Audrey Hepburn-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This weeks quote is by Audrey Hepburn.  Read the quote and I will leave my thoughts below it.

Audrey Hepburn

When I saw this quote I knew I had to use it because it is an amazing quote.  I agree with this quote 100%.   This is something that I have struggled with throughout my life.  I have recently decided to try and do this in my life because we never know when our last day is and I don’t want to die being miserable with my life.

What are your thoughts on this quote?

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Whole Latte Love by Rachelle Ayala

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Whole Latte Love by Rachelle Ayala was a super fun book to read.  This is the first book I have read by this author and I have to say that I loved it.  I love her writing and her characters basically she has moved on to my list of authors that I have to read.  I have slowly started getting into more romance books and this one didn’t disappointment me in the least.  I loved both of the characters and I was sad when the book ended because I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to them yet.  If you love romance books then I know you will love this book!


About The Book

Investment banking intern Carina Chen doesn’t need any distractions—especially the sexy, guitar-playing barista she rooms with for the summer.

Free spirit Dylan Jewell appreciates the delightful universe of women who vie for his attention. His goal in life is to do good, make happy coffee, and help the homeless.

When Carina moves in, she insists on rules of conduct to quell her instant attraction to Dylan. But when her boss asks her to turn Dylan into a businessman, she can’t think of a reason not to take advantage of his hospitality.

Their chemistry is white hot, but Dylan refuses to play Carina’s game, unable to understand how he can fall in love with a woman who puts profits in front of people. When Carina realizes Dylan isn’t budging, she risks all to gain a single night with him. Will her gambit backfire or will Dylan discover Carina’s true heart before she runs away with his?

Set in Berkeley, California, Whole Latte Love is an opposites-attract romance mixing bluesy rock music, hot, steamy love scenes, and financial shenanigans


About The Author

Rachelle Ayala is the author of dramatic fiction crossing genres and boundaries featuring strong but flawed characters. She writes emotionally challenging stories and is not afraid of controversial topics. However, she is an optimist and laces her stories with romance and hope.Visit her at: Website: Blog: or follow @AyalaRachelle on Twitter.

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Raptor 6 by Ronie Kendig

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Raptor 6 by Ronie Kendig was an interesting book to read.  This is the first type of this kind of book that I read and I have to say that I really did enjoy it.  I think that it helped because I had to know what happened and how things worked out.  I grew up in a military family so I felt like I understand a bit about the soldiers.  The one thing that I didn’t really like about the book was trying to figure out some of language that Zahrah used.  Other than that I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone looking for a great summer read.

Raptor 6

About The Book

His mission.

His team.

Captain Dean Watters keeps these parts of his life in laser-like focus. So when hackers threaten both his mission and his team, Dean’s Special Forces training kicks into high gear. Ten military super-secure computers are missing-which if opened, would give America’s enemies a blueprint of US military intelligence. Failing to stop the hackers isn’t an option.

Zahrah Zarrick is a missionary teacher to Afghan children in Mazar-e Sharif. She’s also a target. Her expertise in quantum cryptology makes her an unwitting pawn in the hackers’ deadly game. They’re coming for her, and Dean and his team must stop them.

Before the team can get to Zahrah, she disappears. Now Dean must race to rescue her and stop the hackers from unleashing terror on millions across the globe. But to do so, Dean will be forced to crack open the steel box around his heart-a move that might come at the highest cost.

Ronie Kendig

 About The Author

Ronie Kendig is an award-winning, bestselling author who grew up an Army brat. After twenty-plus years of marriage, she and her hunky hero husband have a full life with four children and a Maltese Menace in northern Virginia. Author and speaker, Ronie loves engaging readers through her Rapid-Fire Fiction.


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The Hatmakers Heart by Carla Stewart

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The Hatmakers Heart by Carla Stewart was an enjoyable book to read.  In this historical fiction book you get to know Nell as she designs hats and starts to make it big.  There were parts of this book that I really didn’t care for and there were characters that I couldn’t stand in the least.  But even with those things I still didn’t put this book down until it was finished.  I felt  bad for Nell because of her speech and how people treated her.  She did at times make me smile and I can’t wait until the next book in the series so I can find out what happens with some of the other characters.  If you love historical fiction than give this book a shot because you may enjoy it.

