Torn Asunder by Alana Terry

Torn Asunder - Ebook SmallTorn Asunder is the newest suspense novel from award-winning author Alana Terry. Torn Asunder is the story of Hannah and Simon, two North Korean refugees who sneak back into their country to serve as underground missionaries. In this world of spies, secret police, and informants, Simon and Hannah learn that staying together won’t just compromise their ministry. It could cost them both their lives.
Torn Asunder launches today for just 99 cents, and all book sale proceeds today support the work of Liberty in North Korea, an organization that runs an underground railroad for North Korean refugees. You can get the paperback or the ebook for 99 cents for a limited time only. And remember the best news ~ Your purchase will help save a North Korean refugee!

My Review:

From the first page right up until the last page I couldn’t put this book down. I have been hooked since I read her first book “The Beloved Daughter” and each book she has so much to live up to and I am so glad to say that she does it each time.  I love this series of books and I can’t wait to read more books by her.  If you love reading suspense filled books than I know you will love this one.

Excerpt from Torn Asunder:

Simon gritted his teeth. His head felt like it was sinking. The general kept his voice level and pleasant as he slipped the device over Simon’s pinky. “Now, you just tell me who you delivered your Bibles to, and I’ll let you leave here with everything intact.”Simon tried to swallow. His whole jaw was swollen from his scuffle in the woods. He shut his eyes and hoped the general couldn’t feel him tremble.General Sin chuckled to himself. “Silly me. I forgot.” He slid the device off Simon’s finger. “This kind of tool won’t work on a big, strong man like you.” He strode over to Hannah and yanked her hand before Simon could even cry out. He jammed her ring finger into the opening.

Simon struggled against his iron restraints. “Let her go!”

Hannah sucked in her breath. General Sin still glared at Simon. “This is your last chance. Give me the names, and I’ll release her unharmed.”

Simon’s field of vision blurred over. He wanted to scream. The metal from his handcuffs sliced open his wrists. He pictured himself breaking free and tackling the general to the ground.

“Better talk.” General Sin yawned. “I hate getting my uniform messy.”

Hannah’s hand trembled, but she didn’t make a noise.

“Three …”

Simon clenched his jaw, unable to tear his face away from Hannah’s wide, terrified eyes.

“Two …”

Want more? Buy Torn Asunder on amazon now. And remember, all book sales today will be donated directly to Liberty in North Korea, a group committed to seeing North Koreans achieve their freedom in THIS GENERATION.

Want to help spread the word? See below to click and tweet, or share this image on your timeline. Then be sure to scroll down to enter the giveaway for a chance to win a $100 gift card, surprise grab bag ($60 retail), great CD from Cherie Norquay, and free prizes to everyone who enters! And don’t forget to leave a comment and tell us what you think of Hannah and Simon and those like them who sneak into hostile mission fields to share the gospel.



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Tweet: New release Torn Asunder, Christian #suspense set in #NorthKorea. All proceeds today donated to @libertyinNK #99cents

Or copy and paste into an email or Facebook status: Torn Asunder is a new Christian suspense novel by Alana Terry about two North Koreans who serve as undercover missionaries. It’s on sale for only 99 cents, and all book proceeds today will be donated to Liberty in North Korea’s underground railroad for North Korean refugees.

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A Book About Me?!?!

A Book About Me

I saw this prompt: Do you have a book in you? Fact or fiction? Related to your blog or totally different? back in November when I was blogging everyday but I ran out of room for it because things got bumped when reviews and other posts had to go live.  So this one has been sitting in my draft folder and I decided now is the time to finish it and get it posted.

Recently I did a review on the book “The Three Year Lie” and I would love to write a book like that.  Where it is based on true events in my life but also has parts that are made up so that anyone reading the book won’t know what is true and what parts are made up.  This way people will know the basic story but they won’t know all the details about what happened when I was a child.

I am sure members of my family won’t want me to write parts of it but maybe the story needs to be told.  I have no idea if I ever will write the book but it is something that I think I should do the older I get.  I also am caring less if certain people in my life get pissed off if I write a book about my childhood and things that were done.

So anyway I would love to write a book about my story with some fiction thrown in so that people who don’t really know me would have no idea what the truth is.  Would you ever write a book about yourself?

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Unsung Hero’s-My Favorite Author Right Now

Unsung Hero's

I get emails of daily writing prompts from The Daily Post and this was one of the prompts: We all have our semi-secret, less-known personal favorites — a great B-side, an early work by an artist that later became famous, an obscure (but delicious) family recipe. Share one of your unsung heroes with us — how did you discover it? Why has it stayed off everyone’s radar?  After I read this prompt I knew I had to write about it.

When I read this prompt I had two authors pop into my head so I am going to talk about one of them today..  The first author is one I have posted about several times because I love her books.  Alana Terry writes the most amazing books.  I have had the honor of receiving all of them to review and I am hooked on her writing.  Her third book comes out the 22nd of December and I know everyone will love it.  One thing I love about her is the fact that she actually listens to her reads and answers back when you have a question for her.

