Find Her by Lisa Gardner

Book Review Graphic

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.  I was not compensated in any other way.

Find Her by Lisa Gardner was one of the better books that I have read in past few months.  I read a ton of books as most of you know but this book took me back to the types of books that I loved to read before I started to review books here.  I love books like this because they keep me on the edge of my seat, and I don’t want to stop reading them until I know how it all ends.  I know that these books can be overwhelming to some people but for the most part, I love them.  Right from the start I loved how the author was able to make me understand what it would feel like to be somewhat buried alive or, at least, be in a box that all you can do is lay down.  I also loved that Flora is a survivor and you get to see how she survived and how is able to help others in the small ways that she does.   I can’t say enough good things about this book and this author.  If you love reading thriller/suspense books then I know you don’t want to miss this one.  I can’t wait to check out other books by this author and see how they are compared to this one.

Find Her by Lisa Gardner

About The Book

Flora Dane is a victim.

Seven years ago, carefree college student Flora was kidnapped while on spring break. For 472 days, Flora learned just how much one person can endure.

Flora Dane is a survivor.

Miraculously alive after her ordeal, Flora has spent the past five years reacquainting herself with the rhythms of normal life, working with her FBI victim advocate, Samuel Keynes. She has a mother who’s never stopped loving her, a brother who is scared of the person she’s become, and a bedroom wall covered with photos of other girls who’ve never made it home.

Flora Dane is reckless.

. . . or is she? When Boston detective D. D. Warren is called to the scene of a crime—a dead man and the bound, naked woman who killed him—she learns that Flora has tangled with three other suspects since her return to society. Is Flora a victim or a vigilante? And with her firsthand knowledge of criminal behavior, could she hold the key to rescuing a missing college student whose abduction has rocked Boston? When Flora herself disappears, D.D. realizes a far more sinister predator is out there. One who’s determined that this time, Flora Dane will never escape. And now it is all up to D. D. Warren to find her.

Lisa Gardner

About The Author

New York Times bestselling crime novelist Lisa Gardner began her career in food service, but after catching her hair on fire numerous times, she took the hint and focused on writing instead. A self-described research junkie, she has parlayed her interest in police procedure, cutting edge forensics and twisted plots into a streak of eleven bestselling suspense novels.
Readers are invited to get in on the fun by entering the annual “Kill a Friend, Maim a Mate” Sweepstakes, where they can nominate the person of their choice to die in Lisa’s latest novel. Every year, one lucky stiff is selected for literary immortality. It’s cheaper than therapy, and you get a great book besides. For more details, simply visit Lisa’s website.
Lisa lives in the White Mountains of New Hampshire with her family, as well as two highly spoiled dogs and one extremely neurotic three-legged cat. Lisa graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in international relations.

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Louis D. Brandeis-Quote Of The Week

Quote Of The Week

This week’s quote is by Louis D. Brandeis.

Louis D. Brandeis

When I first saw this quote I thought I had already used it, but I can’t find it anywhere so I am guessing that  I have seen it before but not used it yet.  I look around, and the society that we currently live, and I think most of us have no respect for the law because there isn’t much that people agree with anymore.  I see things happening in this country because people are so tired of feeling like no one is listening to them and what they want.  I don’t agree with most of the stuff that is being done, but I do see why people act like they do.

What do you think of this quote by Louis D. Brandeis?

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Cancelled Vows by Lauren Carr


Cancelled Vows by Lauren Carr was an interesting book, to say the least.  This is one of those books that nothing goes right from the start and at times I had to laugh because I couldn’t see some of the things happening but other parts I could totally see happening.  Like when Gnarly ate the wedding rings I could totally see that happening but then you find out the David is already married when he goes to get his marriage license, but he claims that he had no idea that he got married years before.  I enjoyed this story but at times, I wish I had others books in this series before so that I would know more of the backstory but you can just pick this book up and understand what is happening and who the characters all are.  I really enjoyed this book even though at times all I could think about is how there is no way that anything like this could happen.  This is the first book I have read by this author and I am for sure going to be adding more books by this author to my pile of books I want to read.  I think pretty much everyone would love this book and have a good time reading it.

Cancelled Vows

About The Book

Police Chief David O’Callaghan and Chelsea Adams’ wedding day is fast approaching. Unfortunately, at the last minute, David discovers that there is one small problem to be taken care of before he can tie the knot—divorce his first wife!

Lauren Carr takes fans of the Mac Faraday mysteries to the Big Apple in this nail-biting adventure. In Cancelled Vows, David, Mac, and Gnarly, too, rush to New York City to dissolve David’s marriage to an old girlfriend—and he’s got five days to get it done. When murder throws up a road block, it is up to David’s best man, Mac Faraday, and Gnarly, K9-in-waiting, to sort through the clues to get David to the church in time!

Lauren Carr

About The Author

Lauren Carr is the international best-selling author of the Mac Faraday and Lovers in Crime Mysteries and the Thorny Rose Mysteries. Lauren is a popular speaker who has made appearances at schools, youth groups, and on author panels at conventions. She also passes on what she has learned in her years of writing and publishing by conducting workshops and teaching in community education classes. She lives with her husband, son, and four dogs (including the real live Gnarly!) on a mountain in Harpers Ferry, WV.

