Driver Confessional by David L. Winters

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Litfuse in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Driver Confessional by David L Winters was a fun book to read.  I loved that this book had things that are actually happening or things that really exist.  I love when authors just change the name of a service or product in their books, but everyone knows what the author is talking about.  I also enjoyed this book because it was such a different type of story in the fact that it has to do with a guy that is a driver because I can only imagine all of the stories that cab drivers and people like them have to tell.  I also really enjoyed this authors writing.  I really liked Antonio right from the start because he seemed like someone that I could relate to and I really enjoyed that.  If you are looking for a different type of mystery book to read I would recommend this book to you.

About The Book

Ride share driver Antonio cruises the streets of Washington, D.C. looking for his next fare.
He has an unusual gift for relaxing his customers and stimulating their desire to reveal more than they planned. By the completion of their ride, many feel so comfortable that they confess their sins great and small. Antonio’s faith guides his discussions and points him in new directions. Suddenly, his peaceful world is turned upside down by a mysterious business woman. As she heads to a midnight rendezvous, she confesses more than Antonio can handle. Her story sends him into a world of espionage, international terrorism, and danger.

About The Author

David L Winters is an award-winning author, humorist, and speaker, originally from Ohio, who lives in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. His first book, “Sabbatical of the Mind: The Journey from Anxiety to Peace,” won several awards including a Silver Illumination Award from the Jenkins Group and two Finalist Medals from the Next Generation Indies Book Awards.
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Lola by Melissa Scrivner Love

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Blogging For Books in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Lola by Melissa Scrivner Love was a great book, but there are some things that would offend some people because of the content.  I am going to give you a few of the things that might offend you if you get easily offended.  There was a “sex” scene, but they didn’t get into a ton of detail when it came to this scene, but it was in there.  The book is about drug dealers so that may also offend people and there are also some parts where the language used might offend people as well.  Now that I have gotten that all out of the way I want to talk about this book and why I liked it as much as I did.  I love that the gang leader is a female.  I think it is great to make the leader a woman and it also made this book so different from anything else that I have read before.  None of the things I talked about during the first part of this review bothered me, in fact, I ended up liking this book that much more because it wasn’t as boring as some books can be when they don’t have anything “bad” in them.  If you love thriller type books than I think this book might be a good fit for you.

About The Book

The Crenshaw Six are a small but up-and-coming gang in South Central LA who have recently been drawn into an escalating war between rival drug cartels. To outsiders, the Crenshaw Six appear to be led by a man named Garcia . . . but what no one has figured out is that the gang’s real leader (and secret weapon) is Garcia’s girlfriend, a brilliant young woman named Lola.

Lola has mastered playing the role of submissive girlfriend, and in the man’s world she inhabits she is consistently underestimated. But in truth she is much, much smarter–and in many ways tougher and more ruthless–than any of the men around her, and as the gang is increasingly sucked into a world of high-stakes betrayal and brutal violence, her skills and leadership become their only hope of survival.

An astonishing debut crime thriller about an unforgettable woman who combines the genius and ferocity of Lisbeth Salander with the ruthless ambition of Walter White. Lola marks the debut of a hugely exciting new thriller writer, and of a singular, magnificent character unlike anyone else in fiction.

About The Author

MELISSA SCRIVNER LOVE was born to a police officer father and a court stenographer mother. After earning a master’s degree in English Literature from New York University, Melissa moved to Los Angeles, where she has lived for over a decade. During that time, she has written for several television shows, among them Life, CSI: Miami, and Person of Interest. She and her husband, a comedy writer and Los Angeles native, welcomed their daughter in 2014. Lola is her first novel.

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Monthly Book Reviews – June 2017

I can’t believe that we are the half way point for this year.  It seems like just yesterday it was New Years and now we are on the downhill side of the year.  Anyway, let’s get on to the reviews that I have scheduled for this month.

June 1stLola by Melissa Scrivner Love

June 2ndDriver Confessional by David L. Winters

June 3rdThe Great Chattanooga Bicycle Race by Mike H. Mizrahi

June 7thDeadly Spirits by E. Michael Helms

June 8th Jellybeaners by Gene Scott

June 13thBedlam by Autumn Sand

June 14thMayhem by Autumn Sand

June 16thMore Than A Soldier by D.M. Annechino

June 21st– Operation Scorpion by John Beyer

June 22nd-Three On A Match by Gino B. Bardi

June 27th– Never Forget by Richard Davis

June 28th– Practicing Normal by Cara Sue Achterberg

Those are all of the books that I have scheduled for June so far.  That being said I am almost always willing to read a book on short notice if the book is one that I am one hundred percent sure that I will love.

What book are you currently reading and/or what book do you think I should check out?

What author are you loving and you think I would love to read?