If you aren’t a huge  book worm like I am than an author answering back when you ask a question about one of their characters might not seem like a big thing but for me it was huge.  If you haven’t seen my reviews on her books you can click here and here to check them out.  The third book will be released on Monday so I will like the review here once the post goes live.

This is also the first author I have ever read that made me wonder what happened to some of the characters after the book ended.  I fell so in love with the main character in her book “The Beloved Daughter” that to this day I still wonder what happened to her.   I know that because these books take place in modern times that I could connect more with them than other books.

I often wonder how many other great authors are out there that no one knows about because had she not emailed me to review her book I never would have found her.  Finding authors like her is the main reason I got into reviewing books because I wanted to find new authors.  I have found tons of new authors but I have also found some authors that make me wonder how and why they write  books.  Anyway that isn’t the point of this post.  I am so glad she  contacted me because she is an amazing author and I love her writing.  You can click here to pre-order her new book “Torn Asunder” and make sure you check back for my review on Monday.

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The Cubs-An Update

The Cubs UpdateI don’t know the last time I have done an update on the cubs so since I am trying to have a post each day in November I figured now was a good time to write one.  Alley Cat aka Elinore is also sick and I am not sure how long she will be around so I figured I should write down some memories of her because after she is gone I know I won’t be able to write about her without crying.  If you are new here and haven’t read what I wrote about them before you can click here and check that out.  Anyway lets get on to the updates on the girls.

As I reading this post I realized that I may not have talked about Brycen before on here so if I haven’t he is my brothers son who just turned one.

Alley One


Like I said before Elinore aka Alley Cat is sick.  We aren’t 100% sure what is wrong with her because I don’t have money to really do the testing to find out what is going on with her.  The vet thinks it is probably inflammatory bowel disease and/or cancer.  So all we are really doing to treat her is give her cortisone shots about once a month.  Once those stop working though we will have to put her down.  Alley also doesn’t mind being around Brycen which is crazy because most cats don’t like little kids.  She will let him pet her and things like that.


Not much is really going on with Sylvia right now which is a good thing because I don’t think I could handle both of them being sick at the same time and having even more vet bills to pay right now.  Sylvia hates Brycen around her.  She just avoids him and if she does get caught by him she will just growl & hiss at him.  She hasn’t ever tried to hurt him so we don’t have to worry about that with him.  I don’t have any recent pictures of Sylvia so I am going to try and take one tonight when I get home from work so I can post it here.

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Charles Dudley Warner-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This weeks quote is by Charles Dudley Warner.

Charles Dudley Warner

I loved this quote because it is so true.  Some of the best gifts I have ever been given are ones that cost nothing but the person put their time and energy into making them.  It is always more about the thought than the amount of money spent.

What do you think of this weeks quote by Charles Dudley Warner?

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Believing In Bigfoot by JC Miller

bigfoot button

Believing In Bigfoot by JC Miller was a great book.  This is the second book I have read by JC Miller and it as another great book.  JC Miller does an amazing job of writing and making you feel as though you are there with the characters.  When this book started I wasn’t sure if I was going to like this book but after the first few chapters I did really get into the book and fell in love with the characters.  This was such a fun sweet book that I would recommend to everyone.


About The Book

Reeling from his failed comeback and ruined marriage, washed-out actor Ian James (née Isaac Janowitz) flees Los Angeles for a two-week respite in Northern California’s remote Marble Mountains—Bigfoot country. His time alone in the wilderness begins to peel away the layers of his Hollywood persona. After a fateful meeting with a beguiling woman, Ian begins to question his heart. In a moment of clarity, Isaac ditches his publicist and finds himself in Redding, living with invisibility at the Vagabond Motel.

Professor Ruth Hill is burnt out teaching photography at Redding’s Shasta College, eager for her upcoming retirement. But for unexplained reasons, despite weekly therapy sessions, her panic attacks have escalated. Her artistic slump persists. Looking back, she regrets a life without risk; looking forward, she dreads a meaningless future. Going over her proof sheets one morning, she stumbles upon a series of striking thumbnails, reigniting her passion and creativity.

Readers will root for Isaac and Ruth as they grapple with their chance encounter on the mountain and search for meaning in their repellent, yet intense attraction. Their paths do cross again, but when confronted with the possibility of enduring love, Ruth’s cynicism creeps in; Isaac’s self-defeating beliefs take hold. For these two damaged souls, it just may be too late.

JC Miller

About The Author

JC (Jeanne) Miller, M.A., is an educator and founding member of JAM, an editorial-consultation team. An avid reader, aspiring traveler and table tennis enthusiast, she resides in Northern California.

Find JC!


Twitter: @JCMillerWriter

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