A Chilling Absence by Shelly Maynard

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Promotional Book Tours in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

A Chilling Absence by Shelly Maynard was a book that I didn’t want to put down once I started reading it.  I love when books are like that because it makes it so much easier for me to read and finish.  I can’t even imagine how hard things had to be from Lily.  I mean who do accept that you missed 11 years of your life.  I can’t even imagine waking up and finding out that you miss that many years.  I also love books that have strong female characters as the main character because it shows girls that you can do anything you put your mind too.  If you love mystery books like I do then I know you will love this book.  It is also really well written and I can’t wait to check out more books by this author in the future.

A Chilling Absence by Shelly Maynard


About The Book

Lily Grimes had it all. She was head cheerleader, the girlfriend of the All-American High School Quarterback, had been accepted to a prestige college near her hometown and the best family and friends a young woman could ask for. Just before Christmas 2004, Dr. Jethro “Jet” Manning, the doctor-in-training for the quaint little town, nearly runs over Lily, who is found unresponsive and icy cold in the middle of a backroad.

Fast forward to 2015 – Lily Grimes finally wakes up and has to face the reality of being in a coma for the past 11 years. Her life has changed but just as she feels like she is getting into the groove of things, Lily discovers secrets have been kept, lies have been told and everyone whom she considered a ‘friend,’ may not be out for her best interest.
Lily feels like something is missing – a piece of herself. Is it simply because she was in a coma for so long or is there a piece missing? As she sets out on a mission to find the answer, Lily discovers that she’s being stalked, and someone is trying to kill her.

Who can she trust and will she ever find the secret to those eleven missing years?

Shelly Maynard

About The Author

July 15, 1984. Shelly Oakley (now Maynard) was born and lived in tiny Ashmore, Illinois until 1998 when her parents relocated to Manchester, Tennessee. Starting a new high school and making new friends was hard enough but it was that point in her life where it came time to make life-changing decisions in regards to college, careers, etc. Shelly had spent so much time following in others’ footsteps that she never had a plan for her career. The only dream she’d ever had was to become an author, but that was laughed off by family and friends. By 2002, Shelly was in college and switched her major from nursing to teaching and finally business. One year in and she discovered that she was pregnant with her first son. He joined the world in 2004 and was followed by a brother in 2006. During the second pregnancy, Shelly fought demons of a bad marriage and started trying to rebuild her life. She met her (now) husband in the Fall of 2006, and they’ve been inseparable ever since. Her three guys are her entire heart, soul, mind and spirit! After searching for several years, Shelly decided that it was time to find a place to settle in her career. She started working for a local, family-owned steel fabrication company in 2014 and was surprised when she found more than a job – she gained an extended family and friends who provided a tremendous amount of support. Between the support of her husband, children, family, and friends, Shelly started writing again. In 2015, Shelly stumbled upon the opportunity to read Eternal Dawn by Kathi Haacke Morehead. The book reached down into her soul and opened her eyes to view the world as she never had before. The writing bug flourished, and Shelly knew it was time to pursue her dreams. Past demons haunted her, but she wanted to set an example for her children and follow her dream through to the end to prove that hard work, persistence, and dedication pays off! Living in Lynchburg, Tennessee, Shelly Maynard is your typical mom – she enjoys spending time with her family, friends and for nine of the twelve months per year, you’ll find her at a ball field watching her children. She enjoys front-porch-sitting’ with a glass of sweet tea and the occasional margarita. She loves her morning coffee, a good book and writing for her blog. It’s the simple, “little” things in life that make life grand!

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A Small Multiple Sclerosis Update

MS Update-August 2016

I saw my neurologist on August first so I figured I would just write down how I have felt so that I have a record of it. Nothing changed when I saw her, but I haven’t felt good for months. I can’t remember the last time I felt this bad for as long as I have lately. I am sure it was like this before I started Tysabri, but I have been on it now for about seven years, so I don’t remember how I used to feel. I know part of it is the heat and another part I am sure is because of stress. I started a new job in January, so it has been an adjustment in that sense, and I just moved to a different part of the company, so I know have to learn all new stuff which can be stressful at times.

I have been having severe headaches lately, and my sleep has been the worst it has ever been. I only sleep for an hour or two a night which I know is also contributing to my headaches. I know that there is nothing that can be done to make me sleep better because I have yet to find a medication that will help me sleep, so I just have to make due. I am so glad that I have a job and insurance, so I can’t complain about the stress of everything. I know I will learn whatever I need to know soon enough, and the people that I am working with are so friendly and helpful.

