
Hi, My Name Is . . .

My Name Is . . .

This was a prompt from last weeks writers workshop and I had to write about it because it was such a fun topic and there are tons of things that could complete the sentence.  I think I am going to just list things that I am and then explain why on some of them.

  • Birth Mom-I placed my daughter for adoption when I was 20.
  • Blogger
  • Daughter
  • Mom to two crazy cats
  • Book lover
  • Introvert
  • Person who truly loves to be alone
  • Huge football fan-I will watch pretty much any game but I love the University of Utah & the Baltimore Ravens.
  • Suffer of an invisible illness-Multiple Sclerosis
  • College dropout
  • Blog Designer

Those are just the few things that came first to me.  I know I could go on and on with a list but no one has time to read that.

How would you answer the sentence?

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A Trend I Don’t Understand

Crazy Fashion Trends

Last week for the writers workshop one of the prompts was about a trend I don’t understand.  So when I think of trends that are going on right now all I can think of is the shirts that look like you are wearing old drapes or an old couch that could be found in someones attic.

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I mean who in the heck wants to walk around looking like you are wearing a couch???  I have never been one to follow what the trend is or anything like that but these last few years I haven’t seen anything for the most part that I would actually wear.

I was looking at trends for Spring 2013 and I saw that people are wearing things that make you you look fat???  How does that work?  I mean why in the heck would I want to wear something like this:


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I don’t think I need clothes to make myself look fatter thanks though!  I don’t how clothes like this are flattering at all for anyone.   I am also sure that most people don’t put on their clothes hoping to be fatter or at least I don’t that is for sure.

Do you like either of these fashion trends?  Would you wear them? What trends can’t you stand?

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Best Present 2012 #WritersWorkshop

This year for Christmas I got my first iPod.  It is hard to believe that I love Apple products and yet I have never had an iPod.  Anyway I got the blue one.

iPod TouchI was so excited to get it and now that I have it I know for a fact that I want to get an iPhone.  I just have to figure out where to get one from and then I have to take it to T-Mobile and have them activate it for me.  Anyway that was so not what this post is about.  My grandparents also paid off my dentist bill so that was nice as well.  I literally spent all day yesterday messing around with it and downloading apps on it.  I love that I can now carry around all my music and it also gives me something else to mess around with when I can’t sleep at night.

Christmas was better this year than it has been for the last few years so that was nice as well.  I think I am going to write a separate post on why Christmas day is hard for me now.  I haven’t written about it yet because up until this year I wasn’t able to get through the day let alone write a post about it.  So be on the look out for that.

Mama’s Losin’ It