Called To Be Amish by Marlene C. Miller

Book Review

Called To Be Amish by Marlene C. Miller was one of the most interesting books that I have read in a long time.  It has been years since I have read any biography/autobiography and I realize how much I love those kind of books.  I love getting a first hand account of what it would be like to live if you were Amish and to help me better understand some of the fiction books that I read that have to do with the Amish.  This is another book that I didn’t want to put down.  Anyway in this book you get to hear about Marlene’s childhood and how her life was up until the time she chose to join the Amish and how things were for her after she joined them.  I loved being about to see what her childhood was like and also what lead her to join the Amish.  There are other books in this series and I am for sure going to be buying them and reading them because I love the behinds the scenes look at what life is really like for them and how things really are.  If you love books about the Amish and/or biographies than I know you will love this book and need to check it out!

Called to be Amish

About The Book

Called to Be Amish (MennoMedia, February 2015)

Fewer than one hundred outsiders have joined the Old-Order Amish—and stayed—since 1950. Marlene C. Miller is one of them.

In this rare memoir, Marlene recounts her unhappy and abusive childhood, how she throws herself into cheerleading and marching band, and how she falls in love with Johnny, the gentle young Amish man who helps her lace her ice skates.

Against the wishes of both sets of parents, Marlene and Johnny get married and begin a family. Follow the author on this unusual journey to find out how God’s love called her out of bitterness and depression and into the warm embrace of her new Amish community.

Accompany her as she dons an Amish dress and prayer covering and gets baptized. Learn how she endures the strain of ten children, a hundred-acre farm, and accidents and tragedy, and find out how she comes close to walking away from it all. Turning Amish has proven to be anything but plain and simple for this former majorette. But nearly fifty years later, Marlene is still living out God’s call as an Old Order Amish woman.

About The Author

Marlene C. Miller joined the Amish as an adult and has been a member of the Old Order Amish for almost 50 years. She and her husband of 48 years live on a farm in Ohio surrounded by their nine children, more than 40 grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.

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Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrap-Up

It is that time again for me list all the posts from the past week so you can check them out in case you missed any of them.  So here it goes

A Love Like Ours by Becky Wade

Albert Einstein-Quote Of The Week

L.A. Rotten by Jeff Klima

A Beautiful Taste by Lilliana Anderson

New Career Path?!?!

Those are the 5 posts that I had up this past week.  Next week I have a week full of book reviews.  I also have a book review on a book that I can’t wait to share with you and it will be live on Sunday and trust me you aren’t going to want to miss it.

How has your week been?

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Changing Careers?!?!

This week for the writers workshop I am going to talk about number 3 which is You HAVE to go back in time and choose a different career path for yourself. What do you choose?  As I sit here and think about changing careers the one thing that keeps coming to the front of my brain is that I wish I had finished school and that I was a registered nurse.  I basically dropped out of school after I got pregnant and had my daughter.  It has been so long since I have been in school that when I think about going back to school now I don’t know that I could or that I even want to go back to school to get my nursing degree.

I remember when I was in college people always said don’t stop going to school because once you stop or take a break you won’t go back.  At the time I was in school I always thought that was stupid because I never saw myself not finishing school even if I took a break.  Now that I have been out of school for years and years the last place I want to be in the world is back at school with teenagers and people who are younger than me.  I am that weird person who loved school and now the thought of going to school again literally makes me sick to my stomach.

The more years I spend at the job I am at now the more I realize that I am probably going to be here forever because at this point I have done it for almost 8 years and it is all I know anymore.  I remember starting this job thinking it was just going to be something until I could go back to working at a nursing home and now the longer I am here the more I realize that I don’t mind doing accounting and things like that.

It is funny to me how I have changed and my thoughts on what I want to do when “I grow up” have changed so much.  I am glad I have the job I do and I am also glad that I think I am finally okay with not being in the medical field anymore.  It will always be something that I love and something that just comes naturally to me but I don’t think I would be able to do the job because of the Multiple Sclerosis and things like that.

If you could change your career what would you want to do now?

Here are all the prompts for this weeks writers workshop if you want to join in on the fun.

