The Promise by Beth Wiseman

Book ReviewThe Promise by Beth Wiseman was a good book but there were things I didn’t like and I will get into those at the end of this review.  I love this authors writing and how she makes me understand why they make the choices that they do.  That being said the only reason I had a problem with this book is because I thought Mallory was a total idiot.  I liked this book but I found myself getting pissed at her because of some of her choices.  If you can look past her choices than I know you will love this  book.  I did enjoy it I just didn’t enjoy her character and her actions is all.

The PromiseAbout The Book

Mallory’s search for happiness leads her to a faraway place. There she finds heartache, betrayal—and danger.

Mallory Hammond is determined that no one will stand in the way of her goal—to save a life. She had that chance years ago, and she failed to take it, leaving her adrift and in search of the real meaning of her life. Finally, she meets a man online from a volatile corner of the world who offers her the chance to find that purpose. But she will have to leave everyone she loves behind in order to take it.

Tate Webber has loved Mallory for many years. He understands that Mallory will never be happy with him until her deepest heart’s desire is satisfied. When Mallory decides to travel across the world to fulfill her dreams, Tate begs her not to go but tries to give her the space she needs. Mallory embarks on her dangerous journey only to discover how swiftly and easily promises can be broken. And Mallory can only pray that she will make it out alive.

Inspired by actual events, The Promise is a riveting love story that asks the question: how far will we go for love?

Beth WisemanAbout The Author

Beth Wiseman is the best-selling author of the Daughters of the Promise series and the Land of Canaan series. Having sold over 1.3 million books, her novels have held spots on multiple Bestseller lists. She was the recipient of the prestigious Carol Award in 2011 and 2013. In 2013 she took home the coveted Holt Medallion. Her first book in the Land of Canaan series–Seek Me With All Your Heart–was selected as the 2011 Women of Faith Book of the Year. Beth lives in Texas with her family.

Find Beth online: website, Facebook, Twitter

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Becoming Bea by Leslie Gould

Book Review

Becoming Bea by Leslie Gould was such a fun story to read.  When I first started reading this book I wasn’t a huge fan of Bea.  I could see a lot of myself in her as well but as the story went on I started to really like her as she changed and grew.  I haven’t read the other books in this series but I didn’t feel like I was missing any pieces so if you just want to check this book out you won’t be lost.  If you love Amish fiction then I know you will love this book.

Becoming BeaAbout The Book

Can Bea and Ben Turn Rivalry Into Romance?

Beatrice Zook knows God wants her to learn patience toward others. When assisting a family overwhelmed by triplets proves surprisingly successful, her confidence in dealing with others, both young and old, grows.

One person she’ll never be able to find peace with though is Ben Rupp. They’ve known each other forever, and Ben understands precisely how to antagonize her. What neither she nor Ben will admit is that beneath all their bickering, attraction awaits. When friends decide to try and bring the couple together, will the pair be able to find true love? Or will they damage their relationship beyond repair?

Leslie GouldAbout The Author

Leslie Gould is the coauthor, with Mindy Starns Clark, of the #1 CBA bestseller The Amish Midwife, a 2012 Christy Award winner; ECPA bestsellerCourting Cate, first in the Courtships of Lancaster County series; and Beyond the Blue, winner of the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice for Best Inspirational Novel, 2006. She holds an MFA in creative writing from Portland State University and has taught fiction writing at Multnomah University as an adjunct professor. She and her familyl live in Portland, Oregon.

Find Leslie online: website, Facebook, Twitter

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Books, Blogs, Reality

Books, Blogs, Reality by Ryan Ringbloom
New Adult Contemporary
Date Published: October 2014