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Still Counting by Phil Fragasso


Still Counting

Still Counting by Phil Fragasso was an interesting book.  I say that because I think this is the first chick lit book that I have ever read that is written by a man.  It was a fun change from the other chick lit books that I have read.  I love getting the males view on everything that was going on and I felt like this book is probably more accurate than some chick lit books that are written by females.  I spent the entire book interested in what was going on because I loved getting to read what males may be thinking when they are dating and are in relationships.  One part that made me sad was in the first chapter when he has to put down Casey, his dog because I too just had to put down my cat so I can understand how that would make him feel.  I felt like Adam was someone I would get along with in the real world so that always makes for a good book as well.  If you love chick lit and are looking for something a little bit different than I would for sure, tell you to check this book out because I know you will love it.


Still Counting by Phil Fragasso

About The Book

Adam Donatello and Nina Morales share an immediate and powerful attraction, and their future together seems assured. But love is difficult enough without adding complications—real or imagined—to the mix. Nina sees life as a thousand shades of gray while Adam tends toward black-and-white. He wants to move fast; she needs time. Nina sees her past liaisons with women as immaterial to their relationship, while her disclosure drives Adam to a state of irrational jealousy. He doesn’t know how he could compete with a woman, and his suspicions—which Nina views as hypocritical—lead them both to make decisions they may live to regret.

phil fragasso

About The Author

I sold my first article at the age of 16. Since then I’ve written and published a wide variety of books, articles, and essays. After many years as a corporate marketer,  I left to pursue endeavors that were more fulfilling personally and more contributory on a societal level. Today I focus my time on writing and teaching. I’ve often said “I live the American dream” and that is indeed how I feel. With a wonderful wife, two grown children, great friends and a couple of rambunctious Labrador retrievers, I can’t complain about a damn thing.

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A Muddied Murder by Wendy Tyson

Book Review GraphicA Muddied Murder by Wendy Tyson was a cute book.  I have read several other books by her and I really enjoy her style of writing.  I really enjoyed the characters in this book and the setting of this one.  I did find parts of this book predictable but that is pretty common for me considering that I read so many books and these types of books tend to be my favorite types of reading.  I really liked Megan from the start.  I love books have strong female characters because I always feel like I am able to relate to them more than other types.  I loved trying to figure out who killed Simon and why they did it.  I also loved following along as Megan tried to clear her name and get her businesses up and running.  If you love mystery books that aren’t super gross than I know you will love this one and you need to add it to your list of books to read.


About The Book

When Megan Sawyer gives up her big-city law career to care for her grandmother and run the family’s organic farm and café, she expects to find peace and tranquility in her scenic hometown of Winsome, Pennsylvania. Instead, her goat goes missing, rain muddies her fields, the town denies her business permits, and her family’s Colonial-era farm sucks up the remains of her savings.

Just when she thinks she’s reached the bottom of the rain barrel, Megan and the town’s hunky veterinarian discover the local zoning commissioner’s battered body in her barn. Now Megan is thrust into the middle of a murder investigation—and she’s the chief suspect. Can Megan dig through small-town secrets, local politics, and old grievances in time to find a killer before that killer strikes again?

wendy tyson

About The Author

Wendy Tyson is a corporate lawyer and former therapist whose background has inspired her mysteries and thrillers.  She’s the author of three crime novels.  Her latest, DEADLY ASSETS, the second Allison Campbell mystery, was released on July 22.  The first Campbell novel, KILLER IMAGE, was named by as one of the ten best mysteries for book clubs in 2014.  She’s also written THE SEDUCTION OF MIRIAM CROSS.  Wendy lives near Philadelphia with her husband, three sons and two muses, dogs Molly and Driggs.

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Saying Goodbye. . .

Saying Goodbye

If you missed yesterday’s post, you would know that on the 29th of January I had to put down Alley Cat.  She has been sick for the past couple of years and if you want to know more about that you can click here to go and read that post.  I have to know for years that at some point I would have to say goodbye to her, and I knew it would be hard, but I was in no way prepared for how hard it was.

Because of how people acted towards her at the end of her life I refused to let anyone else come with me.  It was just her and I and now knowing how it all would turn out I think I made the right choice.  They had to give her 3 or 4 shots because she pulled out her first IV, so it didn’t work.  Let’s just say that there was nothing humane about the process.

It was supposed to take a few minutes to work, and it took over 30 minutes to finally take effect.  I sit here now thinking about it all and I can’t help but smile because her whole life she had to fight to stay alive and she gave them a damn good fight at the end.  I wish it would have worked right away, but it wouldn’t have been Alley Cat if she gave in easy.  I know she was sick, and it was the right thing to do, but I feel like I failed her because there is no way that it was painless, and it wasn’t short like they claimed it would be.  I am now left wondering how much she felt and what her last moments were truly like.

The real reason I wanted to talk about this today is that it brought back so many of the emotions I felt when I placed my daughter for adoption, and I wasn’t prepared for that.  I have always said the Alley was my “replacement” baby so instead of getting pregnant shortly after placing my daughter for adoption I went and adopted Alley.  I feel like I just placed my daughter a few days ago, and that is one thing I never wanted to feel again.  It is hard to be brought back right to place I was at 10+ years ago because at this point I would have thought that there was no way I could feel these emotions as strongly as I did then and yet here we are.

In the end, I hope that I don’t have to feel like this for too long because it truly sucks.  I know I will survive this because if I could get through it the first time than I know for sure, I will get through it this time as well.  I will just keep putting one foot in front of the other one and keep going.  I know that it will pass, and I will have good days and bad days but in time, the good days will start to outnumber the bad days.  I will never forget her or my daughter but as time passes you do think of them less and less.

Alley Cat-Last Pic

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