Weekly Wrap-up


Another week is over, and I am so ready for the weekend.  I have had quite a few busy weeks and weekends, so I am willing to do nothing this weekend.  All I want to do is sit in my room and do nothing at all.  Let’s get right on to the posts from the past couple of weeks.

Mummy’s Little Angel by JW Lawson

Scapegoat by Emilio Corsetti III

Gillian Anderson – Quote Of The Week

An Amish Harvest by Beth Wiseman, Kathleen Fuller, Amy Clipston, Vannetta Chapman

Motions & Moments: More Essays on Tokyo by Michael Pronko

Secret Crush by Victoria Pinder

Hugh Prather – Quote Of Week

There’s Been A Change Of Plans by Amy Koko

Borderline Insanity by Jeff Miller

When I Grow Up. . .

Those are all of the posts from this past week.  Below are a few things that I have found in recent weeks on Facebook.

I hope you all have a great weekend and I will see you back here next week!

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When I Grow Up. . .

when-i-grow-upThis week for the writer’s workshop I am going to write about what I wanted to be when I grew up. I didn’t change what I wanted to do when I grew up much because I almost always knew what I want to do.

The very first thing that I wanted to do when I was in elementary school was to be a teacher. It seemed like something that I would enjoy. The older that I got though I knew there was no way that I would enjoy that job because having to deal with kids all day would drive me crazy.

The next thing I wanted to do was to be a veterinarian. I have always loved animals, and I thought it would be fun to work with them every day. I had a cousin that started going to school for this, and once she got to the surgery part of her training, she realized that she couldn’t do that. When I was thinking about it, I realized that I don’t think I could do that, and I also knew I would have a hard time putting the animals to sleep, so I knew I needed to figure something else out.

Once I was in high school, I knew that I wanted to be a nurse. After I had figured that out, I didn’t change my mind again. I grew up around quite a few people who were in the medical industry and knew that it was the job for me. When I was a senior I was in a health occupations class, and we had a Life Flight nurse come and speak with us, and I knew from the moment on that I want to work on Life Flight and work in an emergency room.

I started going to college for nursing, but I never finished. I was working in a nursing home where I hurt my back and because of that, I knew it was time to find something else to do because I knew I wouldn’t be happy being a nurse.

Once I was in the medical field, I knew that a big part of nurse’s jobs is paperwork, and that was one thing that never interested me. I realized that I didn’t want to be so far removed from patient care as nurses tend to be.

Once I hurt my back, I decided that I was going to get a job doing something entirely different, and I am now doing something I didn’t ever think I would enjoy, but it pays the bills so I will just keep working.

Those are the things I wanted to do when I was growing up.

What did you always want to be when you were younger?

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Borderline Insanity by Jeff Miller

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Borderline Insanity by Jeff Miller turned out to be a great book, but it was a slow starter for me. This type of book is one that I always enjoy, but I had a hard time getting into the story for some reason. I am sure part of the reason was that of what happened in the prolog of the book. It just really bothered me that someone would make a mother leave one of her babies behind and take her and the other back to Mexico. I am sure it is something that happens, but I don’t think that it is right. It left me feeling sorry for the mother and the children. After I was a few chapters into the book, I started to enjoy the story more. Once I was into the book, I read it pretty quickly because I wanted to know how it all worked out in the end. If you love reading mysteries than I am sure you will enjoy this book as much as I did at the end of it.


About The Book

Special Agent Dagny Gray is a member of a small FBI team with unprecedented independence. To maintain their autonomy, the team must continue to solve big cases. To stay on the team, Dagny must keep her personal demons under control.

When Father Diego Vega tells her that undocumented workers are vanishing from a small town gripped by immigration politics, Dagny thinks she’s found her next case. But without bodies or proof of foul play, her boss won’t let her take it. Defying his orders, Dagny risks her career to investigate with Father Vega.

The families of the victims don’t trust her. The local police won’t help her, and the sheriff wants to stop her. Deep down, she worries that she’s not going to find the missing men alive. But what she uncovers is more horrifying than anything she could have imagined.…


About The Author

Jeff Miller grew up in the suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio, where Jerry Springer attended his temple and Pete Rose broke his heart. He’s rafted down the Rio Grande with folksinger Butch Hancock, co-created an award-winning mockumentary about table tennis, and performed and written for a public access sketch comedy series. Like many lawyers, the only thing he ever really wanted to do was write. The Bubble Gum Thief is his first book. He lives with his incredible wife, Kate, and their two young sons.

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There’s Been A Change Of Plans by Amy Koko

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from iRead Book Tours in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

There’s Been A Change Of Plans by Amy Koko was a fun book to read. I did find myself smiling through most of the book. Even though I am younger than the author is in this book I understood what she was going through and how hard it can be dealing with the things that she had to deal with. I loved this book because she shared the humor she saw in such a bad situation. It also reminded me that even if life is hard, I need to take the time to find the humor in the situation because that is the best way I have found cope with things that are causing me so much stress. If you or someone you know has gone through a divorce later in life, I know you will enjoy and understand this book even more than I did.


