
A few months back I wrote a post about the new Chris Mann album and  I have since fallen in love with the the song called Roads.  Below I have posted the lyrics &  the video so that you can see what I am talking about before I tell you why I love the song.

There are roads in this life that we all travel
There are scars and there are battles where we roam
When we are lost or wherever we may go
They will always lead you home

There are roads that have lead me to another
To a friend or to a lover I have known
For every turn is a year that I have grown
As I walk along these roads

Some are long and some are weathered
Some will lead you through a storm
When you’ve gone astray you will find your way
As you walk along these roads

There were times when I stumbled and I wondered
But every choice and every step I don’t regret
Cause I have lived and I have loved like no other
I won’t fear what lies ahead

Some are long and some are weathered
Some will lead you through a storm
When you’ve gone astray you will find your way
As you walk along these roads

There are roads in this life that I have traveled
There are scars and there are battles, these I know
Cause I’d be lost but no matter where I go
They will one day lead me home
They will one day lead me home



I am sure most of you know by now that I love music.  I always seem to find songs that fit perfectly into my life at the certain moment in time.  I received this CD in order for me to review it and I listened to it a few times and thought it was good but it ended up in my car and I didn’t listen it again up until last week.  When I randomly put in the CD while I was on my way home from work the title track just hit me differently than it did when I first heard it.  I really can’t even pick just one part of the song because I love everything the song says.

I have had a lot of personal things going on that I haven’t blogged about and I don’t think I will ever blog about and this song describes how I have been feeling lately about my life and where I see myself going.  I look at my life and I realize more than anything that this song is so true.

Since my daughters birthday this past July I have decided that I am going to go down a road that I have known I need to go down for awhile but I have been too scared to make the first step.  Now that I have been on this road for a few months I know without a doubt that this where I need to be and I finally happy with where I am at.   For the first time in years I can honestly say I am the happiest I  have been.  That being said there are things and people that I miss dearly but I know I am where I should be right now.

This is the verse that I keep reading over and over in my head.

There were times when I stumbled and I wondered
But every choice and every step I don’t regret
Cause I have lived and I have loved like no other
I won’t fear what lies ahead

I have learned that I will never regret and of the choices and decisions I have made because without all of them I wouldn’t be the person I am today.  I also am not going to live my life fearing the future because everything that happens is meant to be and will make me an even stronger person.

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GoGoBot #GogobotTravel

If I could pick anywhere to go to I have decided that I would want to go to New York, New York.  GoGoBot is a great site to use when planing your  vacations.  It has all of the information that you could ever want when it  comes to booking a hotel to planning what you are going to do while you are there!  I am going to be planning my dream trip using GoGoBot and here is what I would be doing if I had the money to travel there.

I would for sure rather stay in a condo for sure.  I am not a huge fan of hotels and since I would be there about a week or so a condo is a great way to save some money on food because you can do your own cooking.  GoGoBot has a list of all of the places where you can rent a condo or a hotel room.

I really like these condo’s because who doesn’t want to be right at times square???  You can click here and see more of the pictures of these condos.

There are so many things to do there that I decided I would just list a few of the things that I would love to do while I was there.  This list doesn’t even touch on how much shopping I would be doing!

You can go here and see more of the attractions and things that you can do while in New York.  Since I have done all this research on going there I am going to start saving so that I can go there and experience what it is like to be there.

If you are planning a trip you really should use GoGoBot because it makes it so easy to see everything you can do.  It is great to have everything all on one page and at one location.  For my next trip I am for sure going to be using GoGoBot to plan it!

Gogobot allows you to tap into the knowledge of your friends when planning a trip anywhere. You can find like-minded travelers and inspiration for your next vacation, creating easy-to-use wishlists you can return to again and again.

And when you are not in vacation mode or planning a trip, you can discover hidden gems in your own neighborhood for entertaining guests or a weekend staycation.

The best part? Every page on Gogobot is personalized. You can see reviews from your friends and people you are following at the top, which allows you to weed out the noise and fraudulent reviews that become a problem on other review sites. Check out Gogobot today!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Gogobot. The opinions and text are all mine.

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Open Adoption, Open Heart

As I am sure most of you know I placed my daughter for adoption when I was 20.  I was contacted about hosting a guest post of a writer who has adopted his 2 children through open adoption.  I jumped at the chance to have a guest post on my blog as well as get the chance to read the book he has written.  I will have the review of the book up sometime next week after I have had the chance to sit down and read it.  Here is the guest post and please leave any comments or questions down below!

My wife and I are infertile. We don’t know why. The doctors and nurses can’t seem to give us any real answers about why we’ve been unable to have kids for our 8 years of trying, but here we are. No little ones carrying on our genes.

