Double Kindle HDX Christmas Gift Pack from @TriciaGoyer!

Tricia Goyer is celebrating the release of her first Christmas novella, A Christmas Gift for Rosewith a Christmas Gift giveaway! 

Enter to win a NEW Kindle Fire HDX for you AND one for a friend!


One grand prize winner will receive:

  • A brand new Kindle Fire HDX and one to give away to a friend!
  • A Christmas Gift for Rose, by Tricia Goyer for you and your friend!

Four second place winners will receive:

  • A Christmas Gift for Rose Christmas pack (includes a recipe card, bookmark, a signed book plate, discussion questions, and a Gathering & Giving handout!)

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on October 19th. All winners will be announced October 21st at Tricia’s blog.

Don’t miss a moment of the fun; enter today and be sure to visit Tricia’s blog on the 21st to see if you won one of the great prizes! (Or better yet, subscribe to her blog and have the winner announcement delivered to your inbox!)

Frustrated With Multiple Sclerosis

Frustrated With Multiple Sclerosis

I guess it is time that I write about what is going with me and the Multiple Sclerosis because I haven’t really done an update in a while.  If you were to look at my you wouldn’t be able to tell that anything is wrong with me because everything that is going on is on the inside or at least if I don’t tell you anything is wrong then you won’t know anything is wrong.

For the last 2 or 3 months I have been exhausted to say the least.  I wrote a post earlier this week about how I am not sleeping but this exhaustion is so much more than just not sleeping.  It is so hard for me to explain the difference between being tired because of lack of sleep or being exhausted because of the MS.  I don’t think there really is away for me to explain it other than saying I am so tired that if I could stop breathing I would because that takes more energy than I have.

I know that my lack of sleeping isn’t helping the situation any either so that gets to me as well.  I just feel like I am falling apart and we have no reason as to why I am feeling this way.  I had an MRI done at the end of August and when I went to get the results my scanned showed that the disease hadn’t been active in the last six months.  Which should be a great thing but I felt confused and pissed off by it.  I really wish the scan would have shown something so that there was some sort of reason for why I am feeling the way that I am.

After my last appointment  I started on a new medication and I have taken it for a month and haven’t seen any change in how I am feeling so I don’t know if it is working or not.  She did say that I could take it twice a day and I haven’t done that yet because I already take so many pills that I hate taking more but I think I am going to try to take it twice a day for a couple of weeks and see what happens.

It is so hard having something like MS because it sucks when you can’t figure out what is wrong in order to try to fix it.  I have to wonder if I am going to have an MS relapse soon because this is usually how you feel before you have one or it is at least how I have always felt before one.  As of now I am “stable” but I don’t think I truly am.  There has to be something going on and it just isn’t showing up on the MRI.  My next MRI is in February and I see my doctor again at the beginning of March so we will see what happens in the next few months.

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My Sleeping Problems

Sleeping Problems

So I haven’t ever written about my problems with sleeping on this blog but I feel I need to write about it because there may be other people out there struggling with the same things.  I also hope that someone out there may have some suggestions for things I have tried yet to try to help me sleep.   I have always had problems sleeping but in the last few years it has gotten 100 times worse.

I first really started to notice my sleeping problems when I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when I was 15 or 16.  I have always had problems sleeping but I really started to notice them in high school and college.  From the age of about 16 I was given prescriptions for Ambien and Sonata which are both sleeping pills.  So at this point those two no longer work for me.  When I was in my mid twenties they prescribed me Lunesta which for me was a wonder drug because for the first time I was able to sleep and I didn’t seem to get used to them.

I took those on and off for years.   The insurance I know have through work refuses to pay for them and there is no way I can afford to pay over $200 a month for them so I haven’t been able to get them.  Since I haven’t been able to get them I have had to start trying all the over the counter sleeping medications and I haven’t had much luck with them.

I have tried taking Melatonin and I will still take it sometimes but I have found that I have to take so much of it to get me to sleep that I end up with a huge headache the next morning.  The only thing I have found that works is taking a combination if Tylenol PM & Ibuprofen PM along with a time released Melatonin pill to help me stay asleep longer because lately I manage to take enough stuff to fall asleep but I can’t stay asleep to save me life.

I have also stopped watching TV after work and I try not to use my cell phone once I am home so that I can try to wind down from the day but no matter what I try nothing seems to be working for me.

Does anyone know of anything else I can try to use for sleep?  I will take any and all suggestions at this point!

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10 Things I Love About Football


This weeks for the writers workshop I am going to write about number 3 which is: 10 things you love about football.  I am sure most of you know that I love football so this one was for me.  Lets get on to the the 10 things I love about football.

  1. I love that guys are always shocked when the find out that I love football.
  2. I love that it gives me something to watch on the weekends.  Since I watch both college & NFL I almost always have a game on during the weekend.
  3. I like the fact that the guys were tight pants and run around the field.  (That is such a chick reason to like football lol)
  4. I loving being able to watch players I have watched since they were in college make in the NFL.
  5. I love the rivalries that happen between people because of the teams they like to watch.
  6. I love how there are some games that come down to last few minutes of the game.  I love being on the edge of my seat and wondering who is going to win the game.
  7. Football makes me like fall because it is the only good thing about fall.
  8. I love it because it is the only sport that makes sense to me.  I am not sure why this is but it makes the most sense in my head.
  9. It reminds me of my childhood because I grew up watching football with my grandparents.
  10. It gives me something to talk about with the guys I work with.

Those are just a few reasons why I like football and they are in no particular order.

Do you like football?  Why or why not?

Here are the prompts for this week if you want to be apart of it:

1.) Tell us about a favorite Halloween costume.
2.) Share a Fall recipe that you’re loving this season.
3.) 10 Things you love about football.
4.) 10 Things you don’t love about football.
5.) Talk about something your child learned this week.

Mama’s Losin’ It

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