Moms’ Night Out and Other Things I Miss by Kerri Pomarolli

Moms Night Out Tricia Goyer Kerri Pomarolli
Moms’ Night Out and other things i miss by Kerri Pomarolli was such a fun book to read.  Like I said in the review of Moms’ Night Out since I am not a mom I can’t understand 100% what is talked about but it did make me smile.  I can see how the things that are talked about in this book would work and would help a stressed out mom calm down and maybe even laugh.  I am going to pass this book on to a someone I know will love it!

Moms' Night Out and other things i miss . . .

About The Book

As a Mom, couldn’t you use a good laugh?

Inspired by the endearing, true-to-life movie Moms’ Night Out, comedian Kerri Pomarolli has created this light, yet inspiring devotional that will definitely make you laugh, but will also help you discover that indeed you are not alone, and that God’s gracious provision of love and faithfulness is at work in your life and of your loved ones.

Whether you’re running full-speed-ahead or disappointed that it’s Monday (again), you’ll find joy in these devotions where Kerri shares hilarious stories and insights on daily life. Messy homes, messy kids, lost pets, never ending casseroles, forgetful husbands, and the desire to just take a long bath . . . This world can be a funny place, and these stories are bound to prove it. Read a devotion to brighten your morning, or catch a few words to make you smile before bed. There’s never a bad time for a good laugh, and as a Mom, you need aMoms’ Night Out and Other Things I Miss: Devotions To Help You Survive.

Kerri Pomarolli

About The Author

Called Hollywood’s “God Girl,” Kerri Pomarolli is an accomplished actress, comedian, published author, Christian speaker and veteran of television—with credits that include 29 appearances on The Tonight Show and Comedy Central.

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Moms’ Night Out by Tricia Goyer

Moms Night Out Tricia Goyer Kerri Pomarolli
Moms’ Night Out by Tricia Goyer was a book that left me smiling.  I am not usually a fan of comedy books but this one did leave me smiling.  I am sure if I was a mother I would find this even funnier because I would understand more what it feels like.  This is one of those stories where anything that can go wrong did go wrong and it always left me with a smile on my face.  After reading this book I know I have to go and see the movie because the book was amazing!

Moms' Night Out

About The Book

Moms’ Night Out is a novelization of the hilarious family comedy that celebrates real family life—where everything can go wrong and still turn out all right.

All Allyson and her friends want is a peaceful, grown-up evening of dinner and conversation . . . a long-needed moms’ night out. But in order to enjoy high heels, adult conversation and food not served in a bag, they need their husbands to watch the kids for a few hours-what could go wrong?

Chronicling one night out gone awry, three harried moms, their husbands, a sister-in-law with a misplaced baby, a tattoo parlor owner, a motorcycle gang, and a bewildered cabbie all learn to embrace the beautiful mess called parenting. This book spotlights the unfulfilled expectations and serial self-doubts many moms feel . . . then reassures us that the key is raising kids in a loving home. Mom’s Night Outis an endearing, true-to-life comedy.

Tricia Goyer

About The Author

USA Today best-selling author Tricia Goyer is the author of over 35 books, including the three-book Seven Brides for Seven Bachelors series andLead Your Family Like Jesus (co-written with Ken Blanchard). She has written over 500 articles for national publications and blogs for high traffic sites like and She is the host of Living Inspired, a weekly radio show. Tricia and family live in Little Rock, Arkansas. They have six children.

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Thankful by Shelley Shepard Gray

shelley shepard gray thankful return to sugarcreek
Thankful by Shelley Shepard Gray was an amazing book to read.  I loved this book but that isn’t a huge surprise to me. I loved the first book and I wasn’t let down by this book. In this book you get to follow along with Christina & Aden as they figure out what is going with them. This is such a sweet book and it is one that I am going to keep and add to my collection. I also can’t wait for the next book to come out because I love the characters in these books!


About The Book

Thankful, Book Two in the Return to Sugarcreek series

New York Times bestselling author Shelley Shepard Gray captures the beauty, devotion, and warmth of Amish life in this engaging tale of family, commitment, trust, and love set in the beloved community of Sugarcreek.

Christina Kempf has always known that God chose Aden Reese to be her husband. As children, he was there to save her when she fell through the ice, and he’s been by her side ever since. After his parents died in a car accident ten years ago, the Kempfs raised Aden as one of their own, and everyone sees Aden and Christina as brother and sister. But Christina has never given up hope that Aden will one day ask her to be his wife.

