The Butterfly and the Violin by Kristy Cambron

Book Review GraphicThe Butterfly and the Violin by Kristy Cambron was an amazing book.  I do have to say that this book was hard for me to get through at certain parts because of how the story goes but that also is another reason that I loved the book.  I love all books from the WWII time period and this book didn’t let me down at all.  If you are going to read this book be prepared for it have sad parts but I wouldn’t let those parts stop me from reading this book.  It is one that I am going to keep in my collection because I loved it that much.

The Butterfly & the Violin

About The Book

A mysterious painting breathes hope and beauty into the darkest corners of Auschwitz—and the loneliest hearts of Manhattan.

Manhattan art dealer Sera James watched her world crumble at the altar two years ago, and her heart is still fragile. Her desire for distraction reignites a passion for a mysterious portrait she first saw as a young girl—a painting of a young violinist with piercing blue eyes.

In her search for the painting, Sera crosses paths with William Hanover, the grandson of a wealthy California real estate mogul, who may be the key to uncovering the hidden masterpiece. Together, Sera and William slowly unravel the story behind the painting’s subject: Austrian violinist Adele Von Bron.

A darling of the Austrian aristocracy, talented violinist, and daughter to a high-ranking member of the Third Reich, Adele risks everything when she begins smuggling Jews out of Vienna. In a heartbeat, her life of prosperity and privilege dissolves into a world of starvation and barbed wire.

As Sera untangles the secrets behind the painting, she finds beauty in the most unlikely of places: in the grim camps of Auschwitz and in the inner recesses of her own troubled heart.

Kristy Cambron

About The Author

Kristy Cambron has been fascinated with the WWII era since hearing her grandfather’s stories of the war. She holds an art history degree from Indiana University and received the Outstanding Art History Student Award. Kristy writes WWII and Regency era fiction and has placed first in the 2013 NTRWA Great Expectations and 2012 FCRW Beacon contests, and is a 2013 Laurie finalist. Kristy makes her home in Indiana with her husband and three football-loving sons.

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Blog Update

Blog UpdateI don’t know the last time I did an update post for this blog and since I have a few things I wanted to let everyone know and I have a few questions I would like answered I figured now was the time to write one.

First thing I wanted to let everyone know is that I put a donate button on my sidebar. I did this because I could really use money to help pay for hosting and other up keep items. So if you would like to donate feel free but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I have always hated asking for money but I figured I would write about it once and then leave it at that.

Second thing is I wanted to let everyone know I am working on a new design for this blog because I am ready for a change. I am not sure how many people were around when I was still blogging on Blogger but I used to change my designs all the time because it was so much easier. Ever since I have moved to wordpress I have only had one other design so I am really due for another design. I will be working on it and rolling it out slowly so keep an eye out for that.

Instead of just listing questions I created this form using Google Documents because I figured it would be easier for me to track answers to the questions so if you have a few minutes I would love for you to answers the questions and let me know what you think.

Thank you all for taking the time to read my blog and comment. You will never know how much it means to me!

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Deadly Assets by Wendy Tyson

deadly assets buttonDeadly Assets by Wendy Tyson was an amazing book.  I love books like this one and I wasn’t let down to say the least.  From the day I started it I didn’t want to put the book down until I had finished reading it.  I loved everything about this book.  The author did a great job of keeping my attention and making me like all the characters in the book.  The book also kept me wondering what was going to happen next which is always a good thing for me.  There are some books that I know what is going to happen before it happens but this one wasn’t one of them!  If you love mystery/suspense books than this one is for you!

deadly-assets-194x300About The Book

An eccentric Italian heiress from the Finger Lakes. An eighteen-year-old pop star from Scranton, Pennsylvania. Allison Campbell’s latest clients seem worlds apart in every respect, except one: Both women disappear on the same day. And Allison’s colleague Vaughn is the last to have seen each.

Allison’s search for a connection uncovers an intricate web of family secrets, corporate transgressions and an age-old rivalry that crosses continents. The closer Allison gets to the truth, the deadlier her quest becomes. All paths lead back to a sinister Finger Lakes estate and the suicide of a woman thirty years earlier. Allison soon realizes the lives of her clients and the safety of those closest to her aren’t the only things at stake.

wendy tyson

About The Author

Wendy Tyson is a corporate lawyer and former therapist whose background has inspired her mysteries and thrillers.  She’s the author of three crime novels.  Her latest, DEADLY ASSETS, the second Allison Campbell mystery, was released on July 22.  The first Campbell novel, KILLER IMAGE, was named by as one of the ten best mysteries for book clubs in 2014.  She’s also written THE SEDUCTION OF MIRIAM CROSS.  Wendy lives near Philadelphia with her husband, three sons and two muses, dogs Molly and Driggs.

