The Bull Rider’s Bride by Vickie McDonough

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Serenade Books in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

The Bull Rider’s Bride by Vickie McDonough was a sweet story. I am a huge fan of these books because they are shorter, and I was able to get through the book pretty quick. These are my favorite characters in this series that I have read, and I wish that the book would have been a regular length because I was sad when it was over. This was a super sweet Christian romance and a book that anyone could read no matter what their age. I would recommend this book to anyone who love romance novels because it is a sweet story that anyone of any age can read.

The Bull Rider’s Bride by Vickie McDonough

About The Book

ECPA bestselling author Vickie McDonough continues the Lone Star Brides series with this heart-warming story of lost love.

Dusty Starr is unstoppable in the rodeo arena, but when it comes to love? He was bucked off long ago. Now he has a second chance at love, but will he have what it takes to win?

Champion bull rider Dusty Starr is at the top of his game—until a bull throws him and stomps on his leg. He goes home to heal and watch after his grandma until he can rejoin the circuit. While there are no guarantees that bull riding is in his future, his past is alive and well in the form of Gramma’s beautiful physical therapist—a woman he never expected to see again.

Physical therapist Lindsey Lang once loved Dusty, but then tragedy struck because of his younger brother’s recklessness, and Dusty did something she never thought he’d do. He abandoned her, leaving her to mourn alone. Being assigned to Grandma Starr is hard enough, but with Dusty there, Lindsey’s sure her heart won’t survive.

Against all expectations, friendship renews, and Dusty dares to hope Lindsey will forgive him. She’s the only girl he’s ever loved and he aims to get her back. But friendship is one thing. A second chance at love? That will take more gumption than riding a rank bull—and then some

Vickie McDonough

About The Author

Bestselling author, Vickie McDonough, grew up wanting to marry a rancher, but instead, she married a computer geek who is scared of horses. She now lives out her dreams in her fictional stories about ranchers, cowboys, lawmen and others living in the West during the 1800s. Vickie is the award-winning author of over 30 published books and novellas. Her books include the fun and feisty Texas Boardinghouse Brides series. End of the Trail, which was the OWFI 2013 Best Fiction Novel winner. Whispers on the Prairie was a Romantic Times Recommended Inspirational Book for July, 2013. A Pioneer Christmas Collection was on the CBA Bestseller’s list for Jan. & Feb, 2014, and South Carolina Brides made the ECPA Bestseller’s list in March, 2014.

Vickie is a wife of thirty-eight years, mother of four grown sons, one daughter-in-law, and grandma to a feisty eight-year-old girl. When she’s not writing, Vickie enjoys reading, antiquing, watching movies, and traveling. To learn more about Vickie’s books or to sign up for her newsletter, visit her website and sign-up for her newsletter:

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When Death Draws Near by Carrie Stuart Parks


FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Litfuse in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

When Death Draws Near by Carrie Stuart Parks was a great book. This book is another thriller/suspense book, and I enjoyed reading it right from the start. There are two other books before this book, but you don’t need to read the other two to understand what is going on in this book. I know that I am going to go back and read the other two books because I enjoyed this author’s style of writing. I also really liked Gwen right from the start see seems like a spunky character, and I am always a sucker for those types of female characters. At times I did find this book predictable, but that is just because I have read so many of these kinds of books I can figure out what is going on pretty early in the book. Even with that being said I still enjoyed this book. It also doesn’t have any bad language or gross parts because it is written by a Christian author so you don’t have to worry about what you might read in this book. If you love Christian thrillers than I know, you will love this book as much as I did.

When Death Draws Near by Carrie Stuart Parks

About The Book

Gwen Marcey takes death in stride. Until she’s faced with her own mortality.

Forensic artist Gwen Marcey is between jobs when she accepts temporary work in Pikeville, Kentucky—a small town facing big-city crime. But before Gwen can finish her first drawing of the serial rapist who is on the loose, the latest witness vanishes. Just like all the others.

Gwen suspects a connection between the rapist and the “accidental” deaths that are happening around town, but the local sheriff has little interest in her theories. When her digitally-obsessed teenage daughter joins her, Gwen turns her attention to a second assignment: going undercover in a serpent-handling church. She could get a handsome reward for uncovering illegal activity—a reward she desperately needs, as it seems her breast cancer has returned. But snakes aren’t the only ones ready to kill. Can Gwen uncover the truth—and convince anyone to believe her—before she becomes a victim herself?

In a thrilling race against time, When Death Draws Near plunges us into cold-case murders, shady politics, and a den of venomous suspects.

