Elisabeth Kubler-Ross – Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This week’s quote is by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

I  chose this quote because on January 29th I had to put Alley Cat down.  For those of you who are new and don’t know who Alley Cat is here is the last picture I took of her.

Alley Cat-Last Pic

I have a post coming up tomorrow talking more about the entire situation and how having to put Alley down brought back all of the feelings I had when I placed my daughter for adoption over ten years ago.  I am just going to leave this post alone, and I will write more about my thoughts and feelings on tomorrow’s post.

What do you think of this week’s quote by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross?

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An Amish Year by Beth Wiseman

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Book Review Tur

An Amish Year by Beth Wiseman was an excellent book.  I love books like this because I love the shorter stories and the fact that I can read through one quickly and move on to a new thing.  I liked that they put definitions of some of the words that the Amish use so that if you haven’t read books in this genre before you will be able to understand and follow along with the stories.  I have read enough books that I don’t need the information, but if you are new, then I know you will love it.  Out of the four stories that are in this book, I think I liked the first story the most.  I felt like I could relate to Rosemary out of all the characters and her story was my favorite out of the four stories.  I would recommend this book to people who don’t have tons of time to read because since they are short stories you can just read one and then put it down and walk away from it for awhile without having to remember what happened before.

An Amish Year by Beth Wiseman

About The Book

Spend a year in Amish country with four sweet romances.

Rooted in Love (previously published in An Amish Garden )

Rosemary Lantz is doing her best to run her family’s household. She excels at all her tasks except one: gardening. Saul Petersheim has pursued Rosemary for years, but Rosemary keeps turning him down. What Saul doesn’t know is that she has good reason—something no one can know—especially not him.

A Love for Irma Rose

The year is 1957, and young Irma Rose has a choice to make. Date the man who is “right” for her? Or give Jonas a chance, the wild and reckless suitor who refuses to take no for an answer?  Irma Rose steps onto the path she believes God has planned for her, but when she loses her footing, she is forced to rethink her choice.

Patchwork Perfect

Eli Byler has been a widower for two years when he chooses to make a fresh start in Paradise, Pennsylvania. As Eli juggles the admiration of two women, he meets Miriam Fisher—the most unconventional Amish woman he’s ever met. She doesn’t fit the mold for what Eli is looking for, but it isn’t long before Eli realizes that Miriam is everything he wants. But Miriam has no plans to get married—ever.  Will Eli be able to change her mind?

When Christmas Comes Again (previously published in An Amish Second Christmas )

Katherine knows the first Christmas without Elias will be hard for her and the children. But when a mysterious Englischerappears with photographs of her late husband, Katherine begins to wonder what other blessings Christmas could have in store.

Beth Wiseman

About The Author

Beth Wiseman is the best-selling author of the Daughters of the Promise series and the Land of Canaan series. Having sold over 1.3 million books, her novels have held spots on multiple Bestseller lists. She was the recipient of the prestigious Carol Award in 2011 and 2013. In 2013 she took home the coveted Holt Medallion. Her first book in the Land of Canaan series–Seek Me With All Your Heart–was selected as the 2011 Women of Faith Book of the Year. Beth lives in Texas with her family.


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Love To Believe by Lisa Ricard Claro


