Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

Another week has past and it is time for another wrap-up post.  I had two book reviews go live this week and I also had an update post that went up yesterday because I had an appointment with my neurologist on Monday afternoon.

David Wilkerson-Quote Of The Week

Fatal Trauma by Richard L. Mabry, M.D.

Leaving Eva by Jennifer Sivec

Updates: Doctors Appointment, Multiple Sclerosis, and Everything Else

Those are all the posts from this week.  Next week I have a book cover reveal going up on Monday and then I have reviews going up rest of the week.   If there is anything that you would like to see please let me know and I will work on getting that done for you.

How has your week been?

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Updates: Doctors Appointment, Multiple Sclerosis, and Everything Else


I had a doctors appointment on Monday June 8th and I wanted to write a short update about that appointment and also an update about how I have been feeling lately.  I also decided as I was writing this post that I wanted to include just a general life update because  I am truly struggling with things right now.  I can’t tell everything that is bothering me but I will tell what I can and maybe I will still write what is going on and password protect those posts and if you want to check them out you can email me and I will give you the password for them.  Anyway lets get on to the MS update because that is the easiest and quickest part of this post.

As I said before I had a doctor’s appointment Monday afternoon with my neurologist.  I hadn’t had an MRI or anything since I saw her last but she does like to see me every so often because of the medication I am on and things like that.   I haven’t been feeling the greatest lately but there is nothing that can really be done about that because I just don’t feel well.  My headaches are getting bad again which totally sucks because I went so long without having them or at least not having super bads one.  I know that the reason I am having them is because of allergies and also just the stress of life.  I have an MRI in August and I don’t have to see the doctor again until December so that will be nice.

Now on to the life crap that I am willing or able to talk about.  I have no idea where to start or what I even want to say.  I guess the first place to start is with the fact that the daughter I placed for adoption will be 10 this year and I am honestly not sure where the time went.  It has also been a hard year this year when it comes to dealing with the adoption and I am not sure why this year has been so hard for me.

Another thing that has been hard for me this year is family things and usually I don’t really care what goes on with family members but this year that has changed for me.  What is funny about it all is that what I am sad about didn’t even happen this year and to be honest I am not sure why it is now bothers me like it is.  I am sure it is because of everything else going on that is making all the little things in life that usually don’t affect me hard for me to deal with right now.

Anyway that is all I can think of right now so I am going to leave it like this.

How are things going for you???

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Fatal Trauma by Richard L. Mabry, M.D.

Book Review

Fatal Trauma by Richard L. Mabry, M.D. was an amazing book.  This  book brings the two things I love most in life in a book.  I have read two other books by this author and I have loved them just as much as I loved this one.  I have to say that I wasn’t a huge fan of Kelly at first and to be honest I am not sure why.  I liked Mark from the start which is crazy to me because usually I don’t like characters like Mark right at the start and I usually love characters like Kelly.  By the end of the book I did love both of them but it did take time for me to grow to love Kelly.  Parts of this book I did see coming and figure a few things out before they happened but not much so that is always a good thing with these kinds of books for me.  If you love medical thrillers than I know you will love this  book and any of the others books by this author.

Fatal Trauma

About The Book

Fatal Trauma (Abingdon Press, May 2015)

A gunman who has nothing to lose faces a doctor who could lose it all to prove his innocence.

When Dr. Mark Baker and Nurse Kelly Atkinson are held at the mercy of a dangerous gunman, the lives of every emergency room patient are at stake. At the end of the evening three men are dead. One of them is a police officer who couldn’t be saved despite Mark’s best efforts. The other two are members of the feared Zeta drug cartel.

Though the standoff is over, the killing is not, because when the drug cartel loses its members, revenge is not far behind. Facing an adversary whose desires are dark and efforts are ruthless, Mark finds himself under suspicion as a killer, yet still a potential victim. When he turns to his high school sweetheart, attorney Gwen Woodruff, for help, Kelly helplessly looks on, as she hides her own feelings for the good doctor.

