This week I chose to write about number 2 which is: “Currently” a simple list of things you’re currently feeling as seen at Sometimes Sweet.
Reading: Right now I am reading a few different books to review. Here is a list of a few of the ones I am reading: “The Letters” by Suzanne Woods Fisher, “Defending Wellton” by Kelli Kretzchmar, “Scarred Love” by M.S. Brannon. I also have reviews coming up for some great books I have read the past few weeks.
Listening to: Right now I am listening to Country music mainly but I also am still loving Celtic Thunder and have been for the past few years.
Thinking about: I am thinking about a lot of crazy things that are going on in my life because I am not sure what is going on and what is going to happen in the next few months. I wish I could write about the big thing but for now I can’t in respect for the others involved in the situation.
Watching: I am not really watching anything right now because I am not a huge TV fan. I do love watching Lockup on MSNBC on Saturday nights but the past two weeks it hasn’t been on due to different things going on in the this country. I also have been loving Dead Files on the Travel Channel.
Bummed out on: Watching people in my life struggling because of choices they made but it still hurts to watch them go through things I went through because they thought it wouldn’t happen to them.
Loving: I have been loving having this bunny is our backyard for the past few days. We did catch him yesterday but I loved looking out into the background and seeing him there and also watching Sylvia stare at the shed in the backyard waiting to see it because she is interested in it and yet scared to death of it at the same time.