1. Write a blog post inspired by the word: guilty
2. Write a poem for your mother.
3. You HAVE to go back in time and choose a different career path for yourself. What do you choose?
4. I know my kids really love me because…
5. Describe a home cooked meal that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

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A Beautiful Taste by Lilliana Anderson

Book Review

A Beautiful Taste by Lilliana Anderson was a super sweet story.  There are 5 or 6 books before this one in the series but you don’t have to read them in order to know what is going on in this book.  I haven’t read any of the other ones and I had no problem following this story.  It was an easy read which is nice but it also held my attention which some books that are easy to read aren’t able to do.  I loved the characters in this book and the setting of the book.  The one thing I do know is that I am going to have to go back and read the other books in this series because I truly enjoyed this book and the author’s writing.  If you love contemporary romance novels than this is one that I think you need to read!


About The Book

It’s never easy to go back. That’s something chef, Bradley Rae is sweating bullets about as the date of his school’s kayaking team reunion draws near. When his friend and teammate, Elliot Roberts, convinces him to go, he thinks he’ll be fine going back there. After all, chances are, she won’t be there at all. It’s been almost ten years. Maybe she she’s moved away. Maybe he won’t see her at all…

Dakota Morgan is a girl with many regrets, and Bradley Rae is on top of that list. You see, she did something – she didn’t wait five minutes, and that tiny amount of impatience changed the course of her life forever.

When her father sets up a fundraising reunion for their family owned kayaking club, her heart beats out of control when she sees Brad’s name on that list. Part of her wants to refuse to go so she doesn’t have to face him. But a larger part of her needs to see him, even if it’s just a window into what might have been…

When Brad and Dakota meet again, will sparks fly, or will the past remain firmly in the past? And what about secrets? Can they survive the reality of what that one split decision, made all those years ago, has done? Or will they let it all go again?


About The Author

Australian born and bred, Lilliana Anderson has always loved to read and write considering it the best form of escapism that the world has to offer. Besides writing Angelien’s biographical trilogy, she also writes contemporary romance and drama all based around Aussie characters.

When she isn’t writing she is a wife, and a mother to four children. She has worked in a variety of industries and studied humanities before transferring to commerce/law at university.

She currently lives a fairly quiet life in suburban Melbourne.

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L.A. Rotten: A Tom Tanner Mystery by Jeff Klima

TLC Book Tours

L.A. Rotten:  A Tom Tanner Mystery by Jeff Klima was a great book.  I loved this book because it is a return to the genre of books that I love the most.  I don’t usually read tons of books like this and it is so nice to get to read ones like this and find new authors.  Anyway back to this book.  I enjoyed everything about this  book so much so that I was sad when it ended because I loved the author’s style of writing and I also loved the characters in this book.  I had to keep reading right up until the end because I had to know how it ended and how things worked out.  I have to say that I really liked Tom from the start of the book and I hope that there will be more books with him in them because I loved him as the main character in this book.  It is fast past and it kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the book.  If you love mystery books than I know you will love this story.

LA Rotten

About The Book

On Sale: May 12, 2015
Pages: 268
Published by : Alibi

For fans of Dexter and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Jeff Klima’s debut thriller is a chillingly suspenseful novel set in a world of violence and chaos—where one man finds himself right at home.

As an expert crime-scene cleaner, Thomas Tanner charges big money to carve out bullets, mop up fluids, disinfect walls, and dispose of whatever’s left of whomever was unlucky enough to require his services. For a handsome young ex-con determined to stay out of trouble, it’s practically a dream job—until he discovers a grisly pattern to his work: a string of gruesome murders at a cheap motel chain, always in Room 236.

While prying into a serial killer’s nasty scheme, Thomas finds himself with a sharp-witted strip-bar waitress plastered to his side—and his conscience. Even more surprising, the killer starts prying into his life, luring Thomas into a twisted friendship. As Thomas struggles against his adversary’s wicked whims, risking the lives of the few people he holds dear, bodies pile up everywhere he turns. With a psychopath calling the shots, Thomas has little choice but to clean house once and for all.

About The Author

Jeff Klima is the author of The Dead Janitors Club and the cofounder of Orange County Crime Scene Cleanup.

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