Not The Updated I Expected

So this post was going to be an update on my cats because I haven’t written anything about them in years but I didn’t feel right considering what happened on Monday.  I don’t know that I have ever posted about my grandparents cat name Vinnie on here but he was another black & white kitty like my Alley Cat is.  He was older than she is but he has had a tough life as well.  He was shot at one point and has been kicked & stomped on among other things.

Anyway we had to put him down on Monday night and even though he wasn’t my cat I still did love him.  I grew up with him so it was hard to put him down.  Because of that I don’t feel up to writing a update on my cats right now.  Alley does have some health problems going on so I will write the update soon but right now just didn’t seem like the right time.  Instead I am going to post a few pictures of him and leave it at the for this week.  I also have a video of him that I am going to post as well.

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5 Things

5 Things

This week for the writers workshop I decided to write about number 4 which is Five Things. List 5 things we don’t know about you, 5 things you’re knowledgeable about, 5 things you know nothing about, and 5 things you believe. Lets get on to these lists.

5 Things You Don’t Know About Me

  1. I have one half sister that I am no longer in contact with.
  2. I was raised by my grandparents.
  3. I am planning on going back to school next fall for graphic design.
  4. I grew up with cats which is one of the reasons I love them so much
  5. I love all types of music.

5 Things I Know About

  1. Nursing-I grew up in the medical field and I was originally going to school for nursing.
  2. Books
  3. Writing on a blog
  4. Some HVAC things( I should know more since I have been working in the industry for 7 years now).
  5. Credit scores

5 Thing I Don’t Anything About

  1. IT jobs
  2. Windows 8
  3. Adobe Illustrator-I am determined to learn how to use it though.
  4. How to work on cars.
  5. How to use digital cameras.

5 Things I Believe

  1. God
  2. To get respect you have to give respect.
  3. That idiots are taking over the world.
  4. That health insurance companies do everything in their power to making things as hard as they can.
  5. That I am better off being single without any kids(human kids).

Those are my 5 things.  What is one thing no one knows about you?


If you want to join in this weeks Writers Workshop here are the prompts:

1. Tell us about an argument you witnessed.
2. Share a Thanksgiving recipe you will be cooking up this month.
3. Write a haiku about what you see out your window.
4. Five Things. List 5 things we don’t know about you, 5 things you’re knowledgeable about, 5 things you know nothing about, and 5 things you believe.
5. Tell us the story of how your pet came to be a member of your family.

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Love Without End by Robin Lee Hatcher

Book Review

Love Without End by Robin Lee Hatcher was an amazing book.  I read the book that takes place before this book and I have to say that I was so glad that the author decided to turn this book into a series because I loved the setting and the series.  In this book you get to know Chet & Kimberly.  I instantly fell in love with the characters and was sad when the story ended because I really love this series of books.  If you love romance books than I know you will love this book.  You don’t have to read the first book to understand what goes on in this book so don’t worry if you haven’t read the first book.

Love Without End

About The Book

Love Without End || A King’s Meadow Romance (Thomas Nelson, November 2014)

Chet and Kimberly have both failed when it comes to love. Will they risk their hearts to love again?

Chet Leonard’s life was forever changed when his 17-year-old son died and then, soon after, his wife walked out on their family. Over two years later, all he wants to do is hold onto his horse ranch and raise his remaining sons to be honorable men.

Kimberly Welch, widowed mother of Tara, a rebellious 15-year-old, has reached the end of her finances and nearly the end of her rope. She and Tara come to King’s Meadow to try to piece their lives back together again. Kimberly has no intention of becoming involved with the residents of this remote mountain community and certainly not with any man.
When octogenarian Anna McKenna returns to King’s Meadow and to the Leonard ranch, she becomes an agent of change and healing for the two hurting families. With her help, Kimberly and Chet may discover that true love has no end.

Robin Lee Hatcher

About The Author

Best-selling novelistRobin Lee Hatcher is known for her heart-warming and emotionally charged stories of faith, courage, and love. The winner of the Christy Award for Excellence in Christian Fiction, the RITA Award for Best Inspirational Romance, two RT Career Achievement Awards, and the RWA Lifetime Achievement Award, Robin is the author of over sixty novels.

Find Robin online: website, Facebook, Twitter

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The Brothers’ Keeper by NLB Horton

Book ReviewThe Brothers’ Keeper by NLB Horton was a good book it just wasn’t the right fit for me.  This is the second book in the series and  I have to say that I would recommend reading the first one before this.  Because I haven’t read the first book I found that I was super confused and kept getting lost as to what was going on in the book.  I am going to read the first book and then re-read this book and see how I feel about it after I know more of the back story.

The Brothers' KeepersAbout The Book

The Brothers’ Keepers | RidgeRoute Press (November 2015)

A friend’s deception. A family’s dilemma.

While cataloging looted antiquities in Brussels, archaeologist Grace Madison learns that her daughter has disappeared in France, and daughter-in-law has been attacked in Switzerland. But before the Madisons can save themselves, they must rescue an old friend—if he’ll let them. Navigating a deadly, four-thousand-year-old artifact trail that crosses three continents, they jeopardize hearts and lives against a foe as old as time—as time runs out.

Because choosing what’s right is all that’s left.

NLB HortonAbout The Author

After an award-winning detour through journalism and marketing and a graduate degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, NLB Horton returned to writing fiction. She has surveyed Israeli and Jordanian archaeological digs accompanied (twice!) by heavy artillery rounds from Syria and machine gun fire from Lebanon. Calmly tossed a tarantula from her skiff into the Amazon after training with an Incan shaman. Driven uneventfully through Rome. And consumed gallons of afternoon tea across five continents. Her first novel, When Camels Fly, was released in May, 2014.The Brothers’ Keepers her second in the Parched series, will be released November 17, 2014. The third in the series will release in the fall of 2015.

Find NLB online: website, Facebook

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Bill Gates-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The WeekThis weeks quote is by Bill Gates.

Bill Gates

I have never heard of Giving Tuesday but I think it is a great idea.  I do wish that things like this were more widely talked about so that more good to happen in this world.  I don’t have many thoughts this week so let me know what you think in the comments below.

What do you think of this weeks quote by Bill Gates?

Also I am always looking for quotes so if there is one you love let me know and I will link the quote back to your blog!

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Writers Block?!?

Writers Block

I was looking at NaBloPoMo page where they list prompts for the whole month of November looking for ideas because I really wanted to try and post everyday in November and so far I have managed to do it.  Anyway I saw this prompt and knew I wanted to write about it; Have you ever had extended writers’ block? How long did it last? What did you do to break out of it, and do you have tips for other bloggers?

I remember one time where I had writers block for months and months.  I am not really sure what I did to get over it.  I know that I stopped blogging around the time of my daughters birthday.  I took most of the summer and fall off and start up again I want to say in January.  I know I stopped because I was depressed and just didn’t feel the motivation to blog.

I remember that in January I felt the urge to blog again and I haven’t really stopped since then.  I do have days where the last thing I want to do is blog and I have other days where I want to write something but I can’t think of anything to write.

As for tips that may help other bloggers break out of it the one thing I can say is find something you are passionate about.  I know on days where I am struggling to write if I find a topic that I am excited about I can write a whole post is recorded time.  Where as other days if I am not interested in the post I am writing it can take days to finish the post.

Those are a few of my thoughts on writers block.  How to overcome writers block?

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