The Ultimate Party on G+ #theultimateparty

This month I am a co-host for The Ultimate Party on Google+!

Every week +Tammy Doiel from The Ultimate Linky, +Tammy A from My Life Abundant, +Kim P from KidPep, and +Amanda Paxton from Old House to New House are the hosts of this party.

This month the three cohosts for the party are +Margaret Tidwell from The World as I See It, +Karen Weido from Ting’s Mom and Ting’s Mom’s Books, and +Nicole Johnson from Or Whatever You Do.

I was so excited when I saw they still needed hosts for July because this has been a great way to gain new followers on G+ and it also brings so much traffic to my site every week.  It also is a great way to find new blogs to read.  Since I have been linking up I have gotten so many new followers and I have also found some great posts and ideas!

Here are some reasons why doing a G+ party on Friday is The Ultimate Party:

  1. Posting on G+ helps with SEO optimization.
  2. Posting on G+ helps your posts get ranked higher in Google’s search engine.
  3. Friday is supposed to be the best time for interaction on G+, specifically between 11a.m. – 2 p.m. and 7 – 10 p.m. The linky will remain open until 8 p.m. Please link up as early as possible so that you get the most interaction on your posts.
  4. To help you gain more followers on G+.
  5. To interact with and to get to know other bloggers. For most parties you follow people but never interact. Here you get to see who has the same interests/niche as you do!
  6. BECAUSE IT’S FUN!! Why do a party if it isn’t going to be fun?

The Ultimate Party on G+--grow your circles; get your posts boosted!  #theultimateparty

Here is a little extra information for this party:

  1. You can follow our G+ page (The Ultimate Party) if you want to see our updates. We also send out an event invitation to everyone who follows the page. So please follow it to get a reminder.
  2. If you wish, you can follow our Pinterest board called The Ultimate Party where all of your hosts can pin your great posts.
  3. Optional: You can include your pin URL that coincides with your post on G+ so that others can pin it if they want to do so. If you repin the pin, please try to remember to include the hashtag #theultimateparty in the pin description.
  4. We would love it if you grabbed our button!
The Ultimate Linky

If you would like to be considered to be a co-host, please contact Tammy from The Ultimate Linky HERE or let us know on The Ultimate Party Google+ page.

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2014 Margaret Margaret

6 Things I Will Miss About Summer

6 Things I Will Miss About Summer

This week for the writer’s workshop I am going to write about number 3 which is list 6 things you are going to miss about summer.  I chose this one because I don’t usually like the summertime and I wanted to list reasons why I will miss it when fall & winter roll around.

Anyway let’s get on to the list of things that I will actually miss when this fall & winter come.

  1. I will miss the warmer weather.  The only reason I list this is because when it is 5 degrees outside I will be wishing it was hot because no one likes to freeze their ass off all winter long.
  2. I will miss not having to worry about when I leave the house in the morning.  I hate that I have to try and figure out how long it will take me to get to work because you never know what the roads will be like and how long it will take.
  3. I will miss everything looking alive and pretty because I get so tired of everything looking dead all winter long.  During the fall things start to look dead as well because by then the heat has killed everything.
  4. I will miss all of the fresh fruits & vegetables that I pretty much live on during the summer.  There is nothing like eating vegetables out of the garden every day.
  5. I will miss not having to worry about forgetting a jacket or layering because of the cold.
  6.  I will miss being able to drive around with my sunroof open and the windows down listening to music on my way to and from work.  I love having my sunroof & windows open and to be honest I am not 100% sure as to why but I do love it.

Those are 6 things I will miss what will you miss when the summer comes to an end?

If you want to join in this week here are the prompts:

1.) How do your kids remind you of your own siblings growing up?
2.) What grade is your child going to be in? Share a memory you have of yourself at that same age.
3.) List 6 things you are going to miss about summer.
4.) Write a blog post inspired by the words: whoops.
5.) Tell us about something somebody did that made you happy.

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2014 Margaret Margaret

Reach For Your Light by Ces Creatively

blog-image-advert-reach-for-your-light-1Reach For Your Light by Ces Creatively was an interesting book to read.  I am still not sure how I really feel about this book but that is okay with me.  I really did enjoy the author’s style of writing but there were times where things almost seemed rushed.  There were times where I got confused because of the supernatural parts of the book but I believe that is because I am not a huge fan of supernatural books but that didn’t make me want to stop reading the book.  Other than those times this was a good book to read and something that I am glad that I read.


About The Book

Emma Williams is searching for a new direction. Leaving behind a dead end career and harrowing relationship in London, she makes a fresh start in Bournemouth bonding immediately with flat mate Denzil and enjoying coastal life.

Falling in love with delicious Jeremy White she soon discovers that her new life is not as uncomplicated as she’d hoped. It may look like she has the perfect beach apartment and gorgeous man of her dreams but when visions of a mysterious stranger become reality and manipulating exes are out to cause trouble in paradise, Em just wants to find the truth in a world of deceit.

The Light Direction will take you on a fast-paced roller coaster of hot sex, mind games and supernatural visions that will leave you hungry for more.


About The Author

Ces Creatively is an inspiring mum of three from Poole who loves to spend time at Poole Harbour, Sandbanks Dorset. Juggling being a mum with running graphic design business, popular website with a book blog and hand made gifts business she miraculously also finds time to write novel series which she has dedicated to her son in heaven. A tireless champion of small businesses and other authors, Ces has won several awards for supportive innovation and dedicates time every week to promoting others online. In a unique twist, her debut paranormal romance novel The Light Direction – Reach For Your Light features real small businesses and talented creatives.