Contemporary Romance
Date Published: 1/30/2016

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A woman in a man’s world…
CPA Rebecca Walker wields a hammer and saw with skill, but it’s like fighting tooth and nail to prove to her chauvinistic father that she’s capable of managing the family construction business. Romance is a luxury Rebecca can’t afford.
A man with secrets…
Thanks to his past, romance isn’t in Sean Kinkaid’s future, so when Rebecca proposes ‘friends with benefits,’ Sean agrees. It’s the perfect scenario until love sneaks in—and Sean’s secrets tear them apart.
But Rebecca has a secret too, one she fears Sean will never accept. It will take intervention from an unlikely source to convince these two lovers they have the one thing neither of them ever expected to find … a love to believe.
Rebecca’s voice poleaxed him and a powerful wave of awareness washed over him, several things manifesting at once: She had the power to slay him with a single word, she sounded shaken and scared, and this must be serious because she hadn’t initiated contact with him even once since their split. A quick flash of their brief, but passionate, coming together at the gazebo stabbed into his gut, as did her statement before she retreated. ‘I can’t do this,’ she’d said, and he assumed she meant she couldn’t cheat on Nate. Which didn’t negate the fact that she’d been as involved in the kiss as Sean had been, but, he reminded himself for the thousandth time, just because he and Rebecca shared history and a powerful physical attraction didn’t mean that Nate hadn’t managed to win her heart, or at the very least, her loyalty. In either case, she didn’t belong to Sean. He needed to remember that.
“Sean? Are you there?”
“You sound upset.” He heard sirens through the phone and his heart damn near stopped beating as icy fear sluiced over him. “Are you okay? Have you been in an accident?”
“No, but I need you, Sean.”
His heart started pumping again and relief flooded through him. “Where are you, sweetheart? I’ll be right there.”
“No, no. Its—I need you, but I’m not asking—I need a lawyer, Sean. I’m about to be arrested.”
Comprehension doused him like an unexpected cold shower. She didn’t need him, she needed his legal expertise. Ouch.
He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Arrested for what?”
“Resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer.”
A surprised laugh escaped him. “Are you serious?”
“Can I count on you or not?”
“Jesus, yes. Of course. Are you still at the scene of the…uh…crime?”
About the Author

Lisa Ricard Claro is an editor, award-winning author, and Pushcart Prize nominee with published articles and stories spanning multiple media. She resides in Georgia with her husband of more than three decades and counting, is mother to three (a ruggedly handsome son and two stunningly beautiful daughters–Lisa might be a little biased), and dreams of one day living at the beach. Seriously dreams of it. As in, she’s already decorating her dream beach house. In addition to an array of sand dollars and seashells, she keeps a framed sign hanging in her office: “Sandy Toes and Salty Kisses Welcome Here.”
Lisa is also a lover of dogs and cats, and has a heart for rescues. This is why you will find a rescued pet companion in every one of her books. Sometimes they are part of the story line (Pirate the dog, in “Love Built to Last”), and sometimes they’re already ensconced in their forever home with one of Lisa’s characters (Pavarotti the cat, in “Love to Win”). As you read Lisa’s books, watch for the rescues!
While Lisa is a fan of storytelling in all genres, Romance is her favorite because she believes everyone deserves love and a happily-ever-after. But she adores a little mystery now and then, too, so keep an eye out for Lisa’s authorship of a whodunit one of these days soon.
Purchase Links
Book #1 in the Series is ON SALE for $.99 until February 15th!
Fireflies Series, Book One
By Lisa Ricard Claro
Publisher: Black Opal Books
Published: June 2015
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Kissed By A Cowboy by Debra Clopton

Book Review Graphic

Kissed By A Cowboy by Debra Clopton was an excellent book.  This is the third book in the series, and you can just read this one if it is the only one that interests you.  I do want to say that if you wish to read the entire series start at the beginning because this book will give things away if you start with it.  I think Jarrod is my favorite character from this series because he seemed like he was the most relatable to me and someone I could see myself getting along with in the real world.  I felt sorry for Cassidy and everything that she had gone through while growing up and even the things she went through as an adult.  I think this book is the most relatable and one that most people will love.  I can’t say enough great things about this series and this author writing.  I think that most people would enjoy this book and series.

Kissed By A Cowboy by Debra Clopton

About The Book

Cassidy was looking for a home and a place to belong . . . not for a cowboy to steal her heart.

