
Top 5 YouTube Videos

As most of you know I love watching YouTube videos.  This week for the writers workshop one of the prompts was to list my top 5 YouTube videos of all time.  This was harder than you can think because there are so many that I watch all the time but here are the 5 that if they got deleted I would be so sad!!!! (They are in no order)

If you get offend by swearing than this video isn’t for you but it does make me laugh every time I watch it.

As you can see they vary greatly but like I said there are tons more that I love.  Here is a post where I listed some of my favorite channels that you should all check out.

Writers Workshop by Mama’s Losin’ It

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My Top 10 YouTube Channels

The last few months I have really started to watch video’s on YouTube and I want to share some of my favorites that I have found.

*It was so hard for me to chose this list.  These are the ones that I have to watch the minute their videos go up.

10-FmunkMOC-I am sure most of you have heard this comedian.  He is the one who does the Stop It B.  He did the pay your bills one that was going around on Facebook.  Everything he says is so true.  You may not want to watch him if you get offend easily or if you don’t like cursing.

9-Friday Night High Lite-I love how honest this chick is.  She will always tell it like it is and she just got engaged.

8- Carla the Bubblelush– This lady talks about cloth diapering and the struggles they are currantly having trying to conceive baby#2.  I know I am not a mom but I do love what she says and they types of videos she makes.

7-Jingleheartart-This chick is from England.  All of her videos make me laugh.  She is does crazy things and I actually started watching her video’s because I loved her bright pink hair.  I believe her heir color is green right now but she always has bright colored hair and I wish I had the guts to make me hair different colors.

6-Gracie from Ugly Face Of Beauty-I love this lady because she has put up videos about bullying and things like that.  She is another one that if she lived in the USA I would so want to meet.

5-Vanessa’s beauty channel & her vlog channel-This girl is always making me laugh.  Some of her videos she makes fun of things that all beauty gurus do on YouTube.  She is a super cool chick that I wish I could meet.

4-GabeandJesss-This lady just gave birth two twin boys and she also has a daughter that is around 2 years old or something.  This girl has tons of haters because she had her daughter when she was a teenager and then got pregnant again with the twins.  She is a great mom and I don’t think it matters how old you are when you have kids as long as they are taken care of and loved.

3-Grav3yardgirl-This girl makes me laugh so hard and I love all of her videos.  She always buys the craziest shoes and does unboxing videos when she gets them.  I love to see what shoes she will get next because they area always so fun.

2- Jenna Marbles- comedy channel & her vlog channel.  So of the her videos might offend some people but all of them make me laugh and I know most people will find her funny as well.  She posts a video every Wednesday on her comedy channel.

1-Samantha Schuerman beauty channel.  She used to do daily vlog’s that included her husband and her son but they stopped making them because of cyber bullying.

There are so many more than 10 but I didn’t want this list to go on and on forever.   If you would like me to post other of my favorites let me know and I will for sure work on another post!

*Now that I am reading over the list there are so many that I missed that I love.  I am for sure going to post some more of my favorites so you can go and check them out! 

If you do go and watch any of them let me know what you think of them!  Do you have any YouTube channels that you love to watch?  If so I want to check them out so leave the link in the comments and I will check them out.

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You Haven’t Seen The Last Of Me

Some of you will know that I love music.  I always have it on at work in the background and I usually have it on at night when I am designing or surfing the web.  I always seem to have songs for everything that I have gone through or are going through.  When I was pregnant the song “Welcome To My Life” by Simple Plan was how I was feeling.  Every time I hear that song now it brings back all of the memories and feelings I had when I found out I was pregnant.

Right now the song that describes how I am feeling is by Cher from the movie “Burlesque”.  It is called “You Haven’t Seen The Last Of Me”.

I love this song right now because I feel defeated.  There is a lot going on right now that I won’t get into but this song says how I feel right now.  Like the song says you haven’t seen the last of me.  I will get through everything that is going on and I will come out on top!

Do you have songs that explain certain parts of your life?

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I recently have started watching YouTube video’s and am totally disgusted in what I have seen these past few months.  I am disgusted that there are people who have nothing better to do than  watch a video someone has put on there and then leave nasty rude comments.  If I don’t like a video that I watch I just leave the page and don’t subscribe to their channel or read their blog.  There is no reason that any human being needs to bully anyone else.  I am so tired of hearing about all the bullying that happens to people.  I don’t agree with everything I see or read but I am not going to bully someone because I don’t agree with them.  They believe what they believe and I believe what I believe.

Also I don’t understand how people can be so rude to people they have never met.  I can pretty much guarantee you that the people doing this wouldn’t say anything to the persons face if they did meet them.  At work there is a policy that says that “Do not write anything in an email message that is inappropriate to say to others face-to-face.”.  I believe that everyone needs to follow this rule.  If you can’t say it to the person’s face then you shouldn’t say it at all.

I grew up being bullied so now I don’t stand or it or even deal with it.  I have been lucky this far because no one has been mean to me yet in the blogging world but I don’t think it will stay that way forever.  I am sure at some point there will be people trying to bully me but I also know that I personally won’t allow it to happen.  I won’t stand for it and I also won’t acknowledge the people that are doing the bullying.  I believe that the bullies love the attention they get when they bully people so the keep  doing it.   I am sure if everyone just ignored them then they wouldn’t keep it up.

If anyone is being bullied hang in there I know it is hard but you can make it.  It will be a hard fight but I made it and I know all of you can make is as well.  I hope everyone had a great Christmas and has an even better New Years!

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