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Life can suck…
When reality becomes overwhelming, seeking comfort in fictional fantasies keeps hope alive.  And while this escape may be a little delusional, it’s also therapeutic.
Sharing secrets is daunting, but virtual friends don’t often judge and they are always ready to share a glass of wine…or three…while typing out life’s latest endeavors.
Brooke believes obstacles only add to romance, not detract. Rachael longs for a more intense relationship, or so she thinks. Lizzie misses the excitement in her life, but sometimes new situations find you when you’re not even looking. And Jess believes a tiger can change his stripes. It can’t.
Bound by a shared passion for blogging about happily ever afters, these four young women use keyboard therapy to work through their expectations, anxieties, and inadequacies, all with the hopes of achieving the perfection found in romance novels.
Completely blinded by what they think life should be, they navigate their unique paths in search of what they envision is right. But when reality taunts them with persistent curve balls, will they be strong enough to choose wisely? Or will their happy endings escape them?
*Mature content 18+

It’s not uncommon for people to have two sets of friends. The
“real” friends; these are the ones who live nearby, the ones you see or talk
with occasionally (less and less as time goes on). Then there are the “virtual”
friends; these are the ones you talk to (well, type to) every day. The latter
group comes from all over. You’ve never actually met any of them and yet you
trust them with some of the deepest, most intimate thoughts and details of your
life. You share way too much information and in return, they over-share way too
much back.
On Brooke Bloomfield’s twenty-third birthday, she went to
lunch with her real life best friend, Lauren. The two girls had a very nice
time. They gossiped in between chews, catching up, because even though they
lived only ten minutes away from each other, they still hadn’t seen each other
in quite some time. When the bill came, Lauren grabbed it, insisting she treat
Brooke on her special day. They hugged goodbye at their cars and promised to
meet for lunch or a drink soon.
Later that same night, Brooke let loose and celebrated her
birthday in a much more exciting way, at a computer-generated party with her
three online BF’s, Rachael-XXOO, Lizzie1214, and JessRomance93. In a relatively
short time, all three of these girls had come to know more about Brooke than
anyone else.
Similar tastes in books kept connecting them through book
tours and blitzes. Comments on posts and reviews turned into discussions over
emails. Tweets bounced back and forth between the four of them endlessly, until
one day they discovered a social website designed for readers, where they could
all chat privately amongst themselves. Within no time, their virtual
discussions went from benign topics such as books they all loved, hated and/or
felt somewhere in between, to a hell of a lot more serious things.
It’s funny the things a person will share with people they
don’t actually have to face. Like a diary into which they feed their emotions
and it types back.
Brooke Bloomfield
NY  ~
Blogger, dedicated romance reader, and reviewer. I spend a
lot of time with my many fictional boyfriends. Addicted to cherry ice pops and
cupcakes with pink frosting.
ReaderGirlBrooke: Hey guys!
Lizzie1214: Wine is open. Time to celebrate!! The big two-three!
JessRomance93: Hey, birthday girl! I just opened a beer. Does
everyone have a drink now?
Rachael-XXOO: Got mine. Happy Birthday Brookey!!!  Did you get the pic of Preston’s
package all wrapped up in a bow?
ReaderGirlBrooke: Thanks guys. I just poured a glass of red.
Yes, Rachael – great pic! *blushes
Rachael-XXOO: You’re not blushing. You love it. I’m sure you
saved it with all the other dirty pics I send you.
Rachael-XXOO: By the way, did you guys finish Fix My Heart
yet? I’m only 45% in.
ReaderGirlBrooke: Yes!! Loved! Five stars. A guy exactly
like Grant is what I wished for when I blew out my birthday candles today at
Lizzie1214: I gave it five stars, too.
JessRomance93: It was good. Meh. Three stars.
ReaderGirlBrooke: Jess, are you serious? Only three stars?
How did you not fall in love with Grant? He was perfect!
JessRomance93: Yeah, Grant was perfect. But a little too
perfect, don’t ya think? Guys like that don’t exist.
ReaderGirlBrooke: Are you just saying that because of you-know-who?
JessRomance93: This has nothing to do with that asshole. I
just thought the way Grant rescued Cassandra was a little over the top.
Rachael-XXOO: Um, hello. What part of “I haven’t finished
yet” did you all not understand? Remember, we don’t discuss a book until
everyone is done reading.
ReaderGirlBrooke: Sorry! We’ll stop. Just make sure to stay
away from my blog until you’re done reading. My review is getting posted
Rachael-XXOO: I’m probably reading slower than usual because
my own love life has been picking up lately.
JessRomance93: Nice, Rach! Do we get some dirty details
ReaderGirlBrooke: Wah! The only love life I have lately
requires batteries.
Rachael-XXOO: Yes! I’ll give details later. And speaking of
dirty details, did you get my special little birthday care package, Brooke?
ReaderGirlBrooke: Yes, but I haven’t opened it yet. I
figured I’d wait till we were chatting.
Lizzie1214: Open it! Tell us what fun, twisted things
Rachael sent you.
Rachael-XXOO: Yeah, go ahead and open it up, birthday girl!
ReaderGirlBrooke: HAAA! I didn’t know they made so many
things in the shape of a penis. Lollipops, straws, a lipstick, pasta, and a
toothbrush! OMG! Where did u find a penis toothbrush?
Rachael-XXOO: I ordered everything online. Do you like the
ReaderGirlBrooke: I love it! Thank you!! I’m taking a pic of
everything right now to send you guys.
Lizzie1214: Will you actually eat the pasta and the
lollipops? I wonder what they taste like.
JessRomance93: Ew, yuck. What do you think it tastes
Rachael-XXOO: Go ahead, Brooke, try a lollipop and tell us
if tastes like a pecker.
ReaderGirlBrooke: Yum. It does. 😉