Having lived through her parents’ endless string of “matrimonial bliss gone wrong,” Cassidy Starr knows when the odds are not in her favor. Divorced and humiliated, her faith on rocky ground, Cassidy is through with love. She’s been bucked off that horse far too many times. Instead, she returns to Wishing Springs, Texas, and the rundown farm she’s inherited from her great aunt Roxie. She’ll reopen the strawberry farm and a bed & breakfast and follow in her aunt’s footsteps, remaining forever-independent, happy . . . and single.

Rancher Jarrod Monahan’s hands are full running the ranch, looking after his ailing grandfather, and chasing down a group of rustlers on the loose. He’s pushed his longing for a family to the bottom of his list of priorities. Besides, he was in love once but ran scared and lost his shot at happiness. But suddenly, the biggest regret of his life has moved in next door with a wounded heart, determined to become a spinster . . . and that’s a challenge that Jarrod can’t pass up.

Jarrod sets his mind to breaking down the walls around Cassidy’s stubborn heart. How can he show her that a cowboy’s kiss lasts forever?  For the good folks of Wishing Springs, falling in love has never been so much fun to witness.

Debra Clopton

About The Author

Debra Clopton is a multi-award winning novelist and has written more than 22 novels. Along with writing, Debra helps her husband teach the youth at their local Cowboy Church. Debra’s goal is to shine a light toward God while she entertains readers with her words.

Find Debra online:
website, Facebook, Twitter

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A Sudden Crush by Camilla Isley

Book Review Tur

A Sudden Crush by Camilla Isley was kind of predictable but I still actually enjoyed the story and the authors style of writing.  I do like to read books like this from time to time because I enjoy the humor in this type of books.  I tend to gravitate towards these books when I have read books that have heavier subject matters.  This book reminded me of the movie Cast Away, which I liked because I love watching that movie.  I couldn’t help but smile when Joanna adopts a pet monkey within hours of waking up on the island with Connor because I could see myself doing something like that.  Like I said before even though I found this book to be predictable I still really enjoyed it and I am for sure going to check out some of her other books.  If you love romance and comedy books than I know you will love this book as much as I did.

A Sudden Crush by Camilla Isley

About The Book

Joanna Price is a city girl with the perfect life. She loves her job as a book editor, she just married Liam, high profile bestselling author and the man of her dreams, and she’s headed to the Caribbean to enjoy two weeks of paradise for her luxurious honeymoon.
Connor Duffield is a gruff, grumpy rancher from the Midwest. He is a country boy who has a no-nonsense approach to life, more scars than he’d like to admit, and he hates city girls.

So it’s just a misfortune they have to sit next to each other for a six hour plane ride. Even more so when their flight is caught in the perfect storm and Joanna wakes up stranded on a desert island with Connor, the very man she hoped she would never have to see again.

Why are they alone on this forsaken island? What happened to Joanna’s husband?

When her dream honeymoon turns into a hilarious tropical nightmare, Joanna’s first thought is survival. However, she and Connor will quickly discover just how boring paradise can be. As the days turn to weeks, and then months, this mismatched pair will have to learn how to coexist and how to resist the sparkles of an attraction they weren’t prepared to feel.

When they are finally rescued will Joanna’s marriage be saved as well, or will the life she knew and loved be in ruins?

Camilla Isley

About The Author

Hi! I’m a writer of romantic comedy, cat’s lover, coffee addict, and shoes hoarder.
Besides writing, I love reading (surprise, surprise), cooking—and eating—especially pasta, going to the movies and obviously ordering a gigantic bowl of popcorn, and watching too much bad TV.
I understand that mosquitoes play a role in the ecosystem as a part of other animals’ diet, and I don’t want to starve all those frog princes out there, but I could really live without them.

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Joseph Campbell-Quote Of The Week

This week’s quote is by Joseph Campbell.

Joseph Campbell

I really loved this quote when I saw it because it is so true.  When I think about the people who are hero’s to me they tend to be soldiers or cops who in the end lost their lives because they were protecting everything that I love about this country.

What do you think of this weeks quote by Joseph Campbell?

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