ReliefMD by Trusted Health Products

FTC:I received a free copy of this product in exchange for my honest review.

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I was contact by Trusted Health Products about reviewing one of their products all ReliefMD.  As most of you know I have a bad back from working in a nursing home so I was interested to see if this one would work for my back pain.


I didn’t notice anything really different from this one than other products in regard to pain.  After I received it and read the paper that came with it I saw one of things it could help with was sleep so I figured why the heck not and I left some out one night and did seem to help me fall asleep.  I am going to keep trying having it rub on my back because it didn’t hurt and I enjoy the smell of it.  Here are a few of the things they say you can use it for as well:

ReliefMD uses a revolutionary new approach to extract living nutrients from plants and nuts in order to deliver a 100% pure formula of botanical oils (from nature herself) to feed our body the nutrients it wants. ReliefMD is a massage in a bottle.

For the Discomfort of:

  • Sore Back / Neck
  • Swollen Joints
  • Sore Muscles
  • Muscle Strains
  • Sprains
  • Contusions
  • Bruises
  • Headache
  • Insomnia (also put 5 drops in a saucer beside your bed for aromatic benefits)
  • Sport Workouts (use before and after)
  • Mosquito Bites / Insect Bites / Stings (apply every few minutes for an hour)
  • Itching (apply as needed)
  • Cold Sores (apply every few minutes for an hour)
  • Burns, including sunburns (apply every few minutes for an hour)

I also think I want to try it for bug bites if and when I get any of those next summer.   If you love all natural products than I would for sure check these guys out because I haven’t been sent a product that didn’t work.  Also here are the ingredients in case you are wondering what is in it and what they do:

  • Almond – is used in skin care because it acts as an emollient (softening and soothing the skin), as a remedy for dry skin conditions, and as a relief for irritation, inflammation, and itching. These excellent emollient properties help the skin to balance its loss and absorption of moisture. Almond oil is also used in the medical field to help treat various forms of dermatitis.
  • Eucalyptus – is a powerful antiseptic, helps with nausea, suppresses coughs, and has strong germicidal and disinfectant properties. It stimulates the blood flow which directs more healthy oxygen to the brain and to the point of application.
  • Peppermint – has anti-microbial, fungicidal, and bactericidal actions. For medicinal uses, studies have shown peppermint oil to be effective as an analgesic, a tonic, an antispasmodic, and for daytime sleepiness. When combined with eucalyptus oil, the two are well-known for their positive efficacy to treat headaches and relieve pain.
  • Wintergreen (Methyl Salicylate) – is accepted by the U.S Food and Drug Administration as an over-the-counter external analgesic, primarily intended to relieve mild muscle and joint pain. Has anti-inflammatory properties and is used in topical pain relievers and products that produce a feeling of warmth.
  • Camphor – is antiseptic, analgesic and antispasmodic. Germany has approved Camphor for the treatment of rheumatism (externally). Camphor oil is applied to the skin to promote circulation and to relieve itching.
  • Spearmint – is generally used for its anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties, and in skin care, it is used as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.
  • Olive – Olive oil has been used to nourish and moisturize skin.

You can learn more about their products by clicking any of their links:

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“For a limited time, the manufacturer is willing to offer my readers one FREE bottle. They said they would love to have our readers try outReliefMD and agreed to send one bottle FREE if our readers would pay a minimal shipping and handling charge. This is a one-time only offer! Click here to get your FREE bottle now!

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7 Things I Miss

7 Things I MissThis week for the writers workshop I am going to be writing about number 2 : 7 things I miss about being a kid.  I didn’t have the best childhood so I am not sure if I can come up with 7 things but I am going to try so let’s get started and see what I can come up with.

  1. I miss some of the friends I had when I was in school.
  2. I miss going to school.  I am sure some of you are shocked by this one but I really did love & enjoy school.
  3. I miss having a summer break and/or days off during the school year.
  4. I miss not having to worry about paying bills or running out of money before the month is over.
  5. I miss the few years I had when I was a teenager before I got diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  I had a few years where I did get to feel like a normal kid but then I got diagnosed with MS and I felt like I pushed back down.
  6. I miss  the times were easier.  I didn’t even get into things on the internet until I was in college and I am so glad for that because I don’t think I would have survived high school if we had Facebook and everything that kids have to deal with today in school.
  7. I can’t think of a seventh thing that I miss so I am going to write one reason I am glad my childhood is over.  I am glad my childhood is over so that I don’t have to go to high school and deal with all the idiots I went to school with.

