Swan Deception by Glede Browne Kabongo

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Swan Deception by Glede Browne Kabongo was a fantastic book.  This is the first book I am read in a while that kept me on the edge of my seat and made me want to keep reading because I had to know what was going to happen next.  I don’t remember the last time that I read a book that even at work all I wanted to do was read the book.  I even had people read the back of the book and then tell me that they wanted to read the book after I was done with it which doesn’t actually happen with most of the books that I read.  I was on the edge of my seat throughout this entire book because I had no idea what was going to happen next so I was always shocked when things happened because I wasn’t ever right when I would try and figure out what was going to happen next.  This next thought is very random, but as I was reading this book, I often caught myself wondering how the author came up with this book and the things that happened in it.  If you love thrillers, I am sure you will love the book just as much as I do.

About The Book

The perfect family, a house of full of secrets and an ingenious killer out for revenge…

Dr. Shelby Cooper is a busy modern woman trying to balance it all—career, motherhood and marriage to an ambitious corporate power player. But there’s more to Shelby than meets the eye. One afternoon, the perfect life she has meticulously built comes crashing down when a stop by the police for a broken taillight turns into a terrifying battle for survival.

Shrewd, charismatic and untouchable, Jason Cooper is poised to become the next CEO of Orphion, a multi-billion dollar global technology company. To achieve his dream, no one must know he harbors a dark secret that could destroy his life and everyone in it.

The Coopers’ world explodes in a burst of scandal and suspicion when Shelby is arrested for the murder of a close friend. A clever psychopath with a bitter vendetta is playing puppetmaster and has orchestrated a series of cruel hoaxes to even the score.

To unmask a killer and save his wife from a possible murder conviction, Jason must unravel the mystery of Shelby’s past. As the clock ticks, a series of stunning revelations threaten to ruin the Coopers for good. Yet nothing can prepare them for the mother of all deception—a truth so horrifying, it may leave them shattered forever.

This diabolical psychological thriller chronicles the heart-wrenching unraveling of a family and exposes a shocking portrait of duplicity, vengeance, and betrayal that will keep you at the edge of your seat until the final, draw-dropping twist.

A Library Journal SELF-e Best Book of 2016 Pick

About The Author

Gledé Browne Kabongo writes intense psychological thrillers—unflinching tales of deception, secrecy, danger and family. She is the Amazon Bestselling Author of Game of Fear, Mark of Deceit (Eye of Fear Anthology), Swan Deception, and Conspiracy of Silence. Her love affair with books began as a young girl growing up in the Caribbean, where her town library overlooked the Atlantic Ocean. She was trading books and discussing them with neighbors before Book Clubs became popular.

She holds both an M.S. and B.A. in communications, and worked as a freelance news reporter right out of college. After she abandoned the dream of winning the Pulitzer Prize as a reporter for the Boston Globe, she jumped into marketing management for over a decade. Gledé lives in Massachusetts with her husband and two sons.

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Ava Moss by Joss Landry

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Pump Up Your Book in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Ava Moss by Joss Landry was a good book, but it wasn’t one of my favorites.  These types of books are my guilty pleasure because for the most part, I won’t ever admit to reading most of them but they are great when I want a book that is just a happy go lucky book, and this one fits into the category for me.  I really did enjoy this author writing, and I would be open to reading other books by her in the future.  I  go annoyed by Ava throughout the book but in the end in I always found myself loving her again and again.  If you love reading Christian romance books because they don’t ever have any of the gross things in them I would recommend this book to you because it didn’t have anything in it that would make anyone uncomfortable.  I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a fun chick lit book to read this spring and summer I would recommend this book you.  If you have read it what do you think of it?

About The Book

In the heart of Manhattan’s financial district, during her rise through the entry-level program of a large conglomerate, Ava Moss encounters the salacious Scott Wallace. While Ava considers her boss inscrutable she realizes her heart must remain Scott-free and not fall prey to his charismatic prowess.

Quite by accident Ava overhears computer thieves plotting to steal the firm’s investment clients and seize their information. Worried Scott will not believe her story Ava enlists the help of coworkers to catch the culprits. When Scott learns about the attempted fraud, he is angrier with Ava for not having confided in him than in any potential swindle.

Ava, heartbroken by Scott’s silence and what she considers his lack of gratitude, attempts to move on to avoid the bleak consequences of unrequited love.

About The Author

Joss has worked as a consultant for more than twenty years, writing copy for marketing firms and assisting start-up companies to launch their business. She recently made the switch from composing copy and promos, to writing fiction and prose. She is developing her style through courses and the support of other writers and is presently working on honing three other novels for publication.

Blessed with four children and six grandchildren, she resides in Edmonton, Alberta with her husband, a staunch supporter, and enjoys spending time biking, rollerblading, playing tennis, and swimming. She loves creating stories as she says they fulfill her need to think outside the box.

With two of my littlest angels. This is what life is all about,

spending time with the little ones.

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Dr. Steve Maraboli – Quote Of The Week

The quote I chose for this week is by Dr. Steve Maraboli.

