I have always felt this way since I was young. I have never been close to anyone that I was related to by blood, and I have always looked at friends as if they were my family. I don’t have much else to say about this quote.
What do you think of this week’s quote by Mencius?
Just because someone is related to you by blood does that mean they are family or can family be the people who you surround yourself with that truly love you and want the best things for you?
This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about number 4 which is something you’re thankful for this week. I chose this one because Thanksgiving is coming up in the United States. I see on Facebook that people post one thing each day that they are thankful for so I figured that I would post a few things I am thankful for.
I am thankful that I have a job and through that job I am able to have health insurance.
I am thankful for my grandparents who are letting me stay with them because I don’t make enough to pay rent and I make too much to live in the low income apartments. (Even though some people think that I am staying there because I am lazy)
I am thankful that the Multiple Sclerosis isn’t as bad as it could be and that unless I tell you I have it you can’t tell because I don’t “look sick”.
I am thankful that I learned the the majority of my family is full of shit and I can ignore what they say because it doesn’t matter.
I am thankful that my grandparents took my brother and I in when we were younger and that they raised us.
I am thankful that I only had to work 3 days this week so I get a 4 day weekend.
Those are just a few things I am thankful for today. What are you thankful for today?
If you want to be apart of the writers workshop you can click here and find out all about it!
My brother had his gallbladder out on Sunday and I wanted to write about something here because I see a lack of it respect for choices that others make regarding their own bodies and/or lives. I love people sharing information with me but I get tired of people trying to push their views on me and others. Everyone makes different choices because everyone is different.
For example I know now my doctor doesn’t totally agree with some of my choices but she has left it up to me. She tells me her opinions and what she would do if she was me. I have seen a lot this going around and it upsets me because everyone makes choices based on their own lives and their own situations.
This doesn’t have to do with just health things but anything going on in people’s lives. I have stopped sharing most things on Facebook because I get tired of people judging and/or trying to push their views on me and my other friends. I came to realize while I was pregnant what it feels like to be judged and I try my hardest not to judge anyone. I know that we all judge people on some level but I do my best to keep in check because I know how it felt to be judged and it is an horrible feeling.
I have friends in my life that I don’t agree with their choices but I do respect them and I also allow them to live their lives as they see fit. There is no way that everyone in the world will agree with what you do or how you do it but people need respect their choices.
Wow this past year has changed me in so many ways. I can’t even imagine where I would be if my life hadn’t changed that much. I am going to write about the changes over the last year for me and some of the people in my life. All the changes has been so good for me and also for the people that are in my life.
It was this time last year that they let Misti go at work. I still remember the day they let her go like it was yesterday even though I still wish that is was just a bad dream and that I could wake up for it. I don’t know that it will ever be the same here without her being here. It is even harder to wrap my head around the fact that she has had a baby and is now a mother.
Also anyone who has followed my blog from the start will know that my daughters birthday is coming up and that always makes it a tough time of year for me. I am finding that this year is going to be harder than some of the past years have been. It is always hard to gauge how a year will be for me but I think this is going to be hard for me.
Well that was quite the tangent so lets get back to the post. Other than those things I am still pretty much blogging about the same things. I really haven’t changed what I blog about because I have always just blogged about my life and for the most part my life doesn’t change that much.
I am sure most of you know that I have Multiple Sclerosis (MS). I was diagnosed when I was 15 or 16. I know that many people don’t know anything about MS so I am going to write a little bit about it in order to help raise awareness to the disease and to open peoples eyes to what this disease is.
Multiple Sclerosis is what they call an autoimmune disease. This means that the persons immune system for some reason decides it is going to attack some part of the body instead of only attacking viruses and things like that. In MS the immune system decides it is going to attack the nerves of the CNS (central nervous system). The CNS includes the brain and spinal cord. They are not sure what triggers the immune system to think that part of the body is a invader and needs to be attacked.
MS symptoms happen when the immune system attacks the myelin around the nerves. If you think of your nerves like a wire the myelin would be the protective covering around the wire. If the nerve underneath the myelin gets hurt that is what causes the symptoms and some times causes permanent disabilities.
The body tries to repair the damage that is done but it is never the same. Once the nerve is damaged it won’t ever function the same again.
There are a lot of different symptoms that go along with this disease. I am going to list some of the most common ones: Fatigue, problems with walking, numbness, tingling, slurred speech, tremors, stiffness, problems with vision, cognition, speech, and elimination. Every person with MS has different symptoms. Which makes some people wonder if everyone that has MS actually has the same disease or if it isn’t a few different diseases that just get grouped in with MS.
Anyone can get MS. Women are more likely to get it than men and so are people with a lighter pigmentation to there skin. So Montel Williams who has MS is a real rarity.
They think MS has a genetic link but they aren’t sure what it is. In my case there is no one in my family history of it.
You usually get diagnosed between the ages of 20-50. I was a rarity and was diagnosed at age 15 or 16. Although younger patients are now getting diagnosed because doctors are starting to look for it at a younger ages. I have noticed though that I have had lots of activity show up on scans but I haven’t had many flare ups that people could see. In fact if I didn’t tell you I had MS and what symptoms I do have you can’t tell I have it all.
MS is rarely fatal. Most of the time people with MS with get a common cold of the flu and that is what will end up taking their lives.
There are several treatments out there that each do things differently. I am on one called Tysabri and it is the most expensive and most dangerous of the drugs. All of the current MS treatments are expensive and it makes it hard for people who don’t have insurance or even with insurance to afford.
It has been shown that treating the disease helps to stop the progression of the disease but since all the treatments are so expensive there are many people who simply can’t afford to treat the disease.
There is always new treatments in the works and exciting things happening in research that hold so much hope for future generations. They came out last year with the first pill you can take once a day for treatment. Up until the pill came out all the treatments were either shots or an infusion.
There is currently no cure for MS.
I think I covered most of the major parts of the disease but if you have questions or want any more information please let a comment and I will answer your questions!