“The Cat That God Sent” and “The Dog That Talked To God” by Jim Kraus

As everyone is aware I love animals so when I saw the chance to review “The Cat That God Sent” and “The Dog That Talked To God” by Jim Kraus I jumped.  Look below for the reviews of both of these books and I know if you are animal lovers like I am you will love these books.


The Cat  That God Sent Review

This was one of the cutest books I think I have ever read.  I am a total cat person so from the moment I started this book I was hooked.  I can totally see the parts where the cat is “talking” happening and I often wonder if my own cats don’t think the same things when they look and interact with me.  You follow along with Jake during this book as he arrives at his new assignment and everything that goes on with him and Petey the cat.  I don’t want to say much more because I don’t want to give anything away but this is heart warming story that I know everyone will love if you are an animal lover.


The Dog That Talked To God Review

I really enjoyed this book.  In this book you are following along with Mary Fassler as she is dealing with the loss of her family.  She adopts Rufus who is a Miniature Schnauzer.  She gets him when she needs him the most and he talks to her and God.  I really enjoyed this book but I did’t like it as much as the cat book but I know that is just because I am such a cat person and not a huge dog person.  The dog helps her heal and “move on” with her life.  I know that animals can help you heal just like Rufus helped Mary heal.  If you love sweet stories and dogs I know this book is for you.

About The Books

The Cat  That God Sent

Meet Petey, your not-so-average cat-on a mission from God

Disillusioned young pastor, Jake Wilkerson, has just arrived at his new assignment in the small rural church of Coudersport, Pennsylvania. Also new on the scene is Petey, acat of unknown origins and breed-but of great perception.

As Jake sets about doing the business of ministry, Petey’s continued interference brings chaos to thecommunity of curiously off and eccentric people-residents like the faith-avoiding veterinarian Sally Grainger and Tassy, a young runaway with a secret. An expert at hiding his fears, Jake wonders if all this-and the cat to boot-is more than he can handle. What is Petey’s real “mission”? Perhaps something larger than Jake—or even Petey—can possibly know.

The Dog That Talked To God

Recently widowed Mary Fassler buys a Miniature Schnauzer, Rufus, and her world is turned sideways inthe midst of her grief. It seems that Rufus speaks. And not just to her. He also talks to God. When Rufus begins sharing advice that could result in major changes, Mary gets the feeling the pooch might not be steering her in the right direction. Or, is she just afraid to takethe leap and discover something she desperately needs? Only Rufus…and God…knows.


About The Author

Jim Kraus grew up in Western Pennsylvania and has spentthe last twenty years as a vice president of a major Christian publishing house. He has written more than twenty books and novels, includingthe best-selling The Dog ThatTalked to God. He and his family live outside of Chicago with a sweet miniature Schnauzer and an ill-tempered Siberian cat named (of course) Petey. www.jimkraus.com

Buy The Books

The Cat  That God Sent

 The Dog That Talked To God

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Introducing . . .



Today for the Writers Workshop I am going to introduce everyone to Sylvia.  I know I have talked about her on here before but I am going to introduce her and add a few clips of some videos that I have with her in them.

Sylvia is about 6 years old and my grandma is the one who picked out her name.  I already had Elinore when I decided I was going to adopt a kitten and I wanted them both to have “old” lady names.  She has always been a handful and has always hated to be held and picked up.  She is to this day still hates to be held.  While you are holding her she is growling and hissing.

She does have long fur so she gets mats.  Since she hates to be brushed we just brush the mats out when they are little because she will allow us to pet her when she wants to be petted.  When she decides that she wants to be petted you have to drop everything and pet her or she will hiss and run away.

She is the first cat we have ever had that is either sitting still or running full speed.  She doesn’t seem to go anywhere walking well she never used to but she has had to start slowing down because we redid the flooring in part of the house and she slides everywhere if she runs.

Here a few videos of her: The second one shows what she does when she wants to be petted and I try and move her off of me.

She is also scared of pretty much everything and I believe that is because she picked up on everything that Elinore was scared of in the beginning.  Since Elinore was abused before I got her she was super scared of everything and has since started growing out of all of those things but Sylvia is still scared to death of pretty much everything.

That is pretty much all of Sylvia and some of the crazy things that she does.

What crazy things do your pets do?

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May’s Bucket List

May Bucket List

So this week there were 2 prompts for the Writers Workshop that I wanted to write about so I am going to write about one today and then the other one tomorrow.  It is about half way through the month of May and thought that it would be fun to write a May bucket list and then check back in at the end of the month and let people know what I got done during the month.

I also wanted to do this because lately I feel like I am not getting anything done anymore.  It feels like I am always starting things but that I never really get to finish any of them because I have so much going on so my I thought this would be a good way to see what I actually completed in May.

May Bucket List

  • Finish reading 4 books.
  • Post at least 5 times a week on this blog
  • Write reviews on books the day I finish the book
  • Don’t wait til the last minute to read books  that I know have to review the next week or the next day even
  • Figure out what I am going to do with designs for this blog and also for my design site
  • Change the sheets on my bed every week
  • Don’t shop online and/or buy any more app’s for my phone
  • Start saving for a laptop
  • Drink more water
  • Don’t eat fast food more than once a week
  • Have all my blog posts set and read to post the day before they need to be posted

Those are the only things I can think of that I would like to finish this month.  I will let you know how well I do at the end of month!

What is on your May bucket list?

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“Undeniably Yours” by Becky Wade | Kindle Fire Giveaway and 5/29 Facebook Party!

Becky Wade is celebrating her latest swoon-worthy novel, Undeniably Yours (Bethany House), with a Kindle Fire giveaway and hosting an Author Chat party on Facebook {5/29}!


One winner will receive:

  • A Kindle Fire
  • Undeniably Yours and My Stubborn Heart by Becky Wade

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on May 28th. Winner will be announced at the “Undeniably Yours” Facebook Author Chat Party on May 29th. Connect with Becky for an evening of book chat, trivia, laughter, and more! Becky will also share an exclusive look at her next book and give away books and other fun prizes throughout the evening.

So grab your copy of Undeniably Yours and join Becky on the evening of May 29th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven’t read the book, don’t let that stop you from coming!)

Don’t miss a moment of the fun; RSVP todayTell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 29th!

Most Important Thing In My Life Right Now


This is a question that was on Band Back Together site a few weeks ago and I am just getting around to writing the post about it.  The question is what is the most important thing in my life.  This was something that was easy for me to answer because I know without a doubt that the most important things to me are my two cats.

I could live without pretty much everything else but I don’t know how I would live without my two girls.  It is crazy to me how much my two cats have become like my kids and are “replacement” kids for my daughter I placed for adoption.  I am not sure people who haven’t placed a child for adoption would understand that last statement and I am not sure how to explain it to make them understand.  I guess the best way to explain it is that when you place your child for adoption you still have the desire to mother something so instead getting pregnant again I got my two girls.

This is Sylvia
This is Elinore
This is Elinore

What is most important to you?

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