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When I Fall In Love by Susan May Warren

Book Review GraphicWhen I Fall In Love by Susan May Warren was another hit for me.  I have read several other books by Susan May Warren and I loved them all.  This book didn’t let me down to say the least.  From the first page right up until the last page and it also left me wanting to read the rest of the books in this series.  I loved the characters and I love how Susan May Warren can make you feel as if you are their with the characters and you also feel like the characters are real people.  I literally can’t say enough good things about this book because it was amazing.  If you love romance books than this is one I would for sure check out!

When I Fall in Love

About The Book

Hawaii was the last place Grace Christiansen ever imagined she’d vacation, much less fall in love. But when her family surprises her with a cooking retreat in paradise, she is pulled-or maybe yanked-away from her predictable, safe life and thrown headfirst into the adventure of a lifetime.

Max Sharpe may make his living on the ice as a pro hockey player, but he feels most at home in the kitchen. Which is why he lives for the three-week culinary vacation he takes each year in Hawaii. Upon being paired with Grace for a cooking competition, Max finds himself drawn to her passion, confidence, and perseverance. But just when Grace dares to dream of a future beyond her hometown, Max pulls away.

Wrestling with personal demons, Max fights against opening his heart to a love he knows he should never hope for. And as his secrets unfold, Grace is torn between the safe path in front of her and what her heart truly desires. If love means sacrificing her ideal happily ever after, Grace’s faith will face its toughest test yet.


About The Author

Susan May Warren is the bestselling, RITA Award-winning author of more than forty novels whose compelling plots and unforgettable characters have won acclaim with readers and reviewers alike. She served with her husband and four children as a missionary in Russia for eight years before she and her family returned home to the States. She now writes full-time as her husband runs a lodge on Lake Superior in northern Minnesota, where many of her books are set. She and her family enjoy hiking, canoeing, and being involved in their local church. Several of her critically acclaimed novels have been ECPA and CBA bestsellers, were chosen as Top Picks by Romantic Times, and have won the RWA’s Inspirational Reader’s Choice contest and the American Christian Fiction Writers Book of the Year award. Five of her books have been Christy Award finalists. In addition to her writing, Susan loves to teach and speak at women’s events about God’s amazing grace in our lives. She also runs a writing community for authors. 

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Graham Greene-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This weeks quote is by Graham Greene and it is about childhood & letting the future in.

Graham Greene

I loved this quote because it is so true at least it is to me.  I know my whole childhood I was almost forced to grow up and become more of an adult because of things that happened to me.  The one time I remember though was when I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at the age of 15 or 16.  I still remember sitting in the doctors office finding out that I had MS and knowing from that point on that my life was about to change and I had to start making adult decisions because I had a disease that was never going to go away or get any better.

Did anything like that ever happen to you?

What do you think of this week quote and as usual let me know what quotes you are loving right now.

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2014 Margaret Margaret

The Ultimate Party on G+ #theultimateparty

This month I am a co-host for The Ultimate Party on Google+!

Every week +Tammy Doiel from The Ultimate Linky, +Tammy A from My Life Abundant, +Kim P from KidPep, and +Amanda Paxton from Old House to New House are the hosts of this party.

This month the three cohosts for the party are +Margaret Tidwell from The World as I See It, +Karen Weido from Ting’s Mom and Ting’s Mom’s Books, and +Nicole Johnson from Or Whatever You Do.

I was so excited when I saw they still needed hosts for July because this has been a great way to gain new followers on G+ and it also brings so much traffic to my site every week.  It also is a great way to find new blogs to read.  Since I have been linking up I have gotten so many new followers and I have also found some great posts and ideas!

Here are some reasons why doing a G+ party on Friday is The Ultimate Party:

  1. Posting on G+ helps with SEO optimization.
  2. Posting on G+ helps your posts get ranked higher in Google’s search engine.
  3. Friday is supposed to be the best time for interaction on G+, specifically between 11a.m. – 2 p.m. and 7 – 10 p.m. The linky will remain open until 8 p.m. Please link up as early as possible so that you get the most interaction on your posts.
  4. To help you gain more followers on G+.
  5. To interact with and to get to know other bloggers. For most parties you follow people but never interact. Here you get to see who has the same interests/niche as you do!
  6. BECAUSE IT’S FUN!! Why do a party if it isn’t going to be fun?

The Ultimate Party on G+--grow your circles; get your posts boosted!  #theultimateparty

Here is a little extra information for this party:

  1. You can follow our G+ page (The Ultimate Party) if you want to see our updates. We also send out an event invitation to everyone who follows the page. So please follow it to get a reminder.
  2. If you wish, you can follow our Pinterest board called The Ultimate Party where all of your hosts can pin your great posts.
  3. Optional: You can include your pin URL that coincides with your post on G+ so that others can pin it if they want to do so. If you repin the pin, please try to remember to include the hashtag #theultimateparty in the pin description.
  4. We would love it if you grabbed our button!
The Ultimate Linky

If you would like to be considered to be a co-host, please contact Tammy from The Ultimate Linky HERE or let us know on The Ultimate Party Google+ page.

Digiprove sealCopyright secured by Digiprove © 2014 Margaret Margaret