True To You by Becky Wade

True to You Becky Wade

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Litfuse in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

True To You by Becky Wade was a great book.  I can’t even count the number of books that I have read by this author, so I knew going into this book that I was probably going to enjoy it.  I love books by this author because the well was written and they always end up being super sweet love stories.  With that being said they are predictable, and I am usually able to figure out what is going to happen to them but I still love everything about her books.  I really liked John right from the first chapter of the book, and I was sad when the book was over because I knew he would be one of the characters that I would miss.  I wasn’t the biggest fan of Nora, but I couldn’t tell why I didn’t like her.  If you love Christian romance books, I am positive that you will love this book just as much as I did.

About The Book

Exciting Start of a Brand-New Series by a Contemporary Romance Fan Favorite

After a devastating heartbreak three years ago, genealogist and historical village owner Nora Bradford has decided that burying her nose in her work and her books is far safer than romance in the here and now.

Unlike Nora, former Navy SEAL and Medal of Honor recipient John Lawson is a modern-day man; usually, 100 percent focused on the present. But when he’s diagnosed with an inherited condition, he’s forced to dig into the secrets of his past and his adoption as an infant, enlisting Nora to help him uncover the identity of his birth mother.

The more time they spend together, the more this pair of opposites suspects they just might be a perfect match. However, John’s already dating someone, and Nora’s not sure she’s ready to trade her crushes on fictional heroes for the risks of a real relationship. Finding the answers they’re seeking will test the limits of their identity, their faith, and their devotion to one another.


About The Author

During her childhood in California, Becky frequently produced homemade plays starring her sisters, friends, and cousins. These plays almost always featured a heroine, a prince, and a love story with a happy ending. She’s been a fan of all things romantic ever since.

Becky and her husband lived overseas in the Caribbean and Australia before settling in Dallas, Texas. It was during her years abroad that Becky’s passion for reading turned into a passion for writing. She published three historical romances with Avon Books, then put her career on hold for several years to care for her three kids, then recently returned to writing sheerly for the love of it. She felt led to move to the genre of contemporary Christian romance and couldn’t be more thrilled with it.

These days Becky can be found failing but trying to keep up with her housework, sweating at the gym, carting her kids around town, playing tennis, hunched over her computer, eating chocolate, or collapsed on the sofa watching TV with her husband.

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Beyond Justice by Cara Putman

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from BookLook in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Beyond Justice by Cara Putman was an okay mystery book.  I love mystery books but I tend to get bored with ones that are written by Christian authors because they just stay on the surface and they don’t usually include anything that is super gross in them.  Since this genre is my favorite I tend to like the books that have tons of details and go in deep when they are describing things.  Like I said before I liked this book but I got bored because of how it was written which I am sure makes me in the minority.  With that being said if you love mystery books and hate the ones that have tons of details in them you will love this book.  I also like to pick up books like this when I have been reading a ton of super heavy books because it is nice to read books that a book that doesn’t go so deep from time to time.

About The Book

Hayden McCarthy is on track to become the youngest partner in her prestigious D.C. law firm . . . if the case she’s just been handed doesn’t destroy her first.

Hayden McCarthy knows firsthand the pain when justice is not served. It’s why she became an attorney and why she’s so driven in her career. When she’s handed a wrongful death case against the government, she isn’t sure if it’s the lucky break she needs to secure a partnership—or an attempt to make sure she never gets there. She keeps the case alive through sheer determination and more than a little creativity, but then she’s fired by a partner with a vendetta.

Further complicating matters, Hayden keeps finding herself completely distracted by Andrew, her roommate’s cousin. But his father is a Congressman and she’s currently taking on the government. Could the timing be any worse?

The longer she keeps the case active, the higher the stakes become. Unknown enemies seem determined to see either the case—or her—die. Should she fight alone for the dead young man by launching her own unfinanced firm, or abandon the case in order to save her own life?

About The Author

Cara C. Putman lives in Indiana with her husband and four children. She’s an attorney and a teacher at her church as well as lecturer at Purdue. She has loved reading and writing from a young age and now realizes it was all training for writing books. She loves bringing history and romance to life.

An honors graduate of the University of Nebraska, George Mason University School of Law, and Krannert School of Management, Cara left small town Nebraska and headed to Washington, D.C., to launch her career in public policy.

Cara is an author chasing hard after God as she lives a crazy life. She invites you to join her on that journey. She’s currently writing her 25th book with more on the way. Please check out her website to learn more about her books and read first chapters.

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Alice Walker – Quote Of The Week

This week’s quote is by Alice Walker.

I really love this quote because I have had several friends who didn’t want to be around me because of the person I was becoming at the time.  I have changed quite a bit over the past ten years and there are people who haven’t changed at all in all of those years.  Most of them have stopped talk to me which made it easy to just move on.  I still do think about some of them and wonder what they are up too but I know it is for the best.

What do you this of this week’s quote by Alice Walker?

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Looking Glass Lies by Varina Denman

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FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Looking Glass Lies by Varina Denman was a hard book for me to get and stay interested in this book.  I had a hard time with this book because I have never struggled with what Cecily was so I couldn’t understand or even feel like I could relate to what she was going through in her life.  I know that women who do go through things like this would probably relate and get more out of the book than I did.  I just found myself annoyed and not able to understand what she was going through during this book.  I did like how you got to see as she grew throughout this book because I think that it give others hope who are dealing with the same things.  I am sure that this book would be perfect for people who do go through things like this, but it just wasn’t the right fit for me.

About The Book

A poignant and relatable novel, Looking Glass Lies captures the war women wage against themselves, and the struggle to see beauty reflected in a mirror not distorted by society’s unrelenting expectations.

For most of her adult life, Cecily Ross has compared herself to other women—and come up short. After a painful divorce from her emotionally abusive husband, Cecily returns to her hometown of Canyon, Texas, looking to heal.

But coming home isn’t what she expects. In a town as small as Canyon, her pain is difficult to escape—especially with her model-perfect ex–sister-in-law working at the town’s popular coffee-shop hangout. With help from her father, a support group, and an old friend who guides her to see her own strengths, Cecily may have a shot at overcoming her insecurities and learning to love again.

The true test comes when tragedy strikes, opening Cecily’s eyes to the harmfulness of her distorted views on beauty—and giving her the perfect opportunity to find peace at last.

About The Author

Varina Denman writes stories about the unique struggles women face. Her award-winning Mended Hearts series, which revolves around church hurt, is a compelling blend of women’s fiction and inspirational romance. Her latest novel, Looking Glass Lies, releases in May. A native Texan, Varina lives near Fort Worth with her husband and five mostly grown children. Connect with Varina on her website or one of the social media hangouts.

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Benjamin Franklin – Quote of The Week

This week’s quote is by Benjamin Franklin.

I love this quote because I think most people in this world are beyond stupid and they have no desire to change that fact.  I bought a hoodie a few months ago that says “Don’t be stupid, stupid” and I wear it all the time because people I work with are total idiots.  I love watching when people they finally read what my hoodie says because they always walk away with a smile on their faces.  Those are just a few of my thoughts about this quote.

What do you think of this week’s quote by Benjamin Franklin?

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