23 Minutes Past 1 A.M. by Robert J. Dornan


FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Pump Up Your Book in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

23 Minutes Past 1 A.M. by Robert J. Dornan was an interesting book, to say the least. I have always been a huge fan of books like this that take a part of history and tell a story about something that could have happened during the period. This one-time frame that comes to mind would be how much I love the WWII period, and I love the books that are fiction but could have happened, and this book was like that for me. I don’t know much about this event so I am not sure how accurate this book would be but I did love this book. I felt like I knew a little bit more about this period than I did when I started the book. I did find at times that I would bog down in some of the details in the book so I would just put the book down and come back to later when I was able to focus more. I felt like I got to know the characters and understand what and why they were thinking and doing the things that they did. It was also a pretty easy book to read, so I also enjoyed that about this book. I believe that if you love thriller books then this book will be a great fit for you. If you have read this book what, did you think of it?

23 Minutes Past 1 A.M. by Robert J. Dornan

About The Book

In the early morning of her sister’s wedding day, Mila Kharmalov stared in stunned silence at the coloured sparks streaming from Reactor Four of the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant.  At that very moment, her life and the lives of everyone she knew changed forever.

Years later and on another continent, Adam Byrd was writing biographies for everyday people looking to leave their legacy in book form. When the woman he loved phoned from Kiev offering him the chance to write the story of a lifetime, he jumped at the opportunity not realizing that his voyage would be a bumpy ride through a nations dark underbelly. With the help of his friend’s quirky cousin, Adam is nudged into a fascinating adventure of love, greed, power and psychotic revenge, culminating with a shocking finale.
23 Minutes Past 1 A.M. is a work of fiction based on factual events from Chernobyl and villages throughout Ukraine.


About The Author

Robert J Dornan is someone who wishes to leave a better world to his children. He realizes that the odds are slim but he will do whatever he can to increase the probability of success.  He is always open to discuss new and innovative ideas and hopes someday to see the building of a functional solar city as well as a fair and community-driven compensation system.

Robert’s latest book is the historical fiction, 23 Minutes Past 1 A.M.

For More Information

  • Visit Robert J. Dorman’s website.

Connect with Robert on Facebook and Twitter.

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Weekly Wrap-Up!


Here we are again another has come to an end and as always I have to wonder where this year is going.  I also wish there was a way to slow down time so that I could experience more things in the world.  I didn’t get to typing up this post last week so here are the last two weeks worth of posts in case you missed any of them.

Keri Russell – Quote Of The Week

Driving On The Left by Gail Olmsted

Home On The Range by Ruth Logan Herne

Just Fine With Caroline by Annie England Noblin

Elon Musk – Quote Of The Week

10 Things I Love About Football (American Football)

Save The Last Dance by Eric Johnson and Eva Ungar Grudin

A Sisters Wish by Shelley Shepard Gray

An Amish Family Christmas by Shelley Shepard Gray

Those are all of the posts from the past two weeks in case you missed any of them.  Here are a few of the fun things I have seen on Facebook that I wanted to share with everyone.

I hope to see you back here next week!!!!

Have a great weekend!

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An Amish Family Christmas by Shelley Shepard Gray



FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Litfuse in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

An Amish Family Christmas by Shelley Shepard Gray was a great Christmas themed book. This is the fourth book in this series, and even though I did enjoy this book, I think I liked the third book more than this one. I had a hard time connecting with these characters which were something that caught me off guard. I did like the book, but it was harder for me to get through this book. I know that there always can be one book in a series that isn’t your favorite and this book was that for me. I liked Penny in this book, but I didn’t feel like I could connect with any of the other characters in this book. If you love Amish fiction, I would for sure check out this book but know that you may have a hard time getting into the book like I did. an-amish-family-christmas-by-shelley-shepard-gray

About The Book

In Shelley Shepard Gray’s fourth book in her Charmed Amish Life series, an unlikely Amish romance reveals that Christmas is a time for family, miracles—and love.

Ever since his father died in a tragic fire, Levi Kinsinger has felt adrift. Newly returned to Charm, Ohio, Levi is trying to fit into his old life, only to discover he seems to have outgrown it.

But when Julia, his young widowed neighbor, asks for his help with a Christmas project, Levi finds a sense of purpose for the first time in months. She and her daughter are new to Charm and could use a friend, a job Levi takes personally. Soon enough, friendship grows into attraction, but Levi can’t help having doubts. There’s something about Julia that doesn’t ring quite true…

Like Levi, Julia Kemps has survived her fair share of hardships—but only by hiding the truth of her past. Being an unmarried mother in an Amish community was unthinkable. Feeling hopeless, Julia did the only thing she could do: she moved to a new town and pretended to be a widow. But meeting Levi, she’s hopeful for the first time. Little by little, she begins to imagine telling him her darkest secret, and eventually…perhaps even sharing her life with him.

Christmas is a time for family, and as the holiday draws closer, Julia and Levi will have to face their pasts together…in order to find the healing, support and love they so desperately desire.

 Shelley Gray

About The Author

 Shelley Shepard Gray is a two-time New York Times bestseller, a two-time USA Today bestseller, a finalist for the American Christian Fiction Writers prestigious Carol Award, and a two-time Holt Medallion winner. She lives in Southern Ohio, where she writes full-time, bakes too much, and can often be found walking her dachshunds on her town’s bike trail.