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Miracle Man by William R. Leibowitz

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Pump Up Your Book in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Miracle Man by William R Leibowitz was different from anything that I have read in years. I say that because this isn’t a book, I would usually read but I was intrigued when I read about this book and I figured I would give this book a shot, and I am glad that I did because I did enjoy this book and this authors style of writing. I did worry that it would be so involved and that it would go over my head but in the end, I had no problem understand the book and getting into the story. At times I felt bad for Robert because I am sure he had to have been lonely because of his intelligence and I was left just feeling sorry for him. Like I said before I did enjoy this book and I would recommend to anyone who is looking for something different to read this summer.

About The Book

Author: William Leibowitz
Publisher: Manifesto Media Group
Pages: 385
Genre: Thriller


The victim of an unspeakable crime, an infant, rises to become a new type of superhero.  Unlike any that have come before him, he is not a fanciful creation of animators, he is real.

So begins the saga of Robert James Austin, the greatest genius in human history.  But where did his extraordinary intelligence come from?

As agents of corporate greed vie with rabid anti-Western radicals to destroy him, an obsessive government leader launches a bizarre covert mission to exploit his intellect.  Yet Austin’s greatest fear is not of this world.

Aided by two exceptional women, one of whom will become his unlikely lover, Austin struggles against abandonment and betrayal.  But the forces that oppose him are more powerful than even he can understand.

Miracle Man was named by Amazon as one of the Top 100 Novels of 2015, an Amazon Top 10 thriller, an Amazon bestseller and an Amazon NY Times bestseller.


About The Author

William Leibowitz has been practicing entertainment/media law in New York City for a number of years.  He has represented numerous renowned creative people and many leading intellectual property companies.  William has a Bachelor of Science degree from New York University (magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa) and a law degree from Columbia University.  He lives in the village of Quogue, New York with his wife, Alexandria, and dog, George.

William wrote Miracle Man because of its humanistic and spiritual messages and because he feels that in our current times–when meritless celebrity has eclipsed accomplishment and the only heroes are those based on comic books, the world needs a real hero–and that, of course, is Robert James Austin, the protagonist in Miracle Man.



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Jim Rohn – Quote Of The Week

This week I chose a quote by Jim Rohn.  I have used several quotes by him over the years, and this one might be one of my favorites from him.  Let’s get into what I think about it below it.

I loved this quote because it reminds me that I need to focus on the present to be happy.  I find that we all can get stuck just focusing on the future and we all forget that you need to be present and enjoying your life as things happen.  This quote reminds me of watching my nephew grow up and I often had to tell my brother not to wish away the time you get with them when they are little and as they grow up.  It is amazing how he changes from day to day, and I know that people in his life don’t spend the time playing with him and watching him change.  Those are just a few of my thoughts on this quote.  Let me know what you think in the comments below!

What do you think of this quote by Jim Rohn?

What quotes are you currently loving and why?

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Sovereignty by Anjenique Hughes

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from iRead Book Tours in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Sovereignty by Anjenique Hughes was a good book. Whenever I read books like this one I find that I am always comparing these books to the book “1984 by George Orwell”. I have always felt that books never quite measured up to that book but I really enjoyed this book so it is one that I would read again just like I would read 1984 over and over again. I liked this book right from the first page because I was left wanting to know what was going to happen and how things would work out in this book. This book kept me on the edge of my seat, and I wasn’t able to figure out what was going to happen, so I was always left wondering what was up next. If you love dystopian type books, I am sure you will love this book as much as I do.

About The Book

Book Title: Sovereignty by Anjenique Hughes
Category: YA fiction, 262 pages
Genre: Dystopian
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing
Release date: July 19, 2016
Tour dates: May 15 to June 2, 2017
Content Rating: PG (No F-words, no sexual content, only one kissing scene and mild profanity)

I used to think I knew all the answers; now I no longer even know the questions. – Goro

Under the totalitarian reign of the 23rd century’s world’s government- The Sovereign Regime- control is made possible by the identity chip implanted in every human being, recording everything that is seen, done, and experienced.

No more bank accounts.
No more smart phones.
No more secrets.

When Goro inadvertently overhears an exchange of sensitive information, causing him to confront the truth about his world and prompting him to choose his true loyalties, his dream of revolution kicks into high gear. Goro doesn’t know he has covert intel in his possession both the SR and the resistance movement are desperate to acquire.

Determined to attempt the impossible task of bringing down the world government, he and his closest friends gain access to the key to ultimately deciding who has sovereignty.

But who will get to Goro first: The resistance or the Sovereign Regime?


About The Author

With master’s degrees in education, special education, and counseling, Anjenique “Jen” Hughes is a high school English and math teacher who loves teaching and mentoring young people. She enjoys traveling and has worked with youth on five continents. Saying she is “young at heart” is an understatement; she is fluent in sarcasm, breaks eardrums with her teacher voice (students have complained when they were within earshot), and cracks sarcastic jokes with the best of her students. Her work with ethnically and socioeconomically diverse youth has inspired her to write books that appeal to a broad variety of students seeking stories of bravery, perseverance, loyalty, and success.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook

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