Make Me


Make Me

Twelve Tales of Dark Desire

Hosted by: Book Promotions by Literary Nook

MakeMe-500x750 (1)

Take a trip to the dark side with 12 books by some of the hottest names in edgy romance, including USA Today Bestselling authors CJ Roberts, Eliza Gayle, and Aleatha Romig!

Pam Godwin – Beneath the Burn
Skye Warren – Wanderlust
Claire Thompson – Enslaved
Cari Silverwood – Take Me Break Me
Annabel Joseph – Comfort Object
Aleatha Romig – Consequences
Shoshanna Evers – The Man Who Holds the Whip
Annika Martin – The Hostage Bargain
Jasmine Haynes – Take Your Pleasure
Eliza Gayle – Play With Me
Pepper Winters – Tears of Tess
CJ Roberts – Captive in the Dark



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Pam Godwin
Skye Warren
Claire Thompson
Cari Silverwood
Annabel Joseph
Aleatha Romig
Shoshanna Evers
Annika Martin
Jasmine Haynes
Eliza Gayle
Pepper Winters
CJ Roberts



Pam Godwin: Beneath the Burn
Skye Warren: Wanderlust
Claire Thompson: Enslaved
Cari Silverwood: Take Me, Break Me
Annabel Joseph: Comfort Object
Aleatha Romig: Consequences
Shoshanna Evers: The Man Who Holds The Whip
Annika Martin: The Hostage Bargain
Jasmine Haynes: Take Your Pleasure
Eliza Gayle Play With Me
Pepper Winters: Tears of Tess
CJ Roberts: Captive in the Dark



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a Rafflecopter giveaway

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March 3

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Booker Like A Hooker

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Wicked Readings by Tawania

Some Like It Hotter

Mommy’s a Book Whore

Sylv Jenkins Author

March 4

Words of Wisdom from The Scarf Princess

Snarky Mom Reads…

Salacious Reads

Rachel Leigh Romance

Inspire 2 Read

Dawn’s Reading Nook

Books Unhinged Book Blog

Foxylutely Book Reviews

March 5


Book Reviews by Xunaira J.

BJ’s Book Blog

The Phantom Paragrapher

Deal Sharing Aunt

March 6

Book Reviews & More by Kathy

My Devotional Thoughts

Rose’s Book Blog

Books to Light Your Fire

Literary Nook

March 7

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Lusty Penguin Reviews

BestSellars & BestStellars

Divas of Desire


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The Thief by Stephanie Landsem

the thief stephanie landsem
The Thief by Stephanie Landsem was an interesting book but hard for me to read.  I loved the authors writing but I couldn’t get into this book. I think because it takes place during biblical times it is hard for me relate to and get into. I grew up hearing the bible stories so I thought I would be able to get into but I just wasn’t able to get into it. I did like the characters and it was a good book to read it just wasn’t the book for me.

The Thief

About The Book

A Roman centurion longing for peace and a Jewish woman hiding a deadly secret witness a miracle that transforms their lives and leads them to the foot of the cross.

Longinus is a Roman centurion haunted by death and failure. Desperate to escape the accursed Judean province, he accepts a wager. If he can catch the thieves harassing the marketplace before Passover, he’ll earn a transfer away from the troublemaking Jews.

Nissa is a Jewish woman with a sharp tongue and no hope of marriage. Only with the help of Mouse, the best thief in Jerusalem, can she keep her blind brother, Cedron, fed and a roof over their heads.

When a controversial teacher miraculously heals Cedron, Longinus longs to learn more about the mysterious healer. Instead, his journey leads him to Nissa, whose secret will determine the course of both their futures.

Unexpectedly caught up in the arrest, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus, they wonder who this teacher is who heals others but does nothing to save himself. Is the mercy he offers in his teachings real, or just another false promise? Can Nissa and

Longinus overcome their pasts to find a future free of their shackles?

The Thief is an evocative story of two people trapped in their circumstances and the life-changing power of forgiveness and love.