About The Book

Blogger Amy Koko bears her soul in her witty, bittersweet memoir, There’s Been A Change of Plans: Divorce, Dating & Delinquents in Mid-life. Expecting a trip to Italy, Koko is blind-sided by her husband’s confession that he’s been putting his shoes under a much younger and prettier woman’s bed. After twenty-seven years of marriage and four children, she faces the unimaginable: her life as she knows it is unraveling around her and her family’s future is anything but certain.

In the literary tradition of Nora Ephron’s Heartburn and Jenny Lawson’s Let’s Pretend This Never Happened, Koko’s memoir details her journey from hearing the news that her husband is in love with a blonde, thirty-something Swiss pastry chef to trying everything from thong underwear to a mini-facelift to save her marriage, only to see it die in the parking lot of gas station.

With incredible honesty and humor, Koko takes the reader on a wild ride through the tough, emotional times of starting over through divorce, mid-life, finding a job, and Internet dating, all the while trying to keep her four teenagers out of jail.

There’s been a change of plans, and that’s just the beginning.


About The Author

After 27 years of marriage, Amy Koko went into divorce, kicking, screaming, stalking and drunk texting but lived to tell about it. She is the creator of the popular blog Exwifenewlife and a contributor to Huffington Post Divorce as well as Huffington Post Women. Amy lives in St. Petersburg, Florida where she begins each day with a freshly ground cup of good coffee and ends it with a good glass of pinot noir. Or chardonnay. Or a dirty martini. Whatever’s handy.

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Hugh Prather – Quote Of Week

Quote Of The Week

This week’s quote is by Hugh Prather.


I liked this quote because I feel like this a lot.  Once I feel like I have a hand on what is going on in my life something crazy happens, and I have to start over.  The thing that is constant in my life is change, so it is something that I am trying to learn to deal with and not to let it cause me so much stress.

What do you think of this week’s quote by Hugh Prather?

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Secret Crush by Victoria Pinder

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Secret Crush by Victoria Pinder was an okay book. I had a hard time getting into this book. At times it felt like the author was rushing things and then at others times I was left wondering why some parts were left in the book. I enjoyed the plot and the characters but like most books I was able to figure out what was going on by the end of the book. I did like the characters and the story line of this book. Like I said before I had a hard time getting into the book, so I was glad that it was a shorter book than some of the others I have read lately. If you love chick lit books, I am sure you will like this book.


About The Book

Billionaire’s second son John Morgan comes home to his father’s funeral. He joined the FBI to prove his father caused his sister’s death, but now he needs to find out who he is and what’s left of his family that he can trust.

Alice Collins grew up on a farm, but she was best friends with Victoria Morgan before she died. She decides to go to the Morgan family’s funeral to pay her respects.

Surprises ensue as they usually do for the Morgans at the funeral. Alice gets caught in the crossfire of family drama and intrigue, and it’s John’s duty to protect her. While they reconnect, feelings surface. But can a farm girl truly ever capture the heart of a billionaire? Could their love be real? Or is this all just a fantasy while she’s involved with one Morgan plot after another?


About The Author

Victoria Pinder grew up in Irish Catholic Boston before moving to the Miami sun. She’s worked in engineering, after passing many tests proving how easy Math came to her. Then hating her life at the age of twenty-four, she decided to go to law school. Four years later, after passing the bar and practicing very little, she realized that she hates the practice of law. She refused to one day turn 50 and realized she had nothing but her career and hours at a desk. After realizing she needed change, she became a high school teacher. Teaching is rewarding, but writing is a passion.
During all this time, she always wrote stories to entertain herself or calm down. Her parents are practical minded people demanding a job, and Victoria spent too many years living other people’s dreams, but when she sat down to see what skill she had that matched what she enjoyed doing, writing became so obvious. The middle school year book when someone wrote in it that one day she’d be a writer made sense when she turned thirty.
Besides her full-time job of teaching, in 2013 and 2014, she sold her sold books to three different publishers. The Zoastra Affair, Chaperoning Paris, Borrowing the Doctor, and Electing Love will be published by Soulmate Publishing. Anything the Throne will be published with Double Dragon Ebooks. Favorite Coffee, Favorite Crush will be published with Jupiter Press.
Now she is represented by Dawn Dowdle of Blue Ridge Literary Agency, and she hopes to continue selling her novels that she writes. Moving up to the next level from hard work and determination is rewarding, and partnerships bring new opportunities.
Also, she’s the Vice President of Programs for the Florida Romance Writers. She’s gone to multiple conferences and intends to continue. She learns and meets so many people at conferences. Her website is here, http://www.victoriapinder.com, and she’ll continue to grow my web presence. She is working hard on other projects and found the time to plan her wedding this year.
Before writing, her father had taken her to many star trek conventions and on her own, she grew up as the only girl in the 90s at the comic book store. Science Fiction was her first love, but contemporary romance was her second. She’s sticking with contemporaries for the near future.
Member of Florida Romance Writers, Contemporary Romance, Fantasy, Futuristic, and Paranormal chapter of RWA, Celtic Hearts and Savvy Authors.

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