Find Shelley online:
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A Sisters Wish by Shelley Shepard Gray



FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Litfuse in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

A Sisters Wish by Shelley Shepard Gray was a good book. This is the third book in the series, and I knew I would love it because I have loved all of the other books in this series. This author writes my favorite Amish fiction books, so I know once I find out she has a new book out that I will probably end up liking it. I think that these characters have to be one of my favorites in this series because I felt like I could relate to Amelia. I was able to get through this book pretty quickly which is something that I also love about this author. If you have never read Amish fiction before this would be a great series to start reading. This is the third book in the series, and even though they can be read as a stand-alone, I would recommend reading the whole series and reading them in order. If you love Amish fiction, I am sure will love this book as much as I did.


About The Book

New York Times Bestselling Author

In Shelley Shepard Gray’s third book in her Charmed Amish Life series, a respectable young woman finds herself falling for an Amish man from the wrong side of the tracks.

Amelia Kinsinger is the perfect Amish woman—at least according to her neighbors. And while Amelia takes pride in her role as homemaker, she’s also harboring a secret: She’s been in love with bad boy Simon Hochstetler for as long as she can remember. Too bad he’s about as far from “perfect” as an Amish man could get… but that’s exactly why she’s so drawn to him.

Life hasn’t been kind to Simon. He ran away from an abusive home at fifteen and things went downhill from there. Eventually, Simon landed in prison. But the experience changed him. Now back in Charm as a grown man, he’s determined to make a new life for himself and not think too much about his wild past…unless it pertains to Amelia.

He’s loved Amelia for years. To him, she represents everything good and kind in the world. When he realizes that she returns his affections, he starts calling on her in secret, even though her older brother Lukas—who just happens to be Simon’s best friend—has made it perfectly clear that Amelia deserves better. Simon disagrees and believes he’s the only one who can truly make her happy.

But when Amelia gets hurt, it sets off a chain of events that forces them to consider their future together—and face their past mistakes. There’s a chance for love… but only if Simon dares to trust Amelia with the secrets of his past.

Shelley Gray

About The Author

Shelley Shepard Gray is a two-time New York Times bestseller, a two-time USA Today bestseller, a finalist for the American Christian Fiction Writers prestigious Carol Award, and a two-time Holt Medallion winner. She lives in Southern Ohio, where she writes full-time, bakes too much, and can often be found walking her dachshunds on her town’s bike trail.

Find Shelley online:
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Save The Last Dance by Eric Johnson and Eva Ungar Grudin


FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Pump Up Your Book in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Save The Last Dance by Eric Johnson and Eva Ungar Grudin was such a different book from what I usually read.  I have read one other book that was written similar to this one and if you want to check it out you can click here to read that review.  I loved this book because it felt like you were reading personal emails from actual people.  I know part of the reason I loved this book is because I love being nosy and know what is going on with strangers.  I did at times get frustrated because I wanted to know what the characters were thinking and what not.  I also felt frustrated when the book ended because you have no idea what ended up happening with the characters.  Even with all that being said I still really enjoyed this book and it is one that I will keep in my personal collection of books.


About The Book

A tale of the power and peril of first love rediscovered.

Adam Wolf and Sarah Ross were teenage sweethearts who grew up in Cleveland Heights, Ohio in the late 50’s and early 60’s. They set a wedding date when they turned fifteen. The day came and went. For most of their lives the two were out of contact.


With their 50th high school reunion approaching, Adam and Sarah reconnect. Email exchanges – after the first tentative “hi”, then a deluge- five, ten- by the end of the week twenty emails a day. Soon Sarah admits, “All my life I’ve been looking for someone who loves me as much as you did”.
Written entirely in email and texts, Save the Last Dance allows the reader to eavesdrop on Sarah and Adam’s correspondence as their love reignites. It also permits the reader to witness the reactions of significant others, whose hum-drum lives are abruptly jolted by the sudden intrusion of long-dormant passion. Can Sarah and Adam’s rekindled love withstand the pummeling they’re in for?


About The Authors

Eric Joseph and Eva Ungar (Grudin) were teenage sweethearts in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, who set a wedding date when they turned 15. The last time they saw each other they were 21 years old. Three years ago they reunited, around the time of the 50th high school reunion. Although their book is a work of fiction, it’s about a couple like them, who fall in love again, almost instantly, via email.

Eric is in public health, a consultant/educator at hospitals and clinics, concentrating his career on Native American health services across the country. Eva is an art historian who taught at Williams College in Massachusetts for 40+ years. She specialized in African and African-American art; the history of European painting: also Holocaust Studies – memorials and museums; In addition, she has performed in and written Sounding to A, a multi-media work about inheriting the Holocaust. It premiered at the Ko Festival of Performance in 2004.

Learn more about Eva and Eric and their history together by visiting hargrovepress.com – At the website you’ll find memories about their time together in the late 50s, early 60s, as well as interviews from today.
Their latest book is the literary fiction, Save The Last Dance.

For More Information

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Save The Last Dance is available at Amazon.

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