About the Author
Ryan Ringbloom
Twitter: @ryanringbloom
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Jimmy Dean-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The WeekThis weeks quote is by Jimmy Dean.

Jimmy Dean

The funny think about this quote is the fact that I saw for the first time a few weeks ago when I got a new phone case from Phone Case Of The Month and this was the quote that was on the little card that comes with each case you get.  I knew once I saw the quote again that I had to use it.  It is so true and something I know I need to be reminded of all the time.  I am finding myself in a weird mental state as of late so this quote came into my life at the right time.  This is one I am going to keep on my desk at work because I need the reminder.

What do you think of this weeks quote by Jimmy Dean?

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Quilted by Christmas by Jodie Bailey

Book ReviewQuilted by Christmas by Jodie Bailey was such a sweet story.  I really enjoyed this story just like I have with others in this series.  I did find parts of this book predictable but I think that just comes from reading so many books that it is hard to shock me.  Even with that being said I really did enjoy this book.  I loved the characters and the authors style of writing.  I can’t wait to check out more books by this author because she writes amazingly.

Quilted by ChristmasAbout The Book

A grandmother’s last wish is to communicate God’s love through an Irish chain quilt.

Taryn McKenna believes she’s easy to forget. Abandoned by her parents and left behind when her high school sweetheart joined the army, she vows to never love again and throws herself into her love for the outdoors and the pursuit of a college degree—something no one else in her family has ever accomplished. Her goal, as a young teacher in the hills of North Carolina, is to leave a legacy in the lives of the middle-schoolers she teaches.

When Taryn’s grandmother Jemma, the only other person who ever held her close, has a heart attack that reveals a fatal medical condition, Taryn is corralled into helping Grandma work on a final project—an Irish chain quilt that tells the story of her history and the love Jemma knows is out there for Taryn. As the pieces of the quilt come together, Taryn begins to see her value. Can she learn to believe that God will never leave her behind even though others have?

Jodie BaileyAbout The Author

Jodie Bailey is Tarheel born and bred. After 15 years as a military spouse, she settled with her family back in North Carolina. She is the author of the military suspense novel Freefall and is a contributor to a devotional for military families, Fighting Fear: Winning the War at Home. While not working on her next novel, she teaches middle-schoolers to love writing as much as she does.

Connect with Jodie: website, Facebook, Twitter

Quilts Of LoveAbout The Quilts of Love Series

Quilts tell stories of love and loss, hope and faith, tradition and new beginnings. TheQuilts of Love series focuses on the women who quilted all of these things into their family histories. A new book releases each month and features contemporary and historical romances as well as women’s fiction and the occasional light mystery. You will be drawn into the endearing characters of this series and be touched by their stories.

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