Critical Condition Kindle HDX Giveaway from Richard Mabry!

Richard Mabry‘s latest medical suspense, Critical Condition, is receiving high praise. USA TODAY says, “Mabry combines his medical expertise with a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat.”

Richard is celebrating the release with a Kindle HDX giveaway!


One grand prize winner will receive:

  • A Kindle Fire HDX
  • Critical Condition by Richard Mabry

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on May 11th. Winner will be announced May 13th on Richard’s blog.

Don’t miss a moment of the fun; enter today and be sure to stop by Richard’s blog on May 13th to see if you won.

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Touched With Fire by Chris Datta

Welcome to the REVIEW EVENT for Chris Datta’s Historical Fiction Novel Touched with Fire! We have a great giveaway at the bottom of the post and hope you enjoy hearing about this fabulous book. But first, the details:

Ellen Craft is property

In this case, of her half-sister Debra, to whom she was given as a wedding gift. The illegitimate daughter of a Georgia plantation owner and a house slave, she learned to hate her own image, which so closely resembled that of her “father:” the same wiry build, the same blue eyes, and the same pale—indeed, lily-white—skin.

Ellen lives a solitary life until she falls, unexpectedly, in love with a dark-skinned slave named William Craft, and together they devise a plan to run North. Ellie will pose as a gentleman planter bound for Philadelphia accompanied by his “boy” Will. They make it as far as Baltimore when Will is turned back, and Ellie has no choice but continue. With no way of knowing if he is dead or alive, she resolves to make a second journey—South again. And so Elijah Craft enlists with the 125th Ohio Volunteers of the Union Army: she will literally fight her way back to her husband.

Eli/Ellie’s journey is the story of an extraordinary individual and an abiding love, but also of the corrosive effects of slavery, and of a nation at a watershed moment.

Author: Christopher Datta

Genre: Historical/Women’s/African American Fiction



From the minute I started this book right up until the end of the book. I haven’t read a book like this before in the aspect that it is from the slaves point of view and it was an amazing change in perspective for me. I also can’t wait to check out more books by him. I loved how Ellen was white but because of her mother she was treated as a slave. The one part this sticks out to me was when there was a woman visiting from the north and she didn’t understand why Ellen was treated as she was even though she was white. For me that sticks out because it breaks my heart to know what other people will do to people because of their skin color. Anyway this is a great historical fiction part and I would recommend it to anyone.

FTC:I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author:

Born in Washington, DC Chris Datta, Foreign Service officer, has been on numerous battlefields for his job and country. He has seen mass graves, brought war criminals to justice and in this new chapter, Datta brings readers a stunning historical account of the American Civil War with Touched with Fire. His attention to detail is superb, and his experiences abroad have given him ample stories to tell for years to come.

His action packed life has taken him across the world from the United States to Liberia and Southern Sudan. Not only serving in active war zones but often battling tropical diseases, Datta has nurtured his fascination with civil conflict by diving into the history books and historical records of America’s past. His research is meticulous, and his attention to detail creates vivid pictures of the past.

Follow Chris on his website for updates about new releases and upcoming events:

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A Sensible Arrangement by Tracie Peterson

Tracie Peterson A Sensible Arrangement
A Sensible Arrangement by Tracie Peterson was a fun book.  I started this book and didn’t want to put it down until I got about halfway through the book. I am not sure why but I struggled to finish this book and I think it was because the middle of the book got kind of slow and I always felt like I was waiting for something to happen and nothing really did happen. I did like this book though and I love Tracie Peterson’s books so I can’t wait to read more of her books.

A Sensible Arrangement

About The Book

A Lone Star Brides book.
Marty Dandridge Olson is ready to leave behind the pain of the past.
Answering an advertisement for a “Lone Star bride,” she leaves her Texas ranch and heads to Denver to marry a man she doesn’t know.
Jake Wythe is the man waiting for her.
Burned by love, he marries now simply to satisfy the board of Morgan Bank, which believes a man of his standing in society should be wed. Together Jake and Marty agree they are done with romance and love and will make this nothing more than a marriage of convenience.
When missing money and a collapsing economy threaten his job, Jake’s yearning to return to ranching grows ever stronger, much to Marty’s dismay. But a fondness has grown between them, as well, further complicating matters.
What will happen when their relationship shifts in unexpected ways . . . and dreams and secrets collide?

Tracie Peterson

About The Author

Tracie Peterson is the award-winning author of over eighty novels, both historical and contemporary. Her avid research resonates in her stories, as seen in her bestselling Heirs of Montana, and Alaskan Quest series. Tracie and her family make their home in Montana.
Learn more about Tracie at:


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10 Things I Love About Spring

10 Things I Love About Spring

This week I chose number 3 for the writers workshop which is 10 things I love about spring.  I am posting this a few days early because I have a book review to post on thursday and I really wanted to write about this prompt.

10-I love that my cats can go outside more often and that they can spend time out there.

9-I love watching the tree’s and flowers come back to life.

8-People are usually in better moods during the spring so dealing with them at work is usually easier.

7-I love all the fun colors that you can wear during the spring.  Not that I don’t wear them during the fall & winter but I love that I can buy more bright color shirts and things like that.

6-I love for the most part it isn’t snowing anymore.

5-I love that the days are longer and I am not going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark.

4-I love having my sun roof & windows in my car down and turning my music up loud.

3-I love all the fresh vegetables & fruits that you can get during the spring.

2-I love all the baby animals that make their appearance in the spring.

1-The best thing about spring for me is the fact that I love that the temperature is in the 70’s and for me that is the best temperature for me.

Those are 10 of the things I love about spring time.  I am sure that there are more things I love about spring but I am going to leave it with those 10 things for now.

What is one thing that you love about spring?

Here are the prompts for this week.  If you want to join you can pick a prompt and then go link up here!

1.) A time you wish you had spoken up.
2.) Easter recap!
3.) 10 things you love about Spring.
4.) Write a blog post inspired by the word: late
5.) The most exciting thing you purchased this month.

Mama’s Losin’ It

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Colin Powell-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This week for the quote I chose a quote by Colin Powell.  This quote is about dreams and how you can make your dreams come true.

Colin Powell

I have to say that after I read this quote I totally agree with it.  I know that are times I find myself just waiting around for my dreams to come true when if I was working towards them I am sure that they would have come true sooner.

What quote are you loving right now?

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Tracie Peterson celebrates 100 books with an iPad Mini Giveaway & A Sensible Arrangement Live Webcast Event!

Welcome to the campaign launch for Tracie Peterson’s 100th book! A Sensible Arrangement launches Tracie’s new Texas-based series, Lone Star Brides, that’s sure to please. As a special treat, devoted fans will be able to catch a glimpse of several popular characters from previous series.

Tracie is celebrating by giving away an iPad Mini and hosting a LIVE webcast event on 4/29.


One winner will receive:

  • An iPad Mini
  • A Sensible Arrangement by Tracie Peterson

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on April 29th. Winner will be announced at the A Sensible Arrangement Live Webcast Event on April 29th. Connect with Tracie for an evening of book chat, trivia, laughter, and more! Tracie will also be taking questions from the audience and giving away books, fun prizes, and gift certificates throughout the evening.

So grab your copy of A Sensible Arrangement and join Tracie and friends on the evening of April 29th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven’t read the book, don’t let that stop you from coming!)

Don’t miss a moment of the fun; RSVP today by signing up for a reminder. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 29th!

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2014 Margaret Margaret