One Place

2.) Name a place in the world that you never want to visit?

I am not sure if you know but I love to travel.  I love exploring new places and eating different foods.  That being said there are several places that I would never want to travel to.  I think the place that would have to take 1st for me is India.One PlaceHere are a few of the reasons why I would never want to travel to India:

  • To many people for me.  I hate crowds and there always seems to be so many people there and I don’t think I can handle it.
  • It seems dirty.  People I know that have gone there say that it has a very distinct smell.
  • I always hear about people getting sick when they are there.  Since they don’t have the same standards that we do in America it would be worried about getting sick from eating the food or drinking water.

Those are just 3 reasons that came to mind right away.  It just doesn’t seem like anyplace I would like to travel too.

Where is your one place?

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Printcopia Review & Giveaway


Printcopia is a great place to go and get your pictures turned into artwork.   It is super easy to upload your pictures and adjust them to how you like them.

I just love how the picture I had done turned out.  It reminds me of a painting and it is such a great idea to give as gifts this year.  Canvas prints are a great way to add to walls and give pictures a finished looked. I love that all you have to do is hang it on the wall and it good to go.  I have found that there is nothing worse that getting a print made only to realize that you still have to and find a frame or even find the parts to hang it on the wall.  All you have to do with these is put a nail in the wall and it is ready to hang.

They also make banners so make sure you check out their site!

Make sure you enter to win a free 8×10 canvas print of your own!

FTC-I received a free print in exchange for my review.  The opinions expressed are 100% my own.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Breath Of Dawn by Kristen Heitzmann

Breath Of Dawn by Kristen Heitzmann


 “Heitzmann weaves a many-layered tale keep[ing] readers entertained and wondering when the next bit of drama will occur.” -Publishers Weekly
Corporate turnaround specialist Morgan Spencer, dubbed the “success guru,” has a Midas touch in business. But losing his wife sent him to the brink, and his two-year-old daughter, Livie, is all he’s living for-until they encounter a woman whose trouble just might draw him out of his own.
Four years ago Quinn Reilly did the right thing. Now the man her testimony put in jail is getting out. Though she has put up barriers to protect herself and those around her, she has come to care for the Spencer family, especially the winsome Livie and her mercurial father. Unwilling to put them at risk when the threats begin, she requests something she hopes the super-successful Morgan might be able to deliver.
Fixing problems is what Morgan does best, but his counter proposal takes them in a direction neither is equipped to handle. Determined to confront the past, will they survive to build a future?

My Review

I loved the beginning of this  book and thought that I would love everything about this book.  I fell in love with all of the characters and the plot was great but when I was about half way through the book I just couldn’t get into the book anymore.  I think the problem for me was the fact that the turn of events seemed so far fetched that  I just couldn’t see it actually happening.  Since I couldn’t see it happening in really life I had a hard time finishing the book.  The author is a great author and I can’t wait to check out her other books but I can’t recommend this book simple because it was so far fetched at least to me.  If you have read it let me know what you think of it!

Tour Landing Page

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10 Ways. . .

2.) 10 ways to survive a power outage. (Inspired by Hurricane Sandy)

This week for the writers workshop I am going to list 10 things to help you survive when the power is out.

  1. Board Games
  2. Flash lights and/or candles
  3. Snack foods
  4. Books
  5. Card Games
  6. Family- I always am glad to have my brother around because he always makes me laugh
  7. Drinks
  8. Blankets
  9. Puzzles
  10. Cat treats/toys because it is always a good time in my house when we harass my cats.

Those are the things I would need to keep myself entertained.

What would you need to stay entertained if the the power was out?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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