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Fellowship, Joyce is a frequent workshop leader and the organizer of the StoryCrafters fiction group. She lives near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Learn more about Joyce at:

Quilts Of Love

About Quilts Of Love

Quilts tell stories of love and loss, hope and faith, tradition and new beginnings. TheQuilts of Love series focuses on the women who quilted all of these things into their family histories. A new book releases each month and features contemporary and historical romances as well as women’s fiction and the occasional light mystery. You will be drawn into the endearing characters of this series and be touched by their stories.


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Right Click

Right Click

This was the prompt for last weeks writers workshop and I still wanted to use it so I figured it is better late than never!  Anyway I chose to write about number 5 which is: Open a blank blog post and “right click paste” in the body of the post…what was pasted?Explain it.  Since this won’t take long for just one I figured I would do it a couple of times so you can see some of the different things I copy & paste during the day.

This is the latest thing that I copied & pasted:

Maybelle In Stitches by Joyce Magnin was a great book to read.  I loved this book from the first page right up until the end. I love all books that take place during WWII and this one didn’t let me down.

Which is part of a review I wrote about the book “Maybelle In Stitches” by Joyce Magnin.  If you want to check out this review please check back tomorrow.

Here is another thing that I copied & pasted:

This is a link to a funny fail video that I watched and sent to a friend in the office so that she could have something to laugh at because everyone needs to laugh.

The next thing I copied & pasted was the post for Monday from “Band Back Together”.  I don’t want to repost the story here so I will just post the link to the story so you all can go and check it out:

Not An Accident

I volunteer with The Band and I post the posts from the site on their Tumblr page on Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday so that is why I copied the whole post.

Those are a few of things that I copied & pasted the past few days.  What is

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