 Find Wendy at:




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Valerie Bertinelli-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This weeks quote is by Valerie Bertinelli.

Valerie Bertinelli

I chose this quote by Valerie Bertinelli because I have a great deal of stress going on at work right now and I loved what it said.  I am trying to not let the stress get to me too much because there isn’t anything I can really do about the stress right now.  I do know that it will end soon enough because it can’t last forever.

What do you think?  How do you deal with stress?

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The Ultimate Party on G+ #theultimateparty

This month I am a co-host for The Ultimate Party on Google+!

Every week Tammy from The Ultimate Linky, Tammy from My Life Abundant, Elizabeth from Positive Kismet, and Kim from KidPep are the hosts of this party; and this month the three cohosts for the party are Amanda from Old House to New House who is a permanent co-host, Tara from Anything and Everything, and Margaret from The World as I See It.

Please click on the links below and follow (circle) your hosts and co-hosts on G+:

I was so excited when I saw they still needed hosts for July because this has been a great way to gain new followers on G+ and it also brings so much traffic to my site every week.  It also is a great way to find new blogs to read.  Since I have been linking up I have gotten so many new followers and I have also found some great posts and ideas!

Here are some reasons why doing a G+ party on Friday is The Ultimate Party:

  1. Posting on G+ helps with SEO optimization.
  2. Posting on G+ helps your posts get ranked higher in Google’s search engine.
  3. Friday is supposed to be the best time for interaction on G+, specifically between 11a.m. – 2 p.m. and 7 – 10 p.m. The linky will remain open until 8 p.m. Please link up as early as possible so that you get the most interaction on your posts.
  4. To help you gain more followers on G+.
  5. To interact with and to get to know other bloggers. For most parties you follow people but never interact. Here you get to see who has the same interests/niche as you do!
  6. BECAUSE IT’S FUN!! Why do a party if it isn’t going to be fun?

The Ultimate Party on G+

Here is a little extra information for this party:

  1. You can follow our G+ page (The Ultimate Party) if you want to see our updates. We also send out an event invitation to everyone who follows the page. So please follow it to get a reminder.
  2. If you wish, you can follow our Pinterest board called The Ultimate Party where all of your hosts can pin your great posts.
  3. Optional: You can include your pin URL that coincides with your post on G+ so that others can pin it if they want to do so. If you repin the pin, please try to remember to include the hashtag #theultimateparty in the pin description.
  4. We would love it if you grabbed our button!
The Ultimate Linky

If you would like to be considered to be a co-host, please contact Tammy from The Ultimate Linky HERE or let us know on The Ultimate Party Google+ page.

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2014 Margaret Margaret

Getting By by Claudia Y. Burgoa

Book Review Graphic

Getting By by Claudia Y. Burgoa was a super fun book to read.  There are parts that are 18+ content so I am not going to go into much of the book because I wanted to keep this review family friendly but it was still a great book.  The author does a great job of making you fall in love with the characters and understand where they are coming from.  This is a steamy summer read that I would recommend to anyone who loves romance novels!


About The Book

When Emma Anderson arrived at San Francisco International Airport, she regretted accepting the distinction of being the maid of honor to Gaby’s—her childhood friend—wedding. It had been years since the last time she set foot in Menlo Park, where her parents had been killed. The rug where she had been shoving her feelings since that day looked bumpier than a camel’s hump. Who could blame her; if she hadn’t been selfish they’d still be around. Ever since that fateful day, Emma has been perfecting the knack of Getting By.

Cade’s wedding in Menlo Park—a city close to San Francisco—might be the perfect place for Jake Knight to shake the memories of his ex, Emma Anderson for good. Single, available women galore for an entire week was the perfect medication, one he intended to take three times a day for an entire week to return to his player days. It was a plan the former spy thought flawless until he came face to face with the maid of honor. Jake’s perfect retreat turns into a flight, fight or hide week of celebrations.


claudia headshot 1

About The Author

Claudia lives in Colorado with her family and three dogs. While managing life, she works as a CFO at a small IT Company. She’s a dreamer who enjoys music, laughter and a good story. Claudia writes romance, sci-fi, and fantasy. She has published two novels: Where Life Takes You and Getting By. Claudia is currently working on Standing By, the second book in the Knight series. For 2014, Claudia plans to released three, perhaps four novels.






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