The Hatmaker's Heart

About The Book

For Nell Marchwold, bliss is seeing the transformation when someone gets a glimpse in the mirror while wearing one of her creations and feels beautiful. Nell has always strived to create hats that bring out a woman’s best qualities. She knows she’s fortunate to have landed a job as an apprentice designer at the prominent Oscar Fields Millinery in New York City. Yet when Nell’s fresh designs begin to catch on, her boss holds her back from the limelight, claiming the stammer she’s had since childhood reflects poorly on her and his salon.

But it seems Nell’s gift won’t be hidden by Oscar’s efforts. Soon an up-and-coming fashion designer is seeking her out as a partner of his 1922 collection. The publicity leads to an opportunity for Nell to make hats in London for a royal wedding. There, she sees her childhood friend, Quentin, and an unexpected spark kindles between them. But thanks to her success, Oscar is determined to keep her. As her heart tugs in two directions, Nell must decide what she is willing to sacrifice for her dream, and what her dream truly is.

Carla Stewart

About The Author

Carla Stewart is the award-winning author of four novels. With a passion for times gone by, it is her desire to take readers back to that warm, familiar place in their hearts called “home.” She and her husband live in Tulsa and have four adult sons and six grandchildren (with one on the way!).

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A Dangerous Season Cover Reveal

Pain, joy, death, life, magic: All of it fits. Or does it…

The faery realm is in a frenzy now that the Women on the Hill are no longer united in power. The fabric of life as the fae know it is changing, and with it the dynamics of friends, lovers and neighbors. Devan will risk both her life and Kent’s love to locate her missing father. Nicky must follow Gerry headfirst into danger as she runs from the new demons within herself. Doc and Jill choose an ally in the cold war between faery factions as Robin struggles to help McKenna recover from a loss that could cripple her forever. Kristana and Langston seek answers and follow a ghost into enemy territory, while Rooney confronts the challenges of Belle’s growing powers and the path revealed for their lives.

A collision of forces could create a new order between the faery and human realms, but will everyone survive the fallout of the cataclysm?

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Chain Reaction by Richard Hacker

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Chain Reaction by Richard Hacker was a great book.  I read the 2nd book in this series and if you happened to miss that review you can click here to read it.  Anyway let’s get on to this review.  This book didn’t let me down.  I love this series of books and the authors writing.  I loved that I knew more of what was going on in this book and knew more about the characters this time around.  I have to say parts of the plot of this book made me smile because I could never see it happen but even knowing that I still had to know what happened in this book and to the characters.  This author does a great job of writing and I hope there will be more books in this series.

Chain Reaction

About The Book

When Nick and his partner in love and business, Theresa, take a client caught in a grudge between competitive bass fisherman, they soon discover he has unknowingly entangled himself in a plot by healthcare magnate, Bruce Reynolds, to take over Texas and secede from the Union. Hoping to pass the case to the Texas Rangers, Nick is instead recruited to head the Governor’s special task force. He learns Governor Fran Adamson’s major campaign contributor and secret lover, Reynolds, has a plan to resurrect the Republic of Texas. Faced with Reynolds’ hit woman killing enemies of the Republic and a remotely controlled drone air force destroying strategic targets across the state, Nick and Theresa make a desperate attempt to prevent civil war, the destruction of the Governor’s political career, and Dillon’s murder, while keeping their love intact. In his scheme for glory, Bruce Reynolds didn’t plan on Nick Sibelius, who wants the wannabe secessionist to know, when he says don’t screw with Texas, he damned well means it.

Dirty Water by Richard Hacker

About The Author

Richard Hacker’s novel, TOXIC RELATIONSHIP, released August, 2012 by Champagne was a 2011 Writer’s League of Texas (WLT) finalist, where in addition, SHAPER EMERGENCE won best novel in the Science Fiction category. He is a member of both the Writers’ League of Texas and the Pacific Northwest Writers Association.  

After living many years in Austin, Texas he moved, along with his wife, to Seattle, Washington. He likes to hike, kayak and have adventures on his Vespa scooter. His writing partner is a springer spaniel named Jazz, who helps with proofreading and ball fetching. 

DIRTY WATER, the next novel in the Nick Sibelius series, will be released June, 2013. He is currently working on the third book in the series, as well as a young adult fantasy entitled INKER WARS: THE FIVE PENS OF JOHANN.

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