Nicolas Chamfort-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The WeekThis weeks quote is by Nicolas Chamfort.

Nicolas Chamfort

I loved this quote when I saw it because for me this is 100% true.  I don’t know what I every really go a day without laughing about one thing or another.  There is always something that you can find to laugh about and it always makes my day better when I do get to laugh about one thing or another.  Most of the things I laugh about only happen because my Grandma is always saying or doing something that makes me laugh but that is 100% okay with me.

What do you think? Do you agree or disagree?

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The Ultimate Party on G+ #theultimateparty

This month I am a co-host for The Ultimate Party on Google+!

Every week Tammy from The Ultimate Linky, Tammy from My Life Abundant, Elizabeth from Positive Kismet, and Kim from KidPep are the hosts of this party; and this month the three cohosts for the party are Amanda from Old House to New House who is a permanent co-host, Tara from Anything and Everything, and Margaret from The World as I See It.

Please click on the links below and follow (circle) your hosts and co-hosts on G+:

I was so excited when I saw they still needed hosts for July because this has been a great way to gain new followers on G+ and it also brings so much traffic to my site every week.  It also is a great way to find new blogs to read.

Here are some reasons why doing a G+ party on Friday is The Ultimate Party:

  1. Posting on G+ helps with SEO optimization.
  2. Posting on G+ helps your posts get ranked higher in Google’s search engine.
  3. Friday is supposed to be the best time for interaction on G+, specifically between 11a.m. – 2 p.m. and 7 – 10 p.m. The linky will remain open until 8 p.m. Please link up as early as possible so that you get the most interaction on your posts.
  4. To help you gain more followers on G+.
  5. To interact with and to get to know other bloggers. For most parties you follow people but never interact. Here you get to see who has the same interests/niche as you do!
  6. BECAUSE IT’S FUN!! Why do a party if it isn’t going to be fun?

The Ultimate Party on G+

Here is a little extra information for this party:

  1. You can follow our G+ page (The Ultimate Party) if you want to see our updates. We also send out an event invitation to everyone who follows the page. So please follow it to get a reminder.
  2. If you wish, you can follow our Pinterest board called The Ultimate Party where all of your hosts can pin your great posts.
  3. Optional: You can include your pin URL that coincides with your post on G+ so that others can pin it if they want to do so. If you repin the pin, please try to remember to include the hashtag #theultimateparty in the pin description.
  4. We would love it if you grabbed our button!
The Ultimate Linky

If you would like to be considered to be a co-host, please contact Tammy from The Ultimate Linky HERE or let us know on The Ultimate Party Google+ page.

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Life In The Way?

Life In The Way

I haven’t written anything for writer’s workshop in months and when I saw a prompt from this week’s writers workshop I knew I had to write about it.  I chose to write about number 1 which is: Have you ever felt that life was getting in the way of a big goal? Did you end up giving up or pressing forward?

As I look back over the years in life it seems like life always gets in the way of a goals that I have.  I also have given up a few big goals because of things that happened in my life.  I also can see now that I look back that I am just where I need to be in life so even though I never saw myself ending up where I am that it was God’s will for my life.

For example I wanted to be a nurse for as long as I can remember and because of several bad choices and the MS getting bad I never made it and I know looking back now that I wasn’t ever meant to be a nurse but when it was so hard to feel like I was giving up on my dream and being forced to take a road that I didn’t know where it was going to lead me.

There are also goals that I have had to postpone because life through my curves and when there wasn’t anything I could do to make those goals a reality.  One of those goals was to start my business doing blog designs and I got it started but then I got sick & my laptop died so I had to take a break from it and now I am finding it is hard to get back into it.

So in the end I have done both in my life and I am okay with that.  I know that everything works out how it is supposed to.  I also try not to let things bring me down or stress about things that I have no way of controlling.

Have you let life get in the way of goals in your life?


Mama’s Losin’ It
This weeks prompts:

1.) Have you ever felt that life was getting in the way of a big goal? Did you end up giving up or pressing forward? (inspired by Crissy)
2.) 10 ways to cool off on a hot day.
3.) An app you love.
4.) If you could have any super mom power, what would it be?
5.) A blog post inspired by the word: glistening

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Hidden Under Her Heart by Rachelle Ayala

Book Review Graphic

Hidden Under Her Heart by Rachelle Ayala was a fun book to read.  I realized that I had already read part of this book because it is part of the boxed set called Chance for Love.  Getting this one to review again gave me a reason to finally sit down and finish this book.  I did feel that at times this book was rushed and I couldn’t see things happening that fast in the real world but that didn’t really make me not like this story.  This is a sweet story and I would recommend it to anyone who loves to read books like I do.  I would recommend just buying the box set though and reading all 3 books in the series.

Hidden Under Her Heart

About The Book

Maryanne Torres has sworn off sex. Intent on finding a marrying man, she joins a church youth group. A party at her pastor’s house turns into a drinking binge, and Maryanne is raped.

Lucas Knight’s only concern was winning the Ironman Triathlon until the morning he finds Maryanne unconscious in the church parking lot. He becomes the prime suspect, even though Maryanne cannot identify her attacker.

Maryanne wants justice but the identity of her rapist is hidden in the baby she plans to abort. A trap is set. Lucas races to clear his name and keep Maryanne’s secret from drowning her and her baby.

[this version has 11 pt font and smaller margins, more economical price]


About The Author

Rachelle Ayala is the author of dramatic fiction crossing genres and boundaries featuring strong but flawed characters. She writes emotionally challenging stories and is not afraid of controversial topics. However, she is an optimist and laces her stories with romance and hope.

Visit her at: Website: Blog: or follow @AyalaRachelle on Twitter.

Buy Your Copy Here!

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My 5 Favorite Movies

5 Favorite Movies

I have finally slowed down with book reviews so I can now get back to posting about things other than only reviews.  I do love posting reviews on books but it does get old quickly.  Anyway today I am going to talk about my top 5 favorite movies.  This was hard for me to decided because I love so many movies but I did manage to get the list down to just 5.

  1.  Apollo 13-I have loved this movie since the first time that I saw it and I honestly don’t think that I will ever not watch this movie.  I am pretty sure that I could quote every line in this movie because I have watched it that many times.apollo
  2. Liar Liar-I still find myself quoting this movie all the time and it is one movie that I know will always have a place in my movie collection.Liar Liar
  3. Heritage by Celtic Thunder-I just randomly picked one of the Celtic Thunder DVD’s that I have and this one was the one.  I love all of their DVD’s and I hope that one day I will be able to see them live because I love their music & their DVD’s of the shows.Celtic-Thunder-Heritage-CD-Cover-celtic-thunder-17862030-300-300
  4. Short Circuit-This is a classic movie in my opinion and one that I am so glad I was able to find on DVD awhile back because it always makes me smile and it such a great movie for all ages to watch.Short-Circuit-Movie-Poster
  5. Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire-This Harry Potter movie was my favorite book and I also loved the movie. I like all of the Harry Potter movies & books but this one stands out among all of them for me.harry-potter-and-the-goblet-of-fire-cast-and-actors-in-this-movie-u2

Those are my top 5 movies.  There are hundreds more that I love as well but I wanted to just stick to the top 5 ones that I would chose to watch over and over again.

What movies do you love or do you want to recommend me to check out?

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