Saturday’s With Melissa

I am not sure if anyone remembers my friend Melissa who passed away last year.  She had a blog that I was an author so before her hosting ran out I made sure that I downloaded all of her posts so that they wouldn’t be lost.  I loved her writing and I know so many people through out the country loved to read what she wrote as well.  I have decided that every once in awhile that I would find one of her posts and post it here because I know I can still learn from what she wrote and I think you guys can learn from it as well.  I am in no way taking credit for the things she wrote.  They are her words and as I have read through some of her posts I can’t help but smile because of who she was.

Enjoy and let me know if you would like to read more of her writing.


Is there anyone you owe an apology to? Have you been neglectful in saying thank you to someone? Have you let some one know how much you appreciate them? I think it would be safe to say that almost all of us have failed to give an apology, forgotten to say thank you, and not told somebody how much we appreciated them. It happens with our families, coworkers, friends, and people we don’t know but interact with on a daily basis.

It often hurts and/or disappoints us when others fail to express their appreciation for a sacrifice we have made or service we have given. Guess what? We often hurt and/or disappoint others for the same reasons.

Most of us are very good at expressing our disapproval verbally and physically, but for some reason we often fail to share words of encouragement and appreciation. We have plenty of excuses for why we didn’t – there was not enough time, we forgot, we just did know what to say.

I have learned a couple if things about giving an apology, saying thank you, and expressing appreciation:

1. It only takes 30 seconds.

2. As long as you mean what you say, it does not matter how pretty it sounds.

Some examples:

Thank you. I know this was a sacrifice of your time, your emotion, and your finances.

I appreciate you. You have really gone out of your way to support me.

I apologize. Sometimes I get too busy and caught up in my own stuff that I am inconsiderate of others. I’m sorry.

Life is short. We have a very limited amount of time to say the important things. The words we let go unsaid, are often the ones that hurt is the most.


This post was written by Melissa from Sugar Filled Emotions who passed away last year.   Please ask before you take any part of this post because it is copyrighted to her.

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Songs Of My Life

Mama’s Losin’ It
I haven’t participated in the Writers Workshop for a few weeks but I really liked on of her prompts this week.  I am going to write about: 5.) List the songs that tell your life story (so far).  I am sure most of you know that I love everything that has to do with music.  I am just going to list the songs and if you click on the name it will take you to the music video.

  • Welcome to My Life-I first heard this song while I was pregnant and it still reminds me of my life.  I love everything about this song.  I still have days where it is exactly how I feel.
  • Over You-This song is for someone in my past.  I think there is only one person who knows who this song is for.  I am not going to get into the story because it isn’t something I can really talk about yet.
  • In A Hurry-This song is how I am.  I am trying to slow down and just enjoy life but that is always easier said than done in today’s society.
  • I Wonder-This song is how I feel about my birth mom and it says everything I wish I could tell her but I won’t ever say to her.
  • Best Days of Your Life-This is song is for my husband and it is how I hope he feels.
  • Everything to Me-This song is written and sung by Mark Schultz.  He was adopted and he wrote this about his feeling on adoption.  This song is written from the point of view of the child who was placed.  There is a song by Cheire Call who has a song that is written from the birth parents view but I  couldn’t find a video on it.
  • Fly Away-I have a post coming up on Monday about this song so please make sure you come back and see why this song applies to me.

These are the first 7 songs that came to mind when I saw this prompt.

Do you like any of them?

What songs tell you life story?

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MS Tuesday-Depression & Anxiety

I am going to talk about depression and anxiety which are two  Multiple Sclerosis symptoms that have be living with for the past couple of years.  Growing up never had an issue with anxiety and what issue I did have with depression I was able to control and I didn’t have to take medication for it.

About two years ago I had to get on medication for depression because I literally could barely function at work and I was always on edge.  After I started the medication it helped but I noticed I could no longer handle things that I used to love to do.

For example I have always loved being alone.  My grandparents went on a cruise for 10 days last month and I was so anxious because I was home alone most of the time.  The day after they left I literally sat in my room because I was so anxious.  I also found myself checking the door locks a hundred times where as when they are home I never check them unless I have to get up and let one of the cats in.

I believe that in my case my depression and anxiety are cause by the MS.  I know that not everyone with MS will have both of these symptoms and that some people who have these symptoms but not have MS.

Before I started on Tysabri when I would have MRI’s to check and see what the disease was doing I always had active lesions but I rarely had any symptoms.  I believe that while I at the time didn’t show any outward symptoms that those active lesions are what caused my anxiety and depression issues that I currently struggle with.

Right now I take Zoloft for the depression and I don’t treat the anxiety because I have learned how to talk myself through it.  I also have found that removing myself from the situation that is causing the anxiety is a great way for me to cope with it as well.

I received the book called “It’s Not All in Your Head: Anxiety, Depression, Mood Swings, and Multiple Sclerosis” by Patricia Farrell.  I can’t remember the site where I was signed up and got the book for free but from the little bit of it that I have read it can’t wait to read more of it.

I would recommend the book to anyone with MS or anyone that has a family member or friend with MS.  Once I am finished with it I will for sure write a review and I think I will give it away to someone with MS.

In the end I want people to know that is you have developed anxiety or depression that you aren’t alone and don’t be afraid to ask for help.  At first it was hard for me to ask the doctor about it and start the medication but the more I learn about MS and what it can cause I understand why I have had to go on medication.

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