
My Fall’s Top Ten

I am always so happy when fall time comes around because it means that a few of my favorite things ever are going on.  I am going to my Fall’s top ten list.

10-Halloween candy & Foods

9-Apple Pie

8-Kids aren’t out running around til all hours of the night

7-My cats don’t throw up hair balls as often

6-Home made Chili

5-Kids being in school

4-Leaves changing colors

3-Cooler Weather



Out of that list the first 2 things are my totally the ones that I look forward to the most.  Last Saturday I was able to wear a hoodie all day and I so happy because they are my favorite thing in the whole world to wear.  I also can’t get enough of football.  I watch 2 college teams and 2 pro teams but I will pretty much watch any team play.  I also love the cooler weather we have here because I feel so much better when it isn’t super hot and the MS doesn’t act up as much when it is colder here.

What are your favorite things about Fall?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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One Tip-Have Fun While Blogging

When I started blogging I didn’t even realize that there were so many blogs out there.  I started blogging simple as something to do and as a way to keep my husbands family up to date on things that were happening with us since his family is all out of state.  There are so many things that I now know about blogging that I wish I would have known about when I started blogging years ago.

The biggest tip I could give a new blogger would be to just have fun with blogging.  When I started it was more like a chore and it was really hard for me to keep it up.  I do go through phases where it seems like it is a chore but when I just have fun with it and blog about things that are on my mind I find that can write posts without having a problem.  Right now I feel I am stuck and I haven’t been able to finish a blog post to save my life.  I know that once I get into the groove again I will have tons of posts almost ready.

When I have forgot to have fun with blogging I have gone months and months without posting.  I know when I have to write blog post for products I receive or a book review I struggle with it because I really don’t enjoy having to write posts on something.  I love when I write about whatever I am feeling like and I hate having to write about certain things.  Now that being said I still do sponsored posts and book reviews because I love books and can use the money and products from sponsored posts.

I went off on a tangent there but in the end I would just say don’t forget to have to fun with blogging and don’t lose site of why you started blogging!  What one tip would you give to someone who is starting out blogging?

Mama’s Losin’ It

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Songs Of My Life

Mama’s Losin’ It
I haven’t participated in the Writers Workshop for a few weeks but I really liked on of her prompts this week.  I am going to write about: 5.) List the songs that tell your life story (so far).  I am sure most of you know that I love everything that has to do with music.  I am just going to list the songs and if you click on the name it will take you to the music video.

  • Welcome to My Life-I first heard this song while I was pregnant and it still reminds me of my life.  I love everything about this song.  I still have days where it is exactly how I feel.
  • Over You-This song is for someone in my past.  I think there is only one person who knows who this song is for.  I am not going to get into the story because it isn’t something I can really talk about yet.
  • In A Hurry-This song is how I am.  I am trying to slow down and just enjoy life but that is always easier said than done in today’s society.
  • I Wonder-This song is how I feel about my birth mom and it says everything I wish I could tell her but I won’t ever say to her.
  • Best Days of Your Life-This is song is for my husband and it is how I hope he feels.
  • Everything to Me-This song is written and sung by Mark Schultz.  He was adopted and he wrote this about his feeling on adoption.  This song is written from the point of view of the child who was placed.  There is a song by Cheire Call who has a song that is written from the birth parents view but I  couldn’t find a video on it.
  • Fly Away-I have a post coming up on Monday about this song so please make sure you come back and see why this song applies to me.

These are the first 7 songs that came to mind when I saw this prompt.

Do you like any of them?

What songs tell you life story?

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This week for the Writers Workshop I am going to write about #4.) Pinterest Challenge, find something you’ve pinned, TRY it and share it. Was it worth pinning?

Source: via Margaret on Pinterest

So this is a pin I saw on Monday while I was at work and it sums up my life pretty well!  I can’t really try this but it is so how my life is and how I could I not repin something that is 100% accurate with my life???

Does your life work like this?

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Blogger Cliques

I was looking through Kludy Mom’s Idea Bank and saw this topic: Do you feel there are blogger cliques? And if so, where do you fit in?  When I saw it I knew I had to write about it because I do think that cliques happen in the blog world just like they happen in real life. I blogged for about a year before I started to find other blogs to read.  I of course found some of the big blogs when I was starting and I loved them but then drama started between one group of them and another group.  I stayed out of it and wasn’t sure what they were really arguing and fighting about but when I happened I literally stopped reading all of their blogs because I hate dealing with drama and crap that reminds me of high school.

As most of you know I am slowing starting my own design business and I have seen that there are also cliques in the design world.  I really have tried to stay out of them because I just don’t play that game and I also want to be friend with everyone.  I do have a really great friend who taught me all I know and is still around to help and give me advice.  Other than her I don’t really talk to other designers because I refuse to deal with drama and cliques.

I really just don’t see the need for cliques because as bloggers would should all support each other.  Drama of it all just gets old!

What do you guys think of cliques in the blog world?

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