Stephanie Landsem

About The Author

Stephanie Landsem loves adventure in far-off times and places. In real life, she’s explored ancient ruins, medieval castles, and majestic cathedrals around the world. Stephanie is equally happy at home in Minnesota with her husband, four children, and three fat cats. When she’s not writing, she’s feeding the ravenous horde, avoiding housework, and dreaming about her next adventure—whether it be in person or on the page.

Learn more about Stephanie at:

Buy A Copy Here!


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Distortion by Terri Blackstock

Terri Blackstock Distortoin
Distortion by Terri Blackstock was an amazing book.  From the moment I started this book I was sucked in. I loved this book and I loved the characters. The author does a great job of making you feel as if you are there with them. I read the first book in the series and I was so glad to get to check in with all the characters again. In this book you follow along with Juliet and her sisters as they investigate Juliet’s husband murder. From the start of the book I had an idea of who the bad guy was but I didn’t expect it to take some of the turns it took. And it was talking turns right up until the last few chapters.


About The Book

Juliet Cole’s life has been dismantled by the murder of her husband. She doesn’t know who—or what—to trust when everything she has believed to be true about her marriage has been a lie.

A husband’s lies can have deadly consequences.

When Juliet Cole’s husband of fifteen years is murdered before her eyes, she thinks it was a random shooting. Devastated and traumatized, she answers hours of questioning, then returns home to break the tragic news to her boys. But a threatening voicemail takes this from a random shooting to a planned, deliberate attack.

Juliet realizes that she and her children are in danger too, unless she meets the killers’ demands. But as she and her sisters untangle the clues, her husband’s dark secrets come to light. The more she learns, the more of her life is dismantled. Was her husband an innocent victim or a hardened criminal?
Pre-order a copy for just $4.99 on Kindle, Nook, iTunes, or the eBook version on CBD until March 10th.


Terri Blackstock

About The Author

Terri Blackstock has sold over six million books worldwide and is a New York Times bestselling author. She is the award-winning author ofInterventionVicious Cycle, andDownfall, as well as such series as Cape Refuge, Newpointe 911, the SunCoast Chronicles, Restoration, and Moonlighters.
Learn more about Terri at:


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I Need Your Help!

Help Needed

I need everyone’s help right now.  I am in process of building my media kit and I am looking for testimonials that I can included in my media kit as well as on my blog.  If you have the time to answers the following question in a few sentences I would be so grateful.

• Why do you enjoy reading The World As I See It?

I would make sure everyone knew you said it and also have a link to your blog unless you would rather it be listed some way else.  You can either leave it in a comment under this post or email me at theworldasiseeit25 at gmail dot com.

Thank you so much for being such loyal readers and thank you in advance for your time!

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I Learned

I Learned

This week for the writers workshop I am going to write about  1.) Share something you learned in February.  There are quite a few things that I learned during the month of February.  The biggest thing I learned during February was that you should never take a day for granted because you never know when it will be your last day.

The company I work for had one of the ladies in our accounting department pass away suddenly and that made me realize that I need to stop taking every day for granted.  I have noticed that for the last few years I have just taken for granted that tomorrow is another day but I came to realize this month that I can’t take that for granted anymore.

Another thing I learned this month is how much time sucks.  I say that because I always hear that time will heal and let me tell you that time hasn’t really healed anything.  I wrote about how I am feeling this month about placing my daughter if you missed that post you can click here to check it out.  I had hoped that at almost 9 years later I still wouldn’t be struggling with placing her.  I know that I will never forget but I had hoped that it would get easier with time and it hasn’t gotten any better.

Those are a couple of things that I have learned during the month February.

What did you learn during February?

Mama’s Losin’ It

If you would like to join in this week here are the prompts.  Also after you write your post make sure you click here and link up your post.

1.) Share something you learned in February.
2.) Top 6 Favorite people to follow on Pinterest.
3.) Update your readers on your 2014 goals. How are things going? Are you staying on track or facing some challenges?
4.) Describe the most vivid dream you can remember.
5.) Your least favorite subject in school.

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