Those are the 7 things I miss about being a kid.  What do you miss about your childhood?

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2014 Margaret Margaret

Multiple Sclerosis Tuesday-Updated Treatments Post


This week’s MS Tuesday post is going to be an update to my post where I talk about the treatments there are for Multiple Sclerosis.  If you want to check out the original post you can click here but I am going to copy and paste the old post and updated it with the new treatments that have come out since that post was originally published.

I am going to do a small overview of the different Multiple Sclerosis medications out there right now.  I want to start by saying that there is no cure of MS right now.   There are a few medications that will hopefully slow the progression on the disease.

The first group of drugs are called Immune modulating drugs. They work by keeping the immune cells from interacting with other cells.  This group consists of 3 different drugs they are called Betaseron, Rebif, and Avonex.  There is one other drug that is under this type of medication and it is Copaxone.  This one is made of amino acids and works differently than the interferon’s.

There is Tysabri that attaches itself to the blood brain barrier and doesn’t let immune cells into the brain.  There are several other treatments such as: Novantrone, Cytoxan, Imuran, Rheumatrex, and Trexall.  All of those treatments are drugs that will suppress the immune system.

Since I posted the original post they have come out with several pill’s that you can now take.  Before you had to have shots and/or an infusion so coming out with pills was huge for people who have MS.  The names of the pills are: Gilenya, Tecfidera and Aubagio.  I don’t know much about the new drugs out because right now Tysabri is still working for me so I am not in a hurry to try any new medication right now.

They will sometimes give a person steroid treatment if they are having an MS flare up or relapse.  I have been given steroids several times and I will always refuse them now.  I don’t think they really didn’t anything but make me gain weight and make my eyes see funny colors.  I can see why they do them but I would rather have some disability than deal with the side effects of the drugs.

I have taken several different MS medications and if you would like to know which ones I have taken and how they affected me please let me know.  There are also medications that we are given to help manage side effects of medications and also to deal with how the disease affects each of us as well.  If you would like to know anything else please let me know!

The sites I used to get the information for this post from: (original site I used) (new treatments info)
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Harriet Beecher Stowe-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The WeekThis weeks quote is by Harriet Beecher Stowe.

Harriet Beecher Stowe

I think this is one of the best quotes that I have read in a long time.  I know that the times I feel like giving up and don’t that those things I accomplish are such  huge things because I had to work so hard to achieve them.  I also have been known to just give up and even today I sit there and wonder if I ever could have finished it and accomplished my goals.

 Those are my thoughts on this weeks quote.  What do you think of this quote by Harriet Beecher Stowe?

If you missed any of the past quotes you can click here and check them ou!

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2014 Margaret Margaret

The Promise Kindle HDX Giveaway from @BethWiseman!

In a daring new novel, Beth Wiseman jumps way outside the box. The Promise will take readers far away from Amish country and small Texas towns to a dangerous place on the other side of the world. Inspired by actual events, this is the book Beth has been working toward for a long time.


Curious? Click here to read the reviews, and be sure to enter Beth’s Kindle HDX giveaway!

One grand prize winner will receive:

  • A Kindle Fire HDX
  • The Promise by Beth Wiseman

Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on November 9th. Winner will be announced November 10th here.


Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2014 Margaret Margaret

Losing the Girls and The Road Paved in Pink

Non Fiction – Memoir – Self Help – Breast Cancer
Date Published: August 2013

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Readers can delve into the breast cancer journey and beyond in Losing the Girls, a unique memoir differentiated by the author’s cutting-edge nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM)—a little-known breast cancer surgery technique that leaves the breast completely whole.  Shirley Alarie shares her story to boost awareness of this specialized procedure, which is only offered at select hospitals.  She believes that women facing mastectomies deserve to know all of their options.
Shirley found that the biggest challenge of her life began with a convoluted breast cancer diagnosis; and then there was the overwhelming array of surgery options.  Mastectomy or lumpectomy?  Single mastectomy or double?  Reconstruction or no reconstruction?  She worried about making the right choice and how her decision would affect her both in the short and long term.  How would it affect her marriage? W as it crazy to choose a hospital three hours from home?
After the surgery, Shirley’s determination to beat the cancer triggered a lifestyle transformation that resulted in a stronger, more empowered woman.  Her deep faith in God and her peace with the afterlife helped shape her response to this life-changing ordeal with cancer—and the love and support of an amazing posse of family and friends, along with a liberal dose of humor and hope, pulled her through the darkness and back into the warm, sunny light.
Losing the Girls is a powerful and uplifting book for every woman—and the people who love them—to read.
What others have said:
As I read ‘Losing the Girls- My Journey Through Nipple Sparring Mastectomy and Beyond’, I was touched by Ms. Alarie’s honesty, humor and spirit that shone through her written words. I cried, laughed and at times held my breath as she took the necessary steps to face her fears and come out the other side of the journey, strong and healthy. Ms. Alarie faced the gut wrenching reality of hearing – you have breast cancer, and now she is a survivor sharing her story with the world. A must read. Lucinda Race
What a fantastic read! From the very first pages Shirley opens up and gives honest glimpses of her life to her readers. Knowing she has a family history does little to take the sting out of her diagnosis. The way she deals with her tests, results, doctor visits and eventual surgery is truly an inspiration for any woman dealing with this disease. Along with writing about her emotional journey, Shirley shares with her readers all the information she has gained from researching breast cancer and what she has learned through her support system of Drs., nurses and the like. Great knowledge for anyone who many deal with breast cancer themselves or have a family member go through it. I found her reliance on God through her ordeal comforting and inspiring. Any reader will feel that they’ve gained a friend by the end. P Walker

Non Fiction – Memoir – Self Help – Breast Cancer
Date Published: July 2014

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Lovey’s nightmare has begun. She’s been thrust into a terrifying and confusing journey, joining the nearly 250,000 women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. If Lovey is fortunate, she has an excellent support team, also known as Angels. The Road Paved in Pink: A Practical and Personal Guide for Breast Cancer Patients and Their Loved Ones offers Lovey and her Angels the comprehensive guidance needed to withstand the challenges ahead.
Readers will be empowered by the love and support of the many others who have already traveled the same bumpy road.
The Road Paved in Pink is offered with a unique “Pay it Forward” program designed to reach as many people in need as possible. By request via her website, Shirley Alarie will provide a free book to people recently affected by breast cancer, with the stipulation that they forward it to someone else in need when they are finished with it, and so on.
If someone agrees to take a booklet from the Pay it Forward program, they will be asked to sign in to the website and log their first name and location, so we can watch the books travel around the country – and hopefully, the world!
Request a copy of The Road Paved in Pink – Pay it Forward Program at the following link:
What others have said:
This is a very worthwhile read. The author does an excellent job of giving useful information that is very understandable, which doesn’t always happen in the medical field. She is able to tell her story as well as provide the reader with an understanding of the many choices available for their own journey. Also a great guide for families and friends to help them be helpful in what can be a truly difficult time. P Walker
A moving and to the point awesome guide. If you don’t know someone with breast cancer odds are in your lifetime you will. Have this book on hand, everyone involved will need it, as will you. Twenty seven years ago my mother had her first breast removed only to have the other one worked on seven years later. I was there, so wish I had this guide. I have it now and have already highlighted my “talking points”, when I’m faced with being an angel for someone. Marion Brenan

About the Author
I spent the first twenty years of my career in an industrial manufacturing environment, running around the hamster wheel as fast as my legs would carry me. My breast cancer diagnosis jammed on the brakes and forced me to put life in perspective. My journey since breast cancer has been focused on making a positive difference in the world. Stepping off the hamster wheel has brought greater harmony to me and my home. My husband and furry baby appreciate that the “Crazy Lady” of the house is gone and a more “Mellow Mama” has taken her place.
My writing adventure began with Losing the Girls: My Journey Through Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy and Beyond, my memoir, written with the intention to entertain as well as spread awareness of nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM). My website identifies some of the hospitals that perform this surgery, through the “What is NSM?” and “Where is NSM?” links.
My follow-up, The Road Paved in Pink: A Practical and Personal Guide for Breast Cancer Patients and Their Loved Ones serves to heighten awareness of reconstruction options, among other key topics specific to a breast cancer challenge. I am thrilled to offer the “Pay it Forward” program in conjunction with this book promotion.
Another tool I’ve created to help further the awareness of breast cancer surgery options is a free 11-minute video that describes and shows the various options. Since studies have shown women undergoing treatment for breast cancer aren’t always informed of all of their options, I’m striving to ensure women facing this challenge are able to make fully informed choices. I invite all women to become educated on this topic, as this information might make a huge difference for someone they love. The video can be found on my website:
I’d love to have you join me in my journey to making a positive difference in the world!
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