Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

Another week is over and this week hasn’t been nearly as busy as the past couple of weeks because Diana is back at work so that is nice because it means that I have time to get some blogging done while I am here.  This week I had 3 blog post that when live this week that I will list below in case you missed them.

I was supposed to have a 4th post on Thursday but I didn’t get around to writing it so it didn’t happen.  I am going to keep in my drafts folder so keep your eyes out and you may see it in the next few weeks.  Next week I have 2 book reviews and a quote by George Canning.  I hope you all had a great week and I will see you back here next week!

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Adoption Thoughts-Feeling Guilty

Adoption Thoughts

I haven’t had posted an adoption thoughts post in awhile and recently I had something come up that has to do with my birth daughter and genetics.  I know that there isn’t anything I do about the situation now but it still makes me feel bad and like I should have done something different when I was pregnant so that something like this wouldn’t happen but that being said I know that there was nothing I could have ever done to stop this from happening.

I was informed a few months ago the my daughter has Alopecia Areata which is an autoimmune disease like Multiple Sclerosis but her immune system is attacking her hair follicles so she has no hair.  She will be ten this year and I can’t even imagine what it has to feel like having no hair and being a kid today.  I have spent tons of time wishing I could trade places with her because people don’t have to know that you have MS but when you have no hair everyone can see that.

The reason I feel guilty is because there are strong indicators that autoimmune diseases are hereditary so because I have one she has one and that is hard for me to accept.  I know that there is nothing I could have done to stop this from happening but it is still hard for me to know that because of me she developed this condition.

I know in time this will get easier to deal with and I won’t feel guilty but for now that is how I feel.  It has also cemented in my mind that I won’t be having kids because I don’t want to risk something like this happening to them.  I have another adoption thoughts post coming up because I am so sick of people judging those of us who place our children for adoption.  Just because you are looking at our situation thinking we could raise our kids doesn’t mean we should.  Anyway I will leave rest of that rant for another post in the near future.

What are you thoughts on this subject?

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Written On Her Heart by Paige Rion

Book Review

Written On Her Heart by Paige Rion was a fun book to read.  There are parts of this book that I didn’t  enjoy but that is because I tend to get bored when you have love triangles going on.  I have to say that I didn’t like Peter from the first time you meet him right up until the end.  All the drama in this book kept me wanting to read but it also at times got old and I found myself just skimming the pages until the drama past.  I can’t wait to read the other books in this series.  If you love new adult novels than I am sure you will love this one.  If you have read it what do you think of it?


About The Book

Andi Callaway has dreamed of becoming a published author her entire life.

Ford Delaney has always wanted nothing more than to escape his past.

An opportunity of a lifetime. This is what Andi finds when she returns home to Callaway Cove on summer break. A chance to work for her literary idol Ford Delaney is up for grabs, and she’s willing to risk everything–her boyfriend, her best friends, and her education–to get it.

She’s positive this will be the key to reaching her dreams. But the moment she begins working for the reclusive author, Andi realizes there’s more to him than just a name. As attraction builds between Andi and Ford, she begins to discover consequences must come hand-in-hand with something great–which could loosen control over her tightly wound life. And once romantic sparks fly, Andi’s other relationships start to crumble, Ford’s fame comes back to haunt him, and the heat they generate will either forge a powerful, enduring love or threaten everything she holds dear.

In this romance, Rion delivers drama and sexual tension without graphic love scenes. Written On Her Heart will delight romance fans of new adult, young adult, and contemporary romance readers, alike.


About The Author

Paige Rion is a contemporary romance author. She’s a mother, wife, blogger, hopeless chocoholic, coffee-addicted, wine-lover. Her debut, novel–a new adult romance–Written On Her Heart, is the first in the Callaway Cove series. She is also the author of the new adult romance serial, Claiming Callie. The fourth and final installment of Claiming Callie is due out in October, followed by the release of the second Callaway Cove novel.
She loves connecting with readers on her blog and social media. You can visit her website at http://paigerion.com/

Subscribe to her newsletter for news on giveaways, new releases, and exclusive content: http://eepurl.com/Qqglf

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Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

I haven’t had a chance the past few weeks to write my weekly wrap up post so I am going to list all of  the posts from the past few weeks in case you missed any of them.

Those are all the posts for the past 3 weeks.  I can’t believe it has taken me three weeks to get caught up enough that I could get this post written.  I also wanted to post a picture of my newest nails because I am so in love with them.

Frog Nails

So that is all I have for today.  What do you think of my nails?  Is there anything you would like to see here on my blog???


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How To Catch a Prince by Rachel Hauck

Book Review

How To Catch a Prince by Rachel Hauck is the third book in this series and I loved it just like I loved the first 2.  If you didn’t catch my reviews of them you can click here and here to read them.  This are like modern fairy tales and I love that about the books.  I wasn’t a huge fan of Prince Stephen through most of the book because he struck me as coward but in the end he redeems himself.  I loved Corina from the very first page right through the end of the book.  Now this book is the third in the series but you don’t have to have read the other two to know what is going on in this book.  I love all the stories of these books and if you love contemporary fiction and/or romance books than I know you will love this book!

How to Catch a Prince

About The Book

How to Catch a Prince (Zondervan, February 2015)

She caught her prince once. Can she catch him again?

American heiress Corina Del Rey’s life was devastated by war. Every thing she loved was lost. But after five years of grief, she’s shed her grave clothes and started over in the sunshine along the Florida coast.

But some things are not so easily forgotten. When a secret from her past confronts her face to face, she realizes she must follow her heart. Even if it cost her everything.

Prince Stephen of Brighton Kingdom is a former Royal Air Command lieutenant turned star rugby player, trying to make sense of his life after the devastation of war.
When his brother, King Nathaniel, discovers Stephen’s pre war secret, he must deal with an aspect of his life he longed to forget. But how can he do so without exposing the truth and breaching national security?

Yet, true love has a destiny all it’s own. As the cathedral bells peal through Cathedral City, Corina and Stephen must chose to answer the call of love on their hearts.
Or let it be lost forever?

Rachel Hauck

About The Author

Rachel Hauck is an award-winning, best selling author of critically acclaimed novels such as The Wedding Dress, Love Starts with Elle, and Once Upon A Prince. She also penned the Songbird Novels with multi-platinum recording artist, Sara Evans. Booklist named their novel, Softly and Tenderly, one of 2011 Top Ten Inspirationals. She serves on the Executive Board for American Christian Fiction Writers and is a mentor and book therapist at My Book Therapy, and conference speaker. Rachel lives in central Florida with her husband and pets.
Find Rachel online: website, Facebook, Twitter

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