A Lady At Willowgrove Hall by Sarah E. Ladd

Book ReviewA Lady At Willowgrove Hall by Sarah E. Ladd was another great book by Sarah E Ladd.  I have to say that I don’t know that I have read a book written by her that I haven’t enjoyed.  Anyway lets get on to the review of this book.  I loved this book because it is such sweet love story.  I have to say when I wanted to review this book because of the author not because the book sounds super good to me.  I was pleasantly surprised by this book and I ended up really loving it when I didn’t know how much I would really like this book.  It just goes to show that you really shouldn’t judge a book by even the back cover because I loved this book and I don’t know that I would have picked it up if it wasn’t for the fact that I love the author.  I loved the characters and the setting of this book.  I have read the other two books in the series but you don’t have to read them to understand what is going on in this book.  If you love historical romance books than don’t miss this book.

A Lady at Willowgrove HallAbout The Book

Her secret cloaks her in isolation and loneliness.

His secret traps him in a life that is not his own.

Cecily Faire carries the shame of her past wherever she treads, knowing one slip of the tongue could strip away everything she holds dear. But soon after accepting the position of lady’s companion at Willowgrove Hall, Cecily finds herself face-to-face with a man well-acquainted with the past she’s desperately hidden for years.

Nathaniel Stanton has a secret of his own — one that has haunted him from birth and tied him to his father’s position as steward of Willowgrove. To protect his family, Nathaniel dares not breath a word of the truth. But as long as the shadow looms over him, he’ll never be free to find his own way in the world. He’ll never be free to fall in love.

When the secrets swirling within Willowgrove Hall come to light, Cecily and Nathaniel must confront a painful choice: Will they continue running from the past . . . or will they stand together and build a future without the suffocating weight of secrets long suffered?


SLadd-118About The Author

Sarah E. Ladd has more than ten years of marketing experience. She is a graduate of Ball State University and holds degrees in public relations and marketing.The Heiress of Winterwood was the recipient of the 2011 Genesis Award for historical romance. Sarah lives in Indiana with her amazing husband, sweet daughter, and spunky Golden Retriever.
Find Sarah online: website, Facebook, Twitter

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Edmund Burke-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The WeekThis weeks quote is by Edmund Burke.

Edmund Burke

When I saw this quote I knew I wanted to use it because I loved it and I believe it is so true.  I really think that evil can and does happen because people are too scared to speak up and do anything about things in this country.  It also seems like the people who do speak up are the ones that are spreading the evil and/or hate.

What do you think of this weeks quote by Edmund Burke?

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What To Do?

What To DoIt is fall in Utah which means it will soon be snowing.  I saw a prompt that asked what I did on a dark and stormy day and I figured it would be a good topic to write about because that type of weather will soon be taking over in Utah.  There aren’t a ton of things that I do when it is storming out but a few things that I really do enjoy doing.

The first thing that came to mind when I saw this prompt was I love to watch football when it is stormy and nasty out.  I don’t think there are many things better than curling up and watching a good football game when it is cold and nasty out.  On with that theme I also love to just put on a good movie or even watch reruns of my favorite shows curled up in bed.  I love not having to go out and being able to watch it storm and be warm and comfortable in my house watching TV.

The only other thing that I really love doing when it is storming is to get whatever book I am reading and find a warm spot to sit and finish the book.  I love being able to read books when it is gross outside because I can read about warm places and forget for a while that it is snowing and freezing outside for a little while.  I also have started to love listening to audiobooks because there are days where my head hurts so bad that I can’t read but being able to listen to an audiobook is great for passing the time as well.

Those are a few things that I love to do when it is stormy and gross out.  What do you like to do when it is storming outside?

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Fuzzy Logic by Susan C Daffron

fuzzy logic buttonFuzzy Logic by Susan C Daffron was a fun book to read.  This was a nice change of pace for me and I am now going to go back and check out the first book in the series because the author does such a good job writing.  These books aren’t typically my favorite types of books but I really did enjoy this one and I loved that she made the dogs in the book seem like they were characters themselves.  If you love cute stories with animals & people than I know you will love this book!

fuzzy logicAbout The Book

Librarian Jan Carpenter likes things just so. Nestled in her tidy little cottage on the outskirts of the small hamlet of Alpine Grove, she enjoys her quiet life with her friendly, rotund black lab, Rosa.

