Month: November 2013

One Million Dollars

One Million Dollars

I received a email from NaBloPoMo that had blog post ideas for the whole month of November and this one was the prompt for November 1st: If you found one million dollars in the morning and had to spend it by nightfall, what would you do with the money?  I loved this post prompt so I wanted to write a post about it and tell everyone what I would do with one million dollars and 24 hours.

I would like to say that I would donate part of the money to some charity but I know that I would never do that because at times I wonder what charities actually do with the money.  So I know the first thing I would do is by a new MacBook Pro and also an iMac because I have been missing my laptop this year and I have always wanted an iMac.

I also would probably go buy a new car and a condo/townhouse.  I don’t want a house because I don’t have the energy or time to keep up a yard.  I also don’t care if I share walls with a neighbor.  To me being out of my grandparents house is what I really want/need.  I could go on about that but for now I am just going to leave it at the fact that I want to get out but can’t because of bills and what I make at my job.  I have no idea what type of car I would get because the cars I am liking  right now aren’t super good in the winter.

I think I would probably also go and buy clothes and things like that because god knows I love to shop and if I had the money I would be shopping all the time.  Other than that I can’t really think of anything that I would do with the money.  I guess if I had left over money I would donate it to Villalobos because I would love to be able to help out the pitbulls that she has there and I love everything about the show that they are on.

So that is all that I would do with the money.  What would you do with one million dollars and 24 hrs?

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Hi, My Name Is . . .

My Name Is . . .

This was a prompt from last weeks writers workshop and I had to write about it because it was such a fun topic and there are tons of things that could complete the sentence.  I think I am going to just list things that I am and then explain why on some of them.

  • Birth Mom-I placed my daughter for adoption when I was 20.
  • Blogger
  • Daughter
  • Mom to two crazy cats
  • Book lover
  • Introvert
  • Person who truly loves to be alone
  • Huge football fan-I will watch pretty much any game but I love the University of Utah & the Baltimore Ravens.
  • Suffer of an invisible illness-Multiple Sclerosis
  • College dropout
  • Blog Designer

Those are just the few things that came first to me.  I know I could go on and on with a list but no one has time to read that.

How would you answer the sentence?

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Snow on the Tulips by Liz Tolsma


Snow on the Tulips by Liz Tolsma was an amazing book.   This book takes place during WWII which just happens to be one of the time periods in history that I love learning and reading about.  I also loved this book because my grandma’s family is from the Netherlands and she is working on her family history right now so I feel like I know the people.  I loved this book but it was a hard read for me because I knew that this book is fiction but things like this had to have actually happened to people there.  This is a book that I know I will hold on to because the author does an amazing job of telling the story and of making you feel like you are there going through everything with the characters.  I loved the love story as well in this book and I was sad when it finally did come to an end because I love the characters and in the end I felt like I knew them.  If you love WWII and love stories than I know you will love this book!

About Snow on the Tulips

A stranger’s life hangs in the balance. But to save him is to risk everything.
The war is drawing to a close, but the Nazis still occupy part of the Netherlands. After the losses she’s endured, war widow Cornelia is only a shadow of the woman she once was. She fights now to protect her younger brother, Johan, who lives in hiding.
When Johan brings Gerrit Laninga, a wounded Dutch Resistance member, to Cornelia’s doorstep, their lives are forever altered. Although scared of the consequences of harboring a wanted man, Cornelia’s faith won’t let her turn him out.
As she nurses Gerrit back to health, she is drawn to his fierce passion and ideals, and notices a shift within herself. Gerrit’s intensity challenges her, making her want to live fully, despite the fear that constrains her. When the opportunity to join him in the Resistance presents itself, Cornelia must summon every ounce of courage imaginable.
She is as terrified of loving Gerrit as she is of losing him. But as the winter landscape thaws, so too does her heart. Will she get a second chance at true love? She fears their story will end before it even begins.


About Liz Tolsma

Liz Tolsma has lived in Wisconsin most of her life, and she now resides next to a farm field with her husband, their son, and their two daughters. Add a dog and a cat to that mix and there’s always something going on at their house. She’s spent time teaching second grade, writing advertising for a real estate company, and working as a church secretary, but she always dreamed of becoming an author.
She’d love to have you visit her at

Buy A Copy of Snow on the Tulips!


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