Carrie Stuart Parks

About The Author

Carrie Stuart Parks is an award-winning fine artist and internationally known forensic artist. Along with her husband, Rick, she travels across the US and Canada teaching courses in forensic art to law enforcement as well as civilian participants. She has won numerous awards for career excellence. Carrie is a popular platform speaker, presenting a variety of topics from crime to creativity.

Animals have always been a large part of her life. Her parents, Ned and Evelyn Stuart, started Skeel Kennel Great Pyrenees in 1960. Carrie inherited the kennel and continues with her beloved dogs as both an AKC judge and former president of the Great Pyrenees Club of America. She lives on the same ranch she grew up on in Northern Idaho.

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Monthly Book Reviews: August 2016

August 2016

This year is going by way to fast, but that means we are almost to football season which makes me so happy.  Let’s get right on to all of the book reviews that I have coming up this month.

August 2nd-When Death Draws Near by Carrie Stuart Parks

August 3rd-The Bull Rider’s Bride by Vickie McDonough

August 5th-Fetching Sweetness by Dana Mentink

August 9th-The Mask by Taylor Stevens

August 10th-Kiss The Bride by Melissa McClone, Robin Lee Hatcher, & Kathryn Springer

August 16th-It Take’s One by Kate Kessler

August 23th-Oh Ship! Tales Of A Cruising Chick & Other Travel Adventures by Lori A. Moore

August 24th-Until Then by Krista Noorman

August 25th-The Loyal Heart by Shelley Shepard Gray

August 27th-The Things We Knew by Catherine West

August 30th-Murder On Moonshine Hill by Joan C. Curtis

August 31st- Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult

Those are all of the reviews that I have coming up this month.  Things are starting to slow down for me as far as reviews go, and I am starting to think about not reviewing books anymore.  I love reading but the reviews are tons of work, and since I don’t get paid for them I don’t know that it is worth it anymore.  I am still thinking about it, but I do have reviews scheduled through the rest of year so it will be at least until next year before I stop.  Let me know what you think I should do in the comments below and I will see you back here tomorrow!

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Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

How are almost at the end of July?!?!?  I am glad that July is over because it was a rough month for me to say the least.  Let’s get on to the posts from this past week.

Mencius-Quote Of The Week

Baby Doll by Hollie Overton

The Painting and The Piano by John Lipscomb and Adrianne Lugo

8 Things I Love About My Freedom

I have three book reviews coming up next week along with what TV shows I am currently loving.  I hope to see you back here next week.

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8 Things I Love About My Freedom

8 Things I Love About My Freedom

This week’s for the writer’s workshop I am going to write about number four which is: 8 Things I Love About My Freedom.  I chose to write about this one because I am so thankful that I live in the United States and even though there is so much chaos going on here right now I am still glad that we can voice our opinions. I don’t agree with the majority of the things happening, but at least we have the ability to say what we think even if it isn’t the most popular opinion. Let’s get on to the 8 things I love most about my freedom.

  1. The first thing I thankful for is as I said earlier we can speak our mind even if other people might not agree with us. I can’t imagine living in a country where if you say something the government doesn’t like you can be put in jail or even killed.
  2. I am thankful that I was able to graduate from high school and even go on to college.
  3. I am grateful that women can vote and that women can fun for public office. I think it is a great thing that women can run for president. (With that being said I don’t like Hillary Clinton at all and I wish that she wasn’t the first women to ever run for president.)
  4. I am thankful that women have equal rights to men. (I know that things could be so much better for women in this country but at least we are able to work and go to school. When in other countries you don’t have the option of working.)
  5. I am thankful that I live in a country where I can treat my Multiple Sclerosis so that I can work and still contribute to society.
  6. I am thankful that I live in a country where I chose my religion, and I am not forced to believe something that I may not agree with.
  7. I am thankful that I live in a country where we can help others when they have natural disasters’. I say this because it is great we can help, but I don’t agree with us always getting in the middle of everyone else’s wars.
  8. I am thankful for all of the soldiers that put their lives on the line so that I can have everything that I have.

Those are all of the things I love about my freedom.  I know there are other things that I am thankful for but those are the first eight things that came to mind when I was writing this post. I know that we have so many problems we need to work through and things we need to figure out in this country but we do have it so much better than so many other nations. I wish that instead of killing each other we would all work together to change the things that are wrong in our country. I am not going to say anything more about that because I have no idea how to fix the problems we have and I am sad about all the killing that has been going on these past few years.

What is one reason you are thankful for your freedom?

Here are all the prompts for this week in case you are interested in joining in.
1. Write a blog post inspired by the word: sparks
2. Tell about the worst sunburn you ever received. How did that happen?
3. Share something you learned in June.
4. We just celebrated America’s Independence. List 8 things you appreciate most about your freedom.
5. It’s hot, the kids are home and crazy, our pets are panting, the days are long…share your Summer Survival Tips.
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