MS Tuesdays

Things That Drive Me Insane-Nurses

Things That Drive Me Insane

This time for things that drive me insane I am going to talk about my latest infusion and how bad one of the nurses there was.  The thing that made me the maddest about the whole situation was the fact that she was a supervisor.  Anyway lets get onto the story.  I am sure you all know that I have Multiple Sclerosis and that I take Tysabri once a month to keep me stable.

So once a month I go to the hospital and get an IV in my arm so I can get the medication.  The best way to describe how the give it is to say they give it like they do Chemo or when you have a blood transfusion.  So usually they get the IV started with just one poke but this time it took 3 times.

Now if the only problem was that I took three times to get the IV started I wouldn’t be so pissed about it but the second time they poked me it hurt like hell and here I will show you a picture of the bruise that formed:

Things That Drive Me Insane-Idiot Nurses
This was taken 5 minutes or so after I got home from getting my infusion done.

This bruise was already forming before she pulled out the needle because she couldn’t find the vein.  I don’t think I have ever had a nurse dig around so much trying to get the vein.  She was digging around for a good 2 to 3 minutes and still couldn’t get it.  She then had to poke me for the 3rd time and thank god she got me then because if she hadn’t I wouldn’t have let her poke me again.

Here is what the bruise looked about 4 or 5 days latter:

What the hell is up with the straight lines????

Let me just tell you I have never once seen a bruise like this.  The fact that there are straight lines is so weird and everyone that see’s it says the same thing.  I ended up having to go to the hospital and get blood drawn because she messed up and my blood test came back weird so they want to make sure that it everything was okay.   Oh and this bruise still hurts and I bet even when the bruise goes away I will still have pain because I believe she went into the muscle and did some damage.

I pray to god that when I go back for my next infusion that she won’t be there because I hate making scenes but there is no way in hell that she is ever going to get another needle anywhere near me.  I have another Idiot Drivers coming up next week.

Has this ever happened to you???

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Changes From Last Year To This Year


This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about what was going on this time last year and what I think of it all now that it is a year later.  I went through the whole month of April and I really only wrote 5 actual posts.  The few other posts I had were reviews of some sort. Here is a list of the posts from last year if you would like to go back and check them out.  I also will list any changes in how I am thinking from last year to this year.

  • My MS Medications– all of my medication are basically still the same and since I am stable there is no reason to change them or to even mess with them.
  • Standing Still– I forgot that I wrote this post last year and to be honest I still feel like I am standing still but I also feel like I am all alone and I know that is because of how I have treated people.  There are parts of this post that are still true and other parts that aren’t because I really don’t have any friends anymore.
  • MS Tuesdays Medications That Don’t Work For Me– nothing has changed with this post because nothing has stopped working for me.
  • How To: Break Your New Cell Phone– lets just say I haven’t broken a phone since this post and I better not break my iPhone or I am going to be pissed.
  • My Top 10 YouTube Channels– this has changed so much so I am going to make another Top 10 because I have some new ones and I think everyone would like.  I still like all the ones I listed but there are some newer ones that I want to share with everyone.

How has your blogging changed from last year to this year?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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Multiple Sclerosis Update

MSIt is time for another Multiple Sclerosis update.  I had an MRI in February to check and see if the MS was still stable and if anything had changed in the past 6 months.  For people who have been following my MS journey for me to have been basically in remission for the past 5 years is huge.  The disease has always been super active so Tysabri is definitely the medication I need to be on now.

We also discussed a couple of the new treatments that there are for MS and she gave me her thoughts on them and we also decided that since Tysabri is working for me that we won’t even consider changing treatments unless for some reason Tysabri stops working for me.  I personally don’t like what I have read and a few of the things she has told me about the medications that are now in pill form so I am not willing to give them a shot right now.

This is a short update but that is because nothing is going on and I hope to keep it that way.  I am going to write a post about what an infusion day is like for me so be on the look out for that in the next couple of weeks.

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Things That Drive Me Insane-Insurance Companies

Things That Drive Me Insane


I am sure everyone knows that I have Multiple Sclerosis and because  of the medication I use to treat it I have to get MRI’s every 6 months. I had my latest MRI on Saturday the 16th of February.  I received a call on the Friday before my MRI from my health insurance company and all I could think was great now what is their deal.

For a little back story I have always had problems with insurance companies.  It always seems like since they have to pay out for me they tend to give me the run around and what not.  One time a few years ago I actually had an insurance company make everyone that they paid money to send the money back to them and then I had to fight with them in order to get them to pay for the claims that they requested the money back for.  Lets just say that fixing the mess took over a year and I am still sure I paid to much on a few of the claims because I just got tired of fighting with them about it all.

Anyway back to the story  when I answered the phone they basically wanted me to change the place of my MRI because the place I was getting it done at wasn’t one of their preferred providers.  I was dumbfounded because  I was having the MRI the next  day and I know enough to know that there is no way that there would be an opening on a Saturday to get a MRI if most places even do MRI’s on Saturdays.

I understand why they called about it but they didn’t have to give me hard time when I told them that I was okay with paying more because my doctor works out of the hospital and it is easier for me to keep track of my records and what not if everything is done in the same spot.  I get that they want to save me money but if I am okay with paying more than they really should just say okay and get off the phone.

I am glad they were trying to save me money and everything but in the end if I am okay spending more money then just leave it alone.  I may spend more money for the MRI but it means that I don’t have to worry about my doctor getting the results or anything like that because she will be able to just pull them up in the computer.  I have had the scans done at other places before and it always turns into a big hassle when it comes to getting the results and things like that.  So that is the latest thing that drove me insane.

What is driving you insane this week?

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Mulitple Sclerosis Update

Mulitple Sclerosis UpdateIt has been quite awhile since I have written and update about Multiple Sclerosis and what has been going with that.  I had an MRI at the end of August and it showed that I am still 100% stable which is amazing for me.  The MS has always been very active in me so that fact that I have been stable for about 4 years or so now is huge for me.  I know it has everything to do with the Tysabri and that makes it all worth it for me.

While I was at my doctors appointment she asked me is I wanted to get tested for the JC virus, which for those people who don’t know it is what cause people on Tysabri to get PML.  I told her no because I won’t stop taking Tysabri so I really don’t want to worry about it if I do have the JC virus.  She did tell me that if and when I do have another relapse I will have to get the test done to rule out that  I haven’t developed PML.  My chances of developing it now that I have been on it for about 4 years is really low so I am not worrying about it all.

Other than that there hasn’t been any changes.  I still have ups and downs when it comes to how I feel and things like that but that is pretty normal.  So there isn’t much else I can say.  I am stable and doing pretty well.

If you have any questions please let me know!