
So Frustrated!

So Frustrated

I got the idea for this post from a past writers workshop and I knew when I saw it that I had to write about it.  The prompt is: Something that frustrates you.  I knew I had to write about it because I find myself getting frustrated easily lately and I figured this might help me get the things off my chest and maybe even get over some of them.  Anyway here goes the list of things that are currently frustrating me.

  • Idiot drivers who refuse to use their blinkers before they change lanes.  I also am so tired of people cutting me off and then getting pissed off at me when I honk at them.  I guess I should just be okay with getting cut off and almost getting in a wreck.  I will try and remember that next time.
  • I answer the phones at work and I am so frustrated with people I work with not answering their calls and also never returning their voicemails.  I am so tired of getting bitched at by the customers who get pissed off because they are never getting calls back.  I understand the customers being pissed off but it isn’t my problem and I can’t make anyone answer their calls and/or listen to their voicemails.
  • I am frustrated that I can’t figure out how to make Elinore stopping pooping outside of the litter box.  I wish I knew what caused her  to start doing this let alone how in the hell I am going to make her stop doing this.  If you have any suggestions please let me because we are all at our wits end with her.
  • I am super frustrated with my health and not knowing what is going on.  I hate having Multiple Sclerosis because you never know what is going to happen and what the coming day will bring.  I am so tired of not knowing what is going to happen or not knowing what is really going on because there is no way to really know.

Those are a few of things that I am frustrated about right now.  I know there are more things but those are top 4 things that have me super frustrated right now.

Do you have any advice on how to deal with any of these?  What are you frustrated about right now?

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One Thing That Drives Me Insane-Idiot Drivers

Things That Drive Me Insane

I am thinking about starting a new post series about things that drive me insane.  I will just post one when something people have done drive me crazy.  Today I want to write about idiot drivers.  As most of you know I live in Utah and the past few months it has been snowing quite a bit which always makes for interesting drives to and from work.  What drives me insane is it is like people forget from one day to the next how to drive in the snow.  I also love the idiots that drive big trucks or SUV’s that think they can drive 100 MPH when it is snowing and the roads are icy.  It never fails that I see them a little farther down in an accident and I just laugh at them.

You would think after driving in the snow for a few days that people would remember to slow down and not follow so closely but they still drive like total idiots and then always seem to act confused when they get in accidents.  I have driven to the job I have now for 6 winters and lets just say that the drivers seem to get worse every year.  I have started leaving my house super early because I don’t want to deal with the idiot drivers anymore than I have too.

What do drivers do that piss you off?

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Writers Workshop- 22 Things I Have Done

Mama’s Losin’ ItThis week I chose to write about 1.) Last week we wrote about what we have never done…this week write a list of 22 things you HAVE done. (inspired by Sellabit Mom).

  1. Placed a child for adoption
  2. Got married
  3. Walked out of a job instead of turning in my two weeks notice
  4. Been to jail
  5. Lived in the dorms while I was in college
  6. Started my own business
  7. Been diagnosed with a chronic illness
  8. Graduated for high school
  9. Dropped out of college
  10. Bought a brand new car
  11. Tried to reunite with my mom but she has made it clear she wants nothing to do with me or my brother
  12. Decided that I am not dealing with crap from my family
  13. Cut out family members that like to cause drama
  14. Learned to design blogs
  15. Gone to Yellowstone more times than I can count
  16. I worked at a nursing home and ended up loving every minute of it
  17. I got two cats to replace the little girl I placed for adoption
  18. I didn’t drink alcohol until I was 22
  19. I have never learned to drive a manual transmission
  20. Said no
  21. Peed my pants
  22. Wrecked my car because I wasn’t paying attention

It has taken me most of the day to come up with 22 things because I was trying not to post things that most people already know about me.

What things have you done?

Damn Curbs!

This is the first time I have done this MeMe but I figure why not.  I have a lot of stories that I can write about so this should be too hard.  Today’s story took place when I was 15 and learning to drive.  Let me just tell you that I thought driving was dumb at the time and I didn’t want to learn because I didn’t want to drive.  I wasn’t the kind of kid that was super excited to learn to drive.  Anyway now on to the story.  
My grandma took me out for the first time.  She took me to an elementary school because it was on the weekend and I could go slow and what not.  So we get to the school and we switch places and I start to drive.  Lets just say I was super nervous and it didn’t help that my little brother was in the backseat.  We were coming up to a curve and lets just say at that point I thought the car would turn itself I guess.  So I didn’t turn the wheel and I hit the curb but not only did I hit the curb I also took a chunk out of the tire and they had to buy a new tire because I ruined one.  This fateful day was the day I started having issues with curbs that I still have today.  The rims I have on my car now one of them is all beat up because of hitting a curb at work.  My other car I was always running into curbs.  
There is my story!  I hope it gave you a good laugh.  Have a great Tuesday!