I chose this quote because like most of the quotes from this past month I am working on staying positive and not letting negative people affect me.  I work in the construction field and more times than not customers come in pissed off or call pissed off, and it always has rubbed off on me.  I have actually been making an effort to not let other people make me upset when I am at work.  I have though gotten to the point at work where I don’t really care is someone doesn’t like me because of one reason or another.  I just reached the point in life where I am happy with who I am so why I should stress because someone I work with doesn’t like me?  If they have a valid reason, then I have no problem listening to what they are saying and trying to make a change, but most times I just ignore people because no one will come up and talk to me about it.  Those are just a few of the thoughts I have about this quote.

What do you think about this week’s quote by Dr. Steve Maraboli?

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The Paths We Walk Trails by Felicia Ferguson

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from BookLook in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

The Paths We Walk Trails by Felicia Ferguson was a book that I had a hard time getting interested in and staying interested in.  It is rare that I read books that I struggle with as much as I did with this one.  I only got through just over half of the book before I put it down and just walked away from it.  I am usually able to keep reading a book, but I couldn’t stay interested in this book for some reason.  With that being said though this book was well written and I am sure that most people would enjoy this book, but it just wasn’t the right fit for me.

About The Book

Set in Fairhope, Alabama, and the beach resort area of Scenic Highway 30A in Florida’s Panhandle, four thirty-something ladies, support each other through the triumphs and hard decisions of life. When their own ladies’ retreat is canceled by the sudden illness of its veteran coordinator, Deli, Jess, Anne, and Lindsay travel to Seaside, Florida, for a local church’s meeting on biblical reflection and meditation. The verses they study bring unexpected insights into their relationships with God, their families, and even themselves.

Single ladies, Deli and Jess, gain greater insight into what it means to be a part of a godly relationship. Deli battles her abuse history and takes a step of faith toward a future she never imagined could be hers. Jess, on the other hand, struggles to come to terms with her failing three-year relationship with a man who has little interest in God and faith. Meanwhile, Anne and Lindsay confront issues of motherhood. Anne’s pre-teen daughter has begun a slow descent into silence and moodiness leading Anne to question her long-held beliefs about parenting. Lindsay has her own questions, but with two young daughters now both school-aged, hers is a battle of mother’s guilt against a possible return to her first love: a career in law.

Their questions are our questions. Their journeys are our journeys. Come join them as they discover their own answers and God’s plan for their lives on The Paths We Walk.

About The Author


Being a follower of Jesus is the most important role in my life. I love being involved in small groups and Bible studies and have made treasured friendships in each. I am a firm believer that each person has a journey that is unique to them. As Christians, our mission should be to support each other on our walks.


I love to travel and experience new places learn about the culture of the area. The back of my MINI Cooper is covered in decals from the cities and countries I’ve visited. I like to joke that it’s my moving passport! Scotland, England, and Charleston will play supporting roles in the upcoming additions to The Paths We Walk series.


Although I am single, God has surrounded me with a tremendous group of people I call my family. Some are related by blood, others only by love. Without each of them I would not be the person I am today nor would I be growing into the person God sees me be.  I do have two children (four-legged and furry) who keep me on my toes and always make me smile. I call them my “salt and pepper shakers.” Buttercup and Lillie are French Bulldogs and half-sisters from Frenchy Farms in Venice, Florida. 

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Seeing Double by Nancy J Alexander

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from iRead Book Tours in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Seeing Double by Nancy J Alexander was a great book.  This is the second book in the series, and I loved that I got to spend more times with Elisabeth in this book.   I have to stay I liked listening to the first book more than I liked reading this one.  I think that that happened was because with the first one because I listened to it seemed more like a show than a book.  Even with that being said I really enjoyed this author writing, and I love her characters.  This book didn’t keep me on the edge of my seat, but it did make me want to keep reading and figure out how it ended.  I was sad when the book was over, but I am hoping that there will read other books in this series so that I can get to see the characters again.  If you love mystery books then you should give this one a shot and see if you like it.

About The Book

“A chill ran up her spine, triggering an alarm that spread through her system. Her eyes studied him as his eyes studied her. In the recesses of her mind, a fragment of a memory tingled…a tiny blip from long ago. An image spiraled, then vanished. There was something about this young man, this Ari Ben-Aviv. There was something about him she couldn’t pinpoint.”

On the heels of her last mystery, Elisabeth’s new patient is more than meets the eye, and unraveling his secrets will throw her team into a desert storm of double agents and religious extremists. All that stands between love and war are two families, two brothers, and two conflicting versions of the truth.

About The Author

Love of the mystery/thriller genre combines with psychotherapy training and experience to produce an emotionally supercharged dramatic novel. Nancy Alexander has devoted much of her professional life to helping survivors of childhood trauma; their distress has been ingrained and works to create characters who give voice to their plight. To analyze the evil minds that prey on others and the intricacies of law enforcers who pursue them seemed a natural interlacing of professional, literary and creative interests.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook

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Joel Osteen – Quote of The Week

This week’s quote is by Joel Osteen.

I love this quote because I try and focus on the good because I tend to find myself getting stuck in a negative mindset and that isn’t how I want to live my life.  I have spent the last few years working on being more positive in my life and I finally feel like I am getting the hang of it and this quote is just a great reminder to focus on the present and not worry about the future.

What do you think about this week’s quote by Joel Osteen?

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2017 Margaret Margaret