Infertility is a funny thing (if you’re willing to look at it that way). It seems to come with some invisible sign that only fertile friends can read. The sign, of course, reads- “Here I am without a baby. Please please please tell me how we can solve our infertile woes.” Cornered at church or at the supermarket, as soon as someone hears that we can’t have kids, it’s, “Well, you know what we did? We went on this all carrot and celery diet. And guess what! By Thursdays that week we were pregnant.”

Even more common is the ever popular, “My brother and his wife couldn’t get pregnant so they did such and such.”

Don’t get me wrong. It’s annoying and all, but after a while we infertile people get to a point where we start to enjoy it. I absolutely love it when I get to say, “I’ve never heard that one before.” I fear some people may think I’m being rude by laughing at my own friends. I don’t mean to be rude. I really don’t. I’m just pointing out that some people are really funny and they don’t seem to see it. Here are a few of my favorites-

Woman should stand on her head after intercourse. Now, that one may actually have some scientific reasoning to it. I don’t know. I aint a doctor. Gravity is real, though, so who knows. That one is actually pretty popular to try, or some variation of it.

Rub ice cubes on your (fill in the blank here). I don’t leave that “fill in the blank” empty because I’m censoring myself. I leave it blank because I’ve heard just about every body part, male or female, in that blank spot. Whatever the body part, I always enjoy that one.

Try intercourse in the back seat of a car. Now, I have actually heard that one from real people, but the fact that I also saw that on The Simpsons when Apu was trying to get his wife pregnant should tell you something if you think it’s a good problem solver.

Have an affair. I haven’t heard that from any of my “friends” because they wouldn’t be my friends anymore if they suggested that, but I’ve heard other people say it was told to them. Idiocy.

Eat more (another fill in the blank). Spaghetti, or vegetables, or Mexican food, or B vitamins, or or or…

Again, I’m not trying to pick on people who give their input. I appreciate when my friends take the time to care- just know that I may be laughing at you behind your back if you tell me the reason I’m not able to get my wife pregnant is because I wear boxers instead of briefs- or the other way around.

Adoption is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and Open Adoption, Open Heart is our adoption story. It’s not simply a matter of filling out papers and waiting for a baby. It’s a process of building relationships- the birth parents are still in our lives. Infertility is still part of us, but it doesn’t define us. We are able to laugh at our problems because we are able to embrace our successes. Hooray for adoption, and hooray for those wonderful birth parents who helped make our dreams come true.

Author Bio

Russell Elkins was born on Andrews Air Force Base near Washington, D.C., in the fall of 1977. Along with his five siblings, he and his military family moved around a lot, living in eight different houses by the time he left for college at age 17. Although his family movedaway from Fallon, Nevada, just a few months after he moved out, he still considers that little oasis in the desert to be his childhood hometown. He and his family now live in the Boise, Idaho area.
Russell has always been a family man at heart, looking forward to the day when he could be a husband and a father. It took him a little while, but eventually his eyes locked onto a beautiful blonde, and he has never looked away. Russell and Jammie were married in 2004. Years of struggling with infertility left Russell and Jammie with a decision to make and their lives changed dramatically when they decided to adopt.
Russell and Jammie have adopted two beautiful children, Ira and Hazel, and have embraced their role as parents through open adoption. Both are actively engaged in the adoption community by communicating through social media, taking part in discussion panels, and writing songs about adoption. Russell also writes a weekly post for and contributes regularly to Adoption Voices Magazine.
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Every Perfect Gift by Dorothy Love

Every Perfect Gift by Dorothy Love


Book 3 in Dorothy Love’s Hickory Ridge Romance series.
Ethan and Sophie long to share a future together. But the secrets they’re not sharing could tear them apart.
Sophie Caldwell has returned to Hickory Ridge, Tennessee, after years away. Despite the heartaches of her childhood, Sophie is determined to make a home, and a name, for herself in the growing town. A gifted writer, she plans to resurrect the local newspaper that so enchanted her as a girl.
Ethan Heyward’s idyllic childhood was shattered by a tragedy he has spent years trying to forget. An accomplished businessman and architect, he has built a majestic resort in the mountains above Hickory Ridge, drawing wealthy tourists from all over the country.

When Sophie interviews Ethan for the paper, he is impressed with her intelligence and astounded by her beauty. She’s equally intrigued but fears he will reject her if he learns about her shadowed past. Just as she summons the courage to tell him, Ethan’s own past unexpectedly and violently catches up with him, threatening not only his life but their budding romance.

My Review

This book was amazing.  I read it in less that 24 hours which is fast for even me.  I instantly fell in love with Sophie and Evan.  While I was reading the book I hoped that they would end up together because they seemed so perfect for each other.  The author does a great job of describing things and also does a great job of keep the reader on the edge of their seats.  I didn’t put this book down until I was finished with it and I am going to read the other books in the series along with any other books that the the author has written.

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