One Tip-Have Fun While Blogging

When I started blogging I didn’t even realize that there were so many blogs out there.  I started blogging simple as something to do and as a way to keep my husbands family up to date on things that were happening with us since his family is all out of state.  There are so many things that I now know about blogging that I wish I would have known about when I started blogging years ago.

The biggest tip I could give a new blogger would be to just have fun with blogging.  When I started it was more like a chore and it was really hard for me to keep it up.  I do go through phases where it seems like it is a chore but when I just have fun with it and blog about things that are on my mind I find that can write posts without having a problem.  Right now I feel I am stuck and I haven’t been able to finish a blog post to save my life.  I know that once I get into the groove again I will have tons of posts almost ready.

When I have forgot to have fun with blogging I have gone months and months without posting.  I know when I have to write blog post for products I receive or a book review I struggle with it because I really don’t enjoy having to write posts on something.  I love when I write about whatever I am feeling like and I hate having to write about certain things.  Now that being said I still do sponsored posts and book reviews because I love books and can use the money and products from sponsored posts.

I went off on a tangent there but in the end I would just say don’t forget to have to fun with blogging and don’t lose site of why you started blogging!  What one tip would you give to someone who is starting out blogging?

Mama’s Losin’ It

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret



Lizzie Engel is used to running away. At eighteen, she left her Mennonite hometown, Kingdom, Kansas, with plans never to return.

But five years later, the new life she built is falling apart. Lizzie knows she’s being followed, and she’s certain the same mysterious stranger is behind the threatening letters she’s received. Realizing she’ll have to run again, the only escape Lizzie can manage is a return to the last place she wants to go.

Once she arrives in Kingdom, Lizzie is confident she’ll be safe until she comes up with a new plan. In reacquainting herself with the town and its people–especially her old friend, Noah Housler–she wonders if she judged her hometown and her Mennonite faith too harshly. However, just as she begins to come to terms with her roots, Lizzie is horrified to discover the danger she ran from is closer than ever.

No longer sure who to trust and fearful for her life and the lives of those around her, Lizzie finds she has only one place left to run–to the Father whose love is inescapable.

My Review

I really enjoyed everything about this book.  It is another one that grab me right from the start and I couldn’t put the book down until I finished it.  I feel in love with the main character and I loved seeing things through her eyes.  When I read books I imagine I am there with them and I had no problems feeling like I was right there with her.  I loved figuring out what was going on with her.  The author does a great job of giving plenty of details but not giving away who does it.   I really can’t wait to read more from her and read the other books in the series when they are released.

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2012 Margaret Margaret