My Fall’s Top Ten

I am always so happy when fall time comes around because it means that a few of my favorite things ever are going on.  I am going to my Fall’s top ten list.

10-Halloween candy & Foods

9-Apple Pie

8-Kids aren’t out running around til all hours of the night

7-My cats don’t throw up hair balls as often

6-Home made Chili

5-Kids being in school

4-Leaves changing colors

3-Cooler Weather



Out of that list the first 2 things are my totally the ones that I look forward to the most.  Last Saturday I was able to wear a hoodie all day and I so happy because they are my favorite thing in the whole world to wear.  I also can’t get enough of football.  I watch 2 college teams and 2 pro teams but I will pretty much watch any team play.  I also love the cooler weather we have here because I feel so much better when it isn’t super hot and the MS doesn’t act up as much when it is colder here.

What are your favorite things about Fall?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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A Few Good Books

Books I Love

I am sure that most of you know that I love to read.  I read tons of books every week and I want to list a few of them for the people who also like to read and are looking for books to read.  I know that before I started reviewing books I always ran out of good books to read so I want to let others know some of my favorite books from the past few months or so.  Here is the list of  a few good books.Divergent

I can’t say enough about this book!!!!!!  Once I picked it up I fell in love.  If you liked Hunger Games (which I did not.  I haven’t even finished the series because I just couldn’t get into them.) you will love this book.  This type of book usually isn’t something that I like to read but I really got into this one and I am so glad that I took the time to read it.  Although it only took a few days for me to read the whole  book.

My Goodreads Review.

Authors Site

This is the second book in the Divergent series and I really like this book as well.  There were times when I thought that Tris had a death wish but in the end I still think she does.  I spent a lot of the book wondering what in the heck she was doing but I also read this one in a couple of days.  When I finally finished the book I was sad that I was going to have to wait over a year to read the final book in the series but I also can’t wait to see how it ends.

My Goodreads Review

Authors Site

I can’t say enough about this book.  I am just going to copy and paste the original review that I posted on my site for this one.  I also want to let everyone know that the authors newest book is coming out next month and I will be reviewing it so be on the look out for this book because I literally can’t wait to receive the book so that I can’t start reading her new one.

Original Review

I can’t even put into words how much I truly loved this book.  I had a hard time reading this book because it made me cry so much and even though it made me cry I didn’t want to put it down and stop reading it.  I loved following the characters and even though you know the mom is going to pass away I had to keep reading.  I believe that this book was so hard for me because I can relate to the topic.  As some of you know I go to a cancer center every month to get my MS treatment so I do know a lot of people who have cancer and I have had several family members pass away from cancer as well.  It broke my heart to know that the girl at such a young age was going to lose her mom.

I found the idea of making milestone tapes is a great idea even if you don’t know you are dying.  My great grandma passed away when I was a senior in high school and I was so close to her.  After reading this book I wish  she would have written down things or even made tapes so that I could go back and listen or read her words.  I am sure any person would love to go back and read what their parents left them.

When it comes right down to it I have to give this book 5 stars and it will be a book that I will always keep and I am sure I will read it over and over again.  I recommend this to anyone who knows what is feels like to lose a loved one!

Authors Site

FearlessFirst as I was writing this post I was totally shocked that I never posted my review of this book.  I loved this book.  Here is the review I wrote off of my Goodreads account:

I am not even sure where I should start with this book. I know that there are no words to describe how much I loved this book. Right when I started this book I was hooked. The author did a great job of giving the background information that you needed while reading the story but he didn’t over do it with to much information. I loved how you got to follow along as Adam Brown grew up and you get to be there through all of his ups and downs. I loved how I got to know him from a young age and also knew when he went through. It made it even better when he finally got where he wanted to be. It also made the ending even harder on me. When I got close to the end I didn’t want to finish the book because I knew what was coming and I didn’t want it to come to end.

Those are just a few of the books I have loved but there are tons more of them.  If you want any other suggestions or if there is a book you think I will like please leave it in the comments and I will for sure check it out.  I am always on the lookout for new books and great authors.

What books do you love?

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With Every Letter by Sara Sundin

FTC:I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

With Every Letter by Sara Sundin


Lt. Mellie Blake is looking forward to beginning her training as a flight nurse. She is not looking forward to writing a letter to a man she’s never met–even if it is anonymous and part of a morale-building program. Lt. Tom MacGilliver, an officer stationed in North Africa, welcomes the idea of an anonymous correspondence–he’s been trying to escape his infamous name for years.
As their letters crisscross the Atlantic, Tom and Mellie develop a unique friendship despite not knowing the other’s true identity. When both are transferred to Algeria, the two are poised to meet face-to-face for the first time. Will they overcome their fears and reveal who they are, or will their future be held hostage by their pasts?
Combining a flair for romance with excellent research and attention to detail, Sarah Sundin vividly brings to life the perilous challenges of WWII aviation, nursing–and true love.

My Review

I loved everything about this book.  When I first started reading it I didn’t think I was going to like it but I ended up falling in love with the book.  I spent most of the book wondering hoping that it would all work out in the end and it did.  I saw a lot of myself in the main character so I could relate and I think that it made the book for me.  The author doesn’t get bogged down in the details and puts just enough details to keep you interested but not so may that you get lost.  This is such a sweet love story.  I know that everyone would love to read it.

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One Choice

I want to start out by saying that this post is all over because I really struggled with finding the words to say what  I am thinking.  I hate that  I can’t find the right words to say what I am thinking but this is as good as it is going to get.

There is one choice that I have made in my life that changed the course of my life.  I look back now and it amazes me that once choice can change the whole path of your life.  The choice that changed my life was when I got pregnant.  Had I not gotten pregnant I would be a RN right now and probably working on getting my Masters in nursing but I am no where near there.  I also am so glad that I am I did get pregnant because I has turned me into who I am today.  I may not be where I thought I would be job wise but I am where I need to be in so many other ways.  By getting pregnant and placing my daughter for adoption I know just how strong I am and I know I can do anything that needs to be done no matter how hard it seems at the time.  I can’t even imagine how different I would be if I hadn’t been through what  I have been through.  At the time I thought that my life was over and that it was the worst thing that could have happened.   In the end it was just what I needed in life.  I am such a better person since I have gone through everything the past 7 years.  I can’t even imagine what I would be like if I hadn’t been through everything.

I have learned so much and I also know so much more about myself and what I can deal with.  I now know that I can pretty much deal with anything and get through anything that is put in front of me.  It is amazing to me how life can be so different from what you thought it would be and yet I know that this is where I am meant to be.  I know that I was meant to go through what I have because with out going through everything I never would have learned how the world works.

Before I got pregnant I didn’t know how cruel the world can be and the struggles that others go through.  Going through the adoption process opened my eyes to the struggles of others and how things are in rest of the world.  I have found that as much as I love nursing I feel that I am meant to work in the adoption world.  I guess when it comes down to it that by getting pregnant it made me grow up and has made me into the person I am now.

What is the one choice that changed your life?

Mama’s Losin’ It

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret