
The Cubs-An Update

The Cubs UpdateI don’t know the last time I have done an update on the cubs so since I am trying to have a post each day in November I figured now was a good time to write one.  Alley Cat aka Elinore is also sick and I am not sure how long she will be around so I figured I should write down some memories of her because after she is gone I know I won’t be able to write about her without crying.  If you are new here and haven’t read what I wrote about them before you can click here and check that out.  Anyway lets get on to the updates on the girls.

As I reading this post I realized that I may not have talked about Brycen before on here so if I haven’t he is my brothers son who just turned one.

Alley One


Like I said before Elinore aka Alley Cat is sick.  We aren’t 100% sure what is wrong with her because I don’t have money to really do the testing to find out what is going on with her.  The vet thinks it is probably inflammatory bowel disease and/or cancer.  So all we are really doing to treat her is give her cortisone shots about once a month.  Once those stop working though we will have to put her down.  Alley also doesn’t mind being around Brycen which is crazy because most cats don’t like little kids.  She will let him pet her and things like that.


Not much is really going on with Sylvia right now which is a good thing because I don’t think I could handle both of them being sick at the same time and having even more vet bills to pay right now.  Sylvia hates Brycen around her.  She just avoids him and if she does get caught by him she will just growl & hiss at him.  She hasn’t ever tried to hurt him so we don’t have to worry about that with him.  I don’t have any recent pictures of Sylvia so I am going to try and take one tonight when I get home from work so I can post it here.

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Introducing . . .



Today for the Writers Workshop I am going to introduce everyone to Sylvia.  I know I have talked about her on here before but I am going to introduce her and add a few clips of some videos that I have with her in them.

Sylvia is about 6 years old and my grandma is the one who picked out her name.  I already had Elinore when I decided I was going to adopt a kitten and I wanted them both to have “old” lady names.  She has always been a handful and has always hated to be held and picked up.  She is to this day still hates to be held.  While you are holding her she is growling and hissing.

She does have long fur so she gets mats.  Since she hates to be brushed we just brush the mats out when they are little because she will allow us to pet her when she wants to be petted.  When she decides that she wants to be petted you have to drop everything and pet her or she will hiss and run away.

She is the first cat we have ever had that is either sitting still or running full speed.  She doesn’t seem to go anywhere walking well she never used to but she has had to start slowing down because we redid the flooring in part of the house and she slides everywhere if she runs.

Here a few videos of her: The second one shows what she does when she wants to be petted and I try and move her off of me.

She is also scared of pretty much everything and I believe that is because she picked up on everything that Elinore was scared of in the beginning.  Since Elinore was abused before I got her she was super scared of everything and has since started growing out of all of those things but Sylvia is still scared to death of pretty much everything.

That is pretty much all of Sylvia and some of the crazy things that she does.

What crazy things do your pets do?

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Most Important Thing In My Life Right Now


This is a question that was on Band Back Together site a few weeks ago and I am just getting around to writing the post about it.  The question is what is the most important thing in my life.  This was something that was easy for me to answer because I know without a doubt that the most important things to me are my two cats.

I could live without pretty much everything else but I don’t know how I would live without my two girls.  It is crazy to me how much my two cats have become like my kids and are “replacement” kids for my daughter I placed for adoption.  I am not sure people who haven’t placed a child for adoption would understand that last statement and I am not sure how to explain it to make them understand.  I guess the best way to explain it is that when you place your child for adoption you still have the desire to mother something so instead getting pregnant again I got my two girls.

This is Sylvia
This is Elinore
This is Elinore

What is most important to you?

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Update on Elinore & Sylvia

So I haven’t written about the cubs in awhile so I figured that I would do an update on Elinore & Sylvia and also introduce them to any new followers that I have that may not know who the cubs are.  I have 2 cats that I have always called the cubs because they tend to follow me around like bear cubs follow their mom’s.  Their names are Elinore & Sylvia.


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I adopted Elinore from “No More Homeless Pets” about 6 or 7 years ago.  She was abused before I got her.  She only has half a tail and the pads on her front feet look like they have been burned or something like that.  When I first got her she was super skittish and scared of most things.  She has slowly come out of that but she still doesn’t like feet and she isn’t a huge fan of males.  She also has start to have issues with using the litter box and I am not sure why she is having them so I can’t fix it.


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I got Sylvia from one of my brothers ex-girlfriends and she is about 5 years old.  She is by far the craziest  cat I have had.  She hates to be held in fact she pretty much hates to do just about anything when she isn’t doing it on her own.  She only wants to be petted when she says so and at times that isn’t a great thing for us.  She loves to sit on my grandma’s chest and get petted at night and she takes a dime view of you not wanting to pet her when she says that it is time.  She also loves to play.  She would play all day if someone would sit there and play with her feather toy.

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Poor Sylvia

I haven’t written about my kids in awhile so I figure you might like to hear the latest thing that has happened to the baby of the group Sylvia.  If you have followed for awhile you know I have 2 cats Elinore or Alley Cat and Sylvia.  My grandparents also have a cat named Vinnie that has to be around 15 years old.  I recently received an awesome product to review on my blog (that review will be up in the next few days).  They packed the box with paper so that it wouldn’t shift while it was being shipped.  Now my two cats are easily scared and my family has been known to torment them from time to time because of how they act.  My grandparents cat has always loved paper.  So he was playing in the paper and is actually still sleeping on the paper because every time we try and clean it up he gets upset that we get rid of it.  Anyway Vinnie decided that he was going to hide in the paper and jump out at Elinore.  Now of course she took of running both times he did it which gave me the great idea of scaring the girls myself.  Let me just say Sylvia ran into the metal railing as she was trying to get away and go hide in the basement.

She finally at one point decided that it was safe to come up so she came into my room and I was taking her to eat because she hadn’t eaten because I had scared her.  My brother hears me coming down the hall holding her and he scared her again.  I think she would have been okay if she had only been scared the 2 times but then the next morning Vinnie is hiding in the paper again and scares poor Sylvia for the 3rd time.

Now my poor cat is having a hard time even functioning in the house.  I am sure part of it is because the paper is still in the living room because my grandma refuses to throw it out because Vinnie is still sleeping in it.  My hope is that after Christmas when the paper is gone and things are back to normal that she won’t be as scared as she is now.

***I know I shouldn’t have done it at all but it was funny.  I did get pissed when my brother did it the second time but there was nothing I could do since I had no idea he was going to do it until I walked past the paper and him.  If I had know I wouldn’t have walked down the hallway with her.