At the height of the conflict, three questions remain: Who is the shooter? Who will the next victim be? And can Mark prove his innocence before the gun turns on him?

Dr. Richard Mabry

About The Author

A retired physician, Dr. Richard Mabry is the author of seven critically acclaimed novels of medical suspense. His previous works have been finalists for the Carol Award and Romantic Times Reader’s Choice Award, and have won the Selah Award. He is a past Vice-President of American Christian Fiction Writers and a member of the International Thriller Writers. He and his wife live in North Texas.

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Weekly Wrap-Up: Past 2 Weeks

Weekly Wrap-Up

It is that time of the week again for another weekly wrap-up post.  I didn’t get one written last week because I had books reviews do every day so I will be listing all the posts from the past two weeks so you can check them out if you missed them.

As Waters Gone By by Cynthia Ruchti

Hunter by Sally Ann Melia Part 2

Kiss The Cowboy by Julie Jarnagin

All This Time by Tiffani Burnett-Velez

A Hearts Danger by Colleen Coble

Milton Berle-Quote Of The Week

Out From The Underworld by Heather Siegel

Hearts Made Whole by Jody Hedlund

The Proposal At Siesta Key by Shelley Shepard Gray

Those are all the posts from the past few weeks in case you missed them.  Also if there is anything you would like to see on this blog please let me know because I am always looking for new things to write about.  I hope you have had a great week and that you have an amazing weekend!

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The Proposal At Siesta Key by Shelley Shepard Gray

Book Review

The Proposal At Siesta Key by Shelley Shepard Gray was a great story.  I did read the first book in this series so if you want to check out that review you can click here but you won’t be lost if this is the first book you pick up and read in the series.  I love all the books that Shelley has written about the Amish so going into this book I expected to love it as well.  I always get worried when I start reading a book and already expect the book to be amazing because I have been let down before but this book didn’t let me down at all.  I loved this book.  I instantly loved Penny from the first page right through the end.  At the start of the book I wasn’t a huge fan of Michael but after I was a few chapters in I did start to like him as well.  I loved that we got to check back in with some of the characters from the first book as well because I like to see how they are doing.  If you love Amish fiction than I would for sure recommend this book to you.

The Proposal at Siesta Key

About The Book

The Proposal at Siesta Key (Avon Inspire, May 2015)

A young Amish woman, yearning for freedom, crosses paths with a handsome Mennonite celebrity in a deeply moving tale of friendship and self-discovery—the second installment in the unforgettable New York Times bestselling author’s new Amish Brides of Pinecraft series.

Penny Troyer rarely disobeys her parents. In the years since her sister’s tragic death, they’ve wanted nothing more than to keep her safe…even if it means never leaving the house.

But tonight, she’s bending the rules because Michael Knoxx, the most famous member of The Knoxx Family Singers, a traveling Mennonite Evangelical family —is scheduled to speak. Penny has heard of Michael—how he lost part of his leg in a terrible accident and uses the experience to inspire others—and knows she must meet him. So, for the first time ever, Penny stands up to her parents and goes out on her own.

Though he speaks about living life to the fullest, Michael knows he needs to take his own advice. Life on the road is grueling and Michael wants to slow down, to rest…to perhaps meet someone who sees him as a man, not just a celebrity. So when a twist of fate allows him the chance to stay a little longer in Pinecraft, Michael knows God is showing him a new path, especially when he discovers how much he and Penny Troyer have in common.

But new friendships can’t stop time. Soon, Michael’s time in Pinecraft will be over and he’ll be back on the road. Her time with Michael has brought her happiness, but will she be able to follow her heart? Or will she be faced with the one thing she’s sure she’ll never have the courage to do?

Shelley Shepard Gray

About The Author

Shelley Shepard Gray is a two-time New York Times bestseller, a two-time USA Today bestseller, a finalist for the American Christian Fiction Writers prestigious Carol Award, and a two-time Holt Medallion winner. She lives in Southern Ohio, where she writes full-time, bakes too much, and can often be found walking her dachshunds on her town’s bike trail.

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