Aden always planned to court Christina. But losing his mother and father changed everything—except his love for her. Her parents generously welcomed him into their home and treated him like a son. He can’t betray their kindness by admitting his feelings for the girl who is like a sister . . . yet so much more.
Pressured by her parents to court, Christina begins to accept the attentions of Sugarcreek’s young men, and now, Aden must make a choice. Will he stand by and watch the love of his life slip away? Or will he risk losing the love and trust of the family he holds dear to tell Christina how he truly feels?
Thankful includes a P.S. section with additional insights from the author, background material, suggestions for further reading, and more.

Shelley Shepard Gray

About The Author

Shelley Shepard Gray is a two-time New York Timesbestseller, a two-time USA Todaybestseller, a finalist for the American Christian Fiction Writers prestigious Carol Award, and a two-time Holt Medallion winner. She lives in Southern Ohio, where she writes full-time, bakes too much, and can often be found walking her dachshunds on her town’s bike trail.

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Most Challenging

Most Challenging This week I am going to write about 1.) The most challenging part about blogging for you is…  I chose this one because now I am really struggling with certain parts of blogging and I wanted to write about them because there are definitely challenges that go along with blogging.

The first thing I have struggled with when it comes to blogging is coming up topics to write about.  I do tons of reviews because I love to read and it was a great way to find new books to read.  It took me awhile to break into the review world but I am glad that I did.  Anyway let’s get back on topic.  Other than reviews I struggle with coming up with things to write about because I am scared to put certain things on my blog because I am worried about the reactions somethings could bring.  I have tried to get more personal when it comes to adoption and Multiple Sclerosis because I know I need to get my feeling out but it is hard to expose certain things about me and let other people in.

Another thing I am finding challenging is finding other blogs to read and comment on so that I can find more readers for my blog.  Since I don’t really have a blogging niche like some blogs do so I am struggling to find other blog’s that are like mine.  I know that people don’t read my blog a lot because of the book reviews but I love doing the reviews so I just need to find a better balance between reviews & personal post I guess.

Those are the things that I find most challenging about blogging now.  Things always change in my world but as for now those are the things that I find the most challenging.  If you have any advice please let me know!

What do you find most challenging about blogging now? 

Mama’s Losin’ It

If you want to join in pick one of the prompts below and click here to link your post up!

1.) The most challenging part about blogging for you is…

2.) You HAVE to go back in time and choose a different career path for yourself. What do you choose?

3.) A blog post inspired by the word: sweet

4.) Describe your dream home.

5.) Choose a recent Instagram photo and use it to inspire a blog post!

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Adoption Thoughts: Mother’s Day

Adoption Thoughts

Mothers Day was a few weeks ago and because it is a hard time for me I couldn’t bring myself to write this post at that time.  I still wanted to write this post in hopes that it may help a birth mom out there know that she isn’t alone when it comes to hating Mothers Day.  I never have been a huge fan of holidays like Mothers Day before but now I hate Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day is hard for me because I am in a weird place in regards to being a mother in the eyes of people in the world.  It is hard to know that you are a mother but to basically have everyone ignore the fact that you are.  I try and make it a nice day for my Grandma but in the end I always end up just being sad.  This is also one of days that I always wonder what it would have been like had I kept her and decided to parent.  Now that being said I don’t regret my choices because I know I made the right choice for her but you can’t help but wonder sometimes.

I guess I just wish that people in the world we understand that there are different types of mothers and not every mother looks the same.  Just like not all mothers become a mother the same way.  It hurts me to see other mothers talk down to birth mom’s because of the choices we made for our children.  It is also hard because if you don’t know a person placed their child then you have no idea.  It is just a hard place to be and it makes Mother’s Day hard.  It is also seemed from time to time on Mother’s Day that some people rub the fact that you placed your child for adoption in your face and think that he desire to be miserable and in pain on Mother’s Day.

Those are just a few thoughts that I have been having this year about Mother’s Day.  I also wanted to share this video that I found last week.  I knew I wanted to share it with everyone because it spoke to me and it was an amazing idea and it was an amazing video.  I hope it also helps people see that there are different kinds of mothers in this world.  Watch this video and let me know what you think in the comments below.

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