Life Events

Matt Cameron – Quote Of The Week

This week’s quote is by Matt Cameron.

I have used several quotes over the past month about being positive, and I have done that because I think too many people only focus on the negative.  I find that I also get caught up in the negative parts of my life, so I am trying every day to find the positive things about the day and focus on those things.  I find that I have to take a few minutes every couple of hours and remind myself of the positive things in my life.  I know if I do this long enough it will become second nature and I won’t have to work so hard it.

What do you think of this week’s quote by Matt Cameron?

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Joseph Campbell-Quote Of The Week

This week’s quote is by Joseph Campbell.

Joseph Campbell

I really loved this quote when I saw it because it is so true.  When I think about the people who are hero’s to me they tend to be soldiers or cops who in the end lost their lives because they were protecting everything that I love about this country.

What do you think of this weeks quote by Joseph Campbell?

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2016 Margaret Margaret

Abraham Lincoln-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The WeekThis weeks quote is by Abraham Lincoln and it talks about living your life while you are alive.

Abraham LincolnI loved this quote when I saw it because I know it is true.  I think as we get older we forget to live our lives and not just exist.  I find myself getting stuck with just going day by day and not really enjoying or doing anything other than existing.  I now try to take a step back and try to live in the moment but I can be and is hard to do.

What do you think about this quote?

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