Quote Of The Week-Robert Frost

A Life Filled With Multiple Sclerosis, Moments & Memories
Snow on the Tulips by Liz Tolsma was an amazing book. This book takes place during WWII which just happens to be one of the time periods in history that I love learning and reading about. I also loved this book because my grandma’s family is from the Netherlands and she is working on her family history right now so I feel like I know the people. I loved this book but it was a hard read for me because I knew that this book is fiction but things like this had to have actually happened to people there. This is a book that I know I will hold on to because the author does an amazing job of telling the story and of making you feel like you are there going through everything with the characters. I loved the love story as well in this book and I was sad when it finally did come to an end because I love the characters and in the end I felt like I knew them. If you love WWII and love stories than I know you will love this book!
I am going to show you the nails I had done for Halloween this year. Now I already have these ones off because I had my nails done on the 28th but I wanted to save this post for Halloween because other than getting my nails done for Halloween I really can’t stand the holiday and most of the things that go along with it. This year I didn’t want to do orange or any of the others things I have done in the past because I am just over orange and the usual things that people do on their nails.
This year I decided to just do a black cat face with lime green on rest of the nails. Here are the pictures of my Halloween 2013 nails:
I have to say that I have heard “those are cute Halloween nails” more than I thought I would. I guess you can see that they are Halloween nails but they aren’t over the top and your typical Halloween colors & design.
What do you think???
USA Today bestselling and award-winning author Tina Leonard writes with humor, sexiness, and fun. With over 2.6 million books sold, she plans to keep writing books readers enjoy. Her writing schedule keeps her very busy with independent heroines and the heroes who love them. You can visit Tina at http://www.tinaleonard.com, or http://www.facebook.com/
This is another prompt for one of the writers workshop and I wanted to write about it because my first pregnancy was with my daughter who I placed for adoption when I was 20. I wanted to write this more for me than anyone else and maybe one day my daughter will read this and she will have some idea of what it was like for me being pregnant with her.
When I found out I was pregnant I was about 6 weeks pregnant and so sick. I had morning sickness so bad that I had to take an anti nausea pill almost every for most of the pregnancy. I wasn’t one of the lucky ones where the morning sickness goes away after the first trimester.
My pregnancy was also harder I believe because I knew through the whole thing what the end was going to be. I never thought I could keep her so I always knew that I would end up leaving the hospital empty handed. I tried my best not to bond with her but anyone who has been pregnant before knows that you bond with your child because you are with them 24/7 for nine months.
Towards the end of my pregnancy my back was out and I just miserable. I did end up going to the chiropractor because I wasn’t able to sit down or stand up without pain. It took a few times but he did make my back better and I saw him through the end of my pregnancy and in fact I still see him from time to time.
My pregnancy wasn’t the best out there but it was terrible either. One of the best things about the whole experience is the fact the my Multiple Sclerosis went into remission while I was pregnant so I didn’t have to worry about anything crazy going on with that but it got bad after I delivered and the hormones all dropped off. I have been thinking about being a surrogate because I truly didn’t mind being pregnant and I would love to help people have their families. I do know that I don’t think I will have anymore of my own children but like I said I would love to help out other people.
How was your first pregnancy?
If you want to be apart of the writers workshop you can click here and find out all about it!
This was a prompt for the writers workshop or will be this coming week but I really wanted to write about it. The topic is: If you could write a note to your younger self, what would you say in just two words. If I only had two words that I could use I think I would have them say:
I would chose these words because I was always in a rush to grow up and I wish now I would have just enjoyed being a child and not worried about growing up and how I wanted to be an adult. I find it funny now as adults everyone say’s not to rush growing up and enjoying being a child but we all know that every child wants to be an adult. I know when people told me to enjoying being a child I just laughed it off because being a kid seems to suck when you are younger. I wish I would have enjoyed more of the few good years of my childhood that I had before things changed again and this next phrase is something I wish I could tell my younger self:
Because I really needed to hear these words while I was in school and recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I still remember how hard it was to come to a realization that the MS was never going to go away and in fact it could get worse than it already is. It is a hard pill to swallow that at a such young age you have a disease that will never go away and you don’t know how it will end up affecting you.
What two words would you write to a younger you?
If you want to be apart of the writers workshop you can click here and find out all about it!