I also feel like my eye site is getting worse, and I find that I am starting to read more digital books because I can make the font bigger, so I don’t have to strain my eyes as much. I have to schedule an MRI for October, so I have to wonder if the disease is still stable. Those the few things that I wanted to share so I will have another small update after I get my next MRI and once I have those results.

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It Takes One by Kate Kessler

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

It Takes One by Kate Kessler was a book that sucked me in right from the start, but I am not sure why. I know part of it has to do with the fact that I am a huge fan of thriller type books, and this is one the best ones that I have read lately. I was a huge fan of Audrey right from the start of the book because she seemed like someone that I would get along with if she lived in the real world. This book kept me on the edge of my seat for most of the story, and once I started the book, it was one that I had to keep reading because I wanted to know happened and how it all worked out. I do have to say though that if you only read Christian fiction than this might not be the best fit for you. If you love thriller/suspense books like I do then, I know you will love this one as much as I did.

It Takes One by Kate Kessler

About The Book

They say there are no secrets in a small town…

Criminal psychologist Audrey Harte is returning home after seven years. She’ll have to face the whispers and the rumors that have haunted her family since she left. Because when Audrey was thirteen, she and her best friend Maggie killed Maggie’s abusive father.

Her first night back in town ends in a fight with a drunken Maggie, with her old crush Jake to witness it all. Audrey can’t believe it can get worse.

Then Maggie turns up dead.

Now, Audrey has to find out who the murderer is – before everyone decides that she is to blame. And before the murderer can set their sights on her.

It Takes One is the first in a brand new thriller series where a criminal psychologist uses her own dark past to help law enforcement catch dangerous killers.

Kate Kessler

About The Author

As a child Kate Kessler seemed to have a knack for finding trouble, and for it finding her. A former delinquent, Kate now prefers to write about trouble rather than cause it, and spends her day writing about why people do the things they do. She lives in New England with her husband. – See more at: http://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/kate-kessler/it-takes-one/9780316302500/#sthash.jzNzfNLA.dpuf

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Jim Rohn – Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This week’s quote is by Jim Rohn.

Jim Rohn

When I saw this quote, it stuck out to me because people on the internet are always saying things because you can hide behind a made up persona.  I am the kind of girl that will say what I need to say regardless of if people know who I am.  I don’t hide who I am and I never really have since I have been online.  I don’t see the point because if I feel the need to hide what I am saying or doing than I have no business acting like that.  Those are just a few of my thoughts on this quote and how I feel about it.

What did you think of this week’s quote by Jim Rohn?

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Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

Another week has come to an end, and I am so ready for the summer to be over because I am tired of the heat.  Let’s get to the links from this past week.

Fetching Sweetness by Dana Mentink

Don Marquis – Quote Of The Week

The Mask by Taylor Stevens

Kiss The Bride by Melissa McClone, Robin Lee Hatcher, & Kathryn Springer

9 Things I Would Rather Be Doing Today – Writer’s Workshop

Those are all of the posts from this past week.  I also wanted to share a few of the funny things I have seen on Facebook this past week as well.

That is everything I wanted to share this week.  I will be back here next week with one book review, a Multiple Sclerosis update, and thoughts about adoption now that I am 11 years out.  I hope you all have a great weekend!

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9 Things I Would Rather Be Doing Today – Writer’s Workshop

9 Things I Would Rather Be Doing Today

This week for the writer’s workshop I am going to write about number two: which is nine things I would rather be doing today. Let’s see what the nine things are that come to my mind first.

  1. Reading Books-I would love to be able to read books that I get more control over when it comes to picking them out.
  2. Watching my favorite TV shows
  3. Binging on YouTube videos
  4. Shopping
  5. I would rather be on vacation
  6. Sleeping-I could sleep all day long because my body is tired during the day and it wants to stay awake all night long.
  7. Binge watching Netflix and Hulu
  8. Taking classes on website coding and design
  9. I would like just to sit and do nothing because at times there is nothing better than not having to do anything. I love not having to do anything at all.

Those are nine things I would rather be doing than being stuck at work. What is one thing you would rather be doing?

Here are the other prompts in case you want to join in:

1. If you could have any super mom power, what would it be?
2. List nine things you’d rather be doing today.
3. Talk about something you were allowed to do as a child that you will not allow your child to do.
4. Write a blog post the ends with the word: share
5. Your dream summer vacation.

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