Jan’s orderly life is turned upside down when she attends her mother’s latest wedding in San Diego. (Number six…or maybe seven, but who’s counting?) There, Jan encounters Michael Lawson, the obnoxious neighbor kid from twenty years ago. He’s still irritating, but not as annoying as his dog who has a habit of eating…everything. The last thing Jan wants to do is risk heartache on a vacation fling with a smooth-talking serial dater, even if he is sinfully gorgeous and finds her unusual ability to remember obscure facts fascinating.

Amidst wardrobe destruction, canine digestive indiscretions, and episodes of extreme mortification, Jan’s desire to avoid drama may put the brakes on her fiery attraction to Michael. But maybe being cautious and responsible isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

susan c daffronAbout The Author

Susan Daffron is the author of the Alpine Grove Romantic Comedies, a series of novels that feature residents of the small town of Alpine Grove and their various quirky dogs and cats. She is also an award-winning author of many nonfiction books, including several about pets and animal rescue. She lives in a small town in northern Idaho and shares her life with her husband, two dogs and a cat–the last three, all “rescues.” You can read more about her at her website SusanDaffron.com.


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Slave Again by Alana Terry

Book ReviewSlave Again by Alana Terry was an amazing book.  I read her first book and if you haven’t read that review click here to check it out so this book was one I had high hopes for.  It did live up to those hopes and even surpass them.  This book at times was hard for me to read because of what the poor women & children have to go through.  Her books also have opened my eyes to what really goes on over there and it breaks my heart because things like this shouldn’t still be happening in our world.

Anyway let’s get on to the review of this book.   Like I said this book was amazing and it lived up to everything that I thought it would.  There are parts of this book that broke my heart and were hard to read but none of it made me want to stop reading.  This book did have a rough start for me but that isn’t because nothing happened.  A lot happened right at the start but I think the subject made it hard for me to read right in the start but once I was a few chapters in I didn’t want to put the book down.  I have to say that there are twists in the book and some of them I saw coming and others I didn’t which always makes for a good read.  I do wonder what happened to some of the characters in the end but all in all I loved this book and it is one that I am going to keep in my collection.

Slave AgainAbout The Book

After escaping a North Korean prison camp, Mee-Kyong is hustled over the border and sold into the Chinese underworld. She vows to survive, but sheer determination and willpower won’t save her this time. Is she fated to remain a slave forever?

Slave Again is a Christian suspense novel from award-winning author Alana Terry, whose debut novel, The Beloved Daughter, won awards from Women of Faith, Grace Awards, The Book Club Network, and Readers’ Favorite.

alana-terryAbout The Author

Alana is passionate about human-rights issues in North Korea and has devoted her writing to raise both awareness and funds to help North Korean refugees find freedom and safety. You can find out more about Liberty in North Korea and Alana’s rescue campaign at alanaterry.com/link.

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Pet Peeves. . .

Pet PeevesToday I am going to talk about a few of my pet peeves because let’s be honest we all have things that bug us.  It also seems lately that people have done everything that bugs me.  I used to do a series call Things That Drive Me Insane if you haven’t checked them out you an click right here.  Anyway let’s get on to this post.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when I am out to dinner and I can hear people chewing.  It drives me up the wall and I want to say something to them about it.  I really isn’t that hard to talk with your mouth closed.  Everyone needs to try it because listening to people chew and/or seeing them chew it totally gross not to mention rude.

Another pet peeve of mine is when people call in looking for someone and because that person isn’t here or doesn’t answer their phone they think that gives them the right to be rude and yell at me.  I hate to tell people but I can’t control what the salesman do where I work.  I wish I could some days but I can’t so please don’t yell at me because of them.  I do understand how frustrated you are with them because chances are I am just as frustrated if not more so than you are.  If you are yelling at me chances are you aren’t the first person to do that today so I get it, I really do so you can just stop.

One last pet peeve of mine is when you tell someone you don’t want to talk about something and instead of saying okay and leaving it alone they just keep asking the same question in a different way trying to get the information out of you.  I have started to just walk away when people do this because if you can’t listen to what I am saying I don’t have time for you in my life.

So those are 3 of my pet peeves.  What is one of your pet peeves?

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