This week for the writers workshop I wanted to write about things I would do differently if I started blogging again.
- I think the first things I would have to do differently is not care about numbers. As I look back now I see how much time I spent worrying about numbers and followers. I spent a lot of time when I started blogging worrying about how many followers I had and the number of comments I would get on posts. I have since learned that for me watching and worrying about numbers took the fun out of blogging for me so I try not to focus on those things anymore.
- I also would have picked a name and tagline for my blog in the beginning instead of waiting a few years before I picked one.
- I wish I would have done more research before I started blogging. When I started I had no idea about how big the blogging world was and things like that. It took me a couple of years before I realized just how big blogging was and where I wanted to go with my own blogs.
- I also wish I would have spent less time worrying about offending people and more time being true to me and who I am. I am at a place now with blogging where I try not to offend anyone but I also am not going to not write about something in fear that it will offend someone.
Those are the only things I can think of